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She does, and Stella becomes rich, so she spoils Lynette and her family. Lynette strongly believes it is cancer, but is stunned to find out she is pregnant with twins again. On ''Desperate Housewives,'' unhinged Carolyn Bigsby holds an assortment of shoppers hostage; Nora dies, and Lynette fights back By Lindsay Soll Updated November 06, 2006 at 05:00 AM EST Advertisement Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Stu takes this advice, leading to Ed firing lots of workers, including Nina, but not Lynette, as she's too valuable, but this means she'll be working more hours. She immediately comes back and is horrified to find they're missing. But it comes with strings attached; now she wants to come over to chat and to tag along on Lynette's errands. This troubled childhood left Lynette with a constant fear that everything in her life could fall apart suddenly, so she needs to control everything in order to feel safe and secure. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. During the dinner party, a peppy Lynette steals Tom's spotlight by topping his ideas and really appealing to the senior partners, which frustrates her husband. At their graduation I'll be the crazy old lady with oatmeal on her chin. Soon evidence piles up against Tom, so Lynette still doesn't believe him. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Lynette Scavo had a bit of a hard time juggling her four children, especially her twin boys, Preston and Porter. Friends and Sex and the City ended that year and clearly audiences were, er, desperate for something to fill the hole . ("With So Little to Be Sure Of"), After seeing Tom and Jane kissing at work, Lynette takes Tom's boss, Gregg, on a date. Lynette is reluctant, but eventually agrees. They are told by the doctor that he was revived soon after and that they'd have to wait for thirty-six hours to see if there was any serious tissue damage. ("You Can't Judge a Book By its Cover") Lynette starts to look for her mother, who left suddenly. It doesn't take long for Lynette to convince Claire to switch teams and move into the Scavo house. "), Lynette learns from Preston of Porter's plans to leave Fairview with Anne because she's pregnant. Muriel later approaches Lynette at a BBQ and continues to boss her around, causing her to reveal her cancer by removing her wig. Lynette hesitates to help Jane, but ultimately comes to her aid and saves her. ("Putting it Together") Tom is angry that Lynette would get herself in such a situation, so he hired Bob as their lawyer to help her if something goes wrong. Ed agrees, so Lynette looks for parents that would be willing to bring their children. Mike has taken the job in Alaska, and Susan accepts Lynette's offer to be baby Paige's nanny, even though she thought she was being hired to work in Lynette and Renee's new business. ("Chromolume No. She invites the troubled teen Eddie Orlofsky to live with her family, unaware that he is the Fairview Strangler. Lynette hires Susan as her nanny, but is horrified when she finds out that Susan thought she'd be joining them with the interior design. ("Careful the Things You Say") Gabrielle and Carlos eventually discover that Lynette is pregnant, so to avoid a lawsuit, Carlos tells Lynette she either runs the branch in Florida or quits her job. ("I Know Things Now"), Lynette follows Tom when he leaves for Atlantic City. 29 related questions found. The two then pitch to the kids what they think is the best holiday which leads to yet another fight between them; this time however they insult each other. ("In Buddy's Eyes"), Lynette questions Tom about the fire, but he denies making it. She didn't have the time. Does Carlos cheat on Gabby? "), With Tom now away on holiday with Jane in Paris, Lynette tries to adjust to life without him and she tries to fix things around the house so she feels useful. The issues covered were meaningful and had a real-life touch to them. ("Next"), With Tom now in charge of the house, things start to pile up and Lynette notices lots of dirty dishes needing a wash. Lynette ends up comforting Susan when she feels bad about not being as financially stable as her friends. They then clash over Tom letting the children have whatever they want, making Lynette the bad person who always says "No". ("Me and My Town"), Porter is arrested, so Lynette and Tom hire Bob as their lawyer. However, Tom also wanted the promotion and in a sulk he quits his job. ("Finishing the Hat"), Lynette and Tom Scavo left the lane four weeks later. She then breaks down outside, screaming that "she's sorry". In season three, Edie and Carlos decide to try for a baby togetherbut Edie secretly takes birth control pills. HandymanEli Scruggs gives Penny to Lynette, and she's horrified that she forgot about her daughter. Nora eventually discovers that she was lied to, despite Lynette and Tom's efforts to hide the party, and she tries to take Kayla home, but has a change of heart when she sees her daughter having a good time. Traumatized, Lynette wonders what her life would have been like if her baby (Patrick) had survived. turn around and got you pregnant years later. The well-dressed, ever-glamorous Gabrielle (Gaby) Solis (played by Eva Longoria) led an incredibly fascinating life on Desperate Housewives - and was paired with some equally fascinating love interests with hidden details. After being warned by Martha Huber, Lynette climbs into the pool in her dress and collects her children. When she awakens, Tom tells her that the ill baby died but the other survived. ("Could I Leave You? Felicity Huffman's 'Desperate Housewives' character Lynette Scavo paid $15,000 to get her kids into a private school as the actress was recently accused of doing for her own daughter in real life. To Pierce the Dark. Lynette ignores Tom and changes the menu and Tom is angry when he finds out. ("The Ladies Who Lunch"), During a school play, Lynette befriends a deaf mother in attendance, Alisa Stevens. However, Nora soon enters looking for her. [22] She had a very successful career, but she gave up all that to become a stay-at-home mother. ("Children Will Listen"), Karen McCluskey collapses, in front of her house, after taking too much medication. ("You Take for Granted"), After the tragic death of Mike Delfino, Lynette thinks about the beginning of her marriage, and how Mike helped Lynette realize she and Tom were meant to be together. ("A Vision's Just a Vision") Bob eventually finds out that Porter is actually Preston, so he tells Tom and Lynette to find Porter. ("Fear No More"), When Lynette realizes that she and Tom haven't had sex for ten days, their new record, she becomes worried that her marriage is on the rocks. The news causes Tom to wonder about college and Lynette about her job. Lynette is horrified that Tom wants to end their marriage. Stu, a bumbling secretary at the agency, is kind to Lynette, often doing her favors or helping her in tough situations. Lynette tries to convince Preston that he's being used, but this just pulls them further apart and the wedding date is made for the next week. Femmina. Lynette responds by handing back the lamp. However, Bree declines the suggestions. . Lynette pays Anne to leave town without Warren, and asks to be notified when the baby is born. She does not tell Carlos, although Lynette thought she would, so reveals her secret to him without knowledge. Fictional character on Desperate Housewives, Season 4 episode 8 and season 8 episode 3, Golden Globe Award for Best Actress Television Series Musical or Comedy, Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Comedy Series, "Alex Kingston slams skinniness of the Desperate Housewives", "TV: 'Desperate Housewives' creator owes it all to mom", "Eva Longoria recalls 'pure torture' of being 'bullied' on Desperate Housewives set", "Why Marcia Cross, Teri Hatcher, and Felicity Huffman won 2005 EW.com Awards", Teri Hatcher Golden Globes Nominations and Wins, "The Review: 'Desperate Housewives' (Season 1)", "Desperate Housewives: The Complete Second Series Review", "Desperate Housewives: Every Main Character, Ranked", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lynette_Scavo&oldid=1139797238, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 16 February 2023, at 23:26. Tom notices this and fires Claire to protect his wife. Lynette & others are outside preparing xmas decorations, and Lynette is wearing a top, the housewives find out she's suing Carlos and the reason why which leads to her pregnancy, Bree looks surprised as does McCluskey, but it makes no sense because Lynette has a top on and didn't hide her belly lol, I think at that point it was just a lot of information all at once and they were just trying to be respectful to their friends by not dwelling on what was happening right at that moment. Renee angrily tells her that she'll never be able to change who she is. ("They Asked Me Why I Believe in You"), Lynette is criticized at work by her boss, Nina, for her poor clothes. Her problems worsen when Tom tells her that he has been offered a lucrative promotion that would take him away from home more often, which he refused to discuss with her, so she makes sure that his boss doesn't offer him the promotion. ("Distant Past"), When a tornado arrives on Wisteria Lane, Lynette and her family take shelter in Karen's small basement with her, Ida and Toby, much to Karen's displease. [24], In 2019, Eva Longoria wrote a letter claiming that she was bullied on the set of Desperate Housewives and that it was Huffman who helped her by telling the "bully" to leave her alone and it ceased: "Felicity could feel that I was riddled with anxiety even though I never complained or mentioned the abuse to anyone. Bree and Susan follow her and she breaks down and confesses her addiction to the girls. Its just effortless and fun. ("Thank You So Much"), Tom becomes frustrated that Lynette is in control at both work and at home. Connect! Tom later explains the reason for this is because Lynette's poor upbringing left her with a fear that everything can fall apart if she doesn't have control. Preston's mind isn't changed, but Tom announces he wants to go to college to learn Chinese to widen his job net. They then finally have sex, breaking their longest streak without it. A desperate and strung out Lynette then arranges a playdate with another local mother and proceeds to steal some of her child's ADD medication from their medicine cabinet, realizing at that moment that she has sunk to a new low. Her doctor discovers one of the twins needs circulatory surgery. She and her mother, Nora Huntington, use the back child support from Tom to move to Fairview so Kayla can get to know her father, stepmother, and half-siblings. Discover the real reasons and the healing path for dozens of symptoms and conditions, including: ACHES AND PAINS; ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION; AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE; BRAIN FOG AND FOCUS; CANCER; EPSTEIN-BARR VIRUS; PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS; FATIGUE; MONONUCLEOSIS; FIBROMYALGIA AND CFS; HAIR THINNING AND LOSS; HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS; HEADACHES AND . Remember when they were kids and they would act up and we'd say "they're young, they'll get it". Lynette attempts to sneak the cat out of the shelter, and Karen follows her into the storm. When Anne leaves, she announces she was never pregnant. Tom gets a new job that provides well and Renee encourages Lynette to spend money more freely but also warns her that Tom will be spending more time away. Eva Longoria claimed she was bullied on the set of 'Desperate Housewives' Kevin Winter/Getty Images In 2019, Desperate Housewives creator Marc Cherry and Eva Longoria submitted letters to. ("Everybody Ought to Have a Maid") Lynette is furious when she finds out that Tom is failing his college class because of late night partying, and even more angry to find out he cheated. ("Being Alive"), Tom and Lynette decide to tell their children about the pregnancy, disgusting them. Lynette finally decides she's ready to date again. The club patrons escape through a window, but Warren blames Porter for the fire. Ed Ferrara, the boss, is the seemingly cool guy but his faults lead to Tom getting fired after working with her at the agency for a while. He tells her he is filing but in a later talk, they realize how much they love each other and reconcile. "), After Edie's untimely death, Lynette helps the girls to her ashes to Edie's son, Travers. While at the supermarket, Lynette meets new neighbour, Art Shepard. When it arrives, it turns out to be a slutty cat costume. That night, Lynette realizes she needs to be there for her husband more often and the two decide to simply talk to each other rather than make love, thus making progress in their marriage. However, when the receptionist sees Parker's baldness, she mistakenly believes that he has cancer, so she lets Lynette into the session and finds an extra space for her kids in the daycare center. McCluskey (Kathryn Joosten): She was the real heart of the finale. She overhears a new client of Lynette and Renee's, and suggests that she ask her daughter for her favorite characters to paint on her wall. She tries to dissuade him by saying it'll change his life, but he insists he's already in love with her. After setting up a camera in the kitchen, Lynette watches the footage recorded and she is pleasantly surprised at how well Claire is getting on with the children. After getting rid of the children, Tom and Lynette go upstairs to have sex, and when Lynette asks him to put a condom on, he suggests "risking it". Lynette is angry that Renee thinks her life is pathetic, but Renee explains she envies Lynette's life as her husband cheated on her, so Lynette welcomes her to stay as long as she has to. However, Tom angrily tells her when they're born, she will. It was very expensive, and this then led to the Pizzeria's financial difficulties and downfall. Tom later vandalizes Rick's restaurant and lies to the police about it. She runs away and buys a hotel room, but Lynette tracks her down and they reconcile. Angry, Lynette yells at Carolyn, but ends up being shot in her arm; she's then taken to hospital. Lynette kisses Carlos in front of Gaby to show her how she felt. Lynette criticizes Lydia for apparently changing to be good enough for Rashi and she nearly wrecks their relationship. ("Any Moment"), When Jane delivers Tom and Lynette's divorce papers to her, she is mortified. This worries Bree as she feels her word may no longer be trusted there. While unconscious, Lynette dreams of the struggle of life with a disabled child. She is mortified to later learn that he saw her naked and asks him to keep it a secret as Tom would freak out. Eddie asks Lynette to do it for him. ("Silly People"), Lynette asks Bree to babysit her children, but she drinks while doing so. ("It Wasn't Meant to Happen") When Tom is officially fired, Lynette blames Ed's marital issues. ("Free"). Lynette Lindquist born to Stella and Mr. Lindquist the eldest of three daughters, her sisters are Lydia Lindquist and Lucy Lindquist. However, an elderly neighbour, Karen McCluskey, claims it's hers, and proves it by showing a price tag on it. Meanwhile, Tom is excited because not only did he pass the exam; he got in the top five percent while drunk. And then, when Tom admits to Lynette that he knew about his father's affairs and isn't that bothered by it, she tosses him out, as she feels he wouldn't care if he had an affair himself. Assuming he's talking about Porter, she apologizes and insists that he doesn't listen to them, however, Tom stops her and explains that it's Preston who was arrested. Screw this creature that has come into our lives uninvited and is trying to destroy us! After learning the extra hours at work is causing friction between Tom and Jane and that Tom hasn't filed the divorce papers, Lynette uses Gregg more to make him and Jane argue more. A short time later, a tornado threatens Fairview and Lynette persuades her elderly neighbor, Karen McCluskey, to let the Scavos shelter in her cellar. Jackson wants to take his relationship with Susan to the next level. S.S.S. But instead, because he thought he'd seen her with another. Gaby suggests a dark red wig to spice up her sex life, and it works. ("Guilty"), When Lynette begins to fall under the stress brought on by her four kids, she decides that a nanny is needed around the house. Lynette becomes worried that they won't be able to repair their marriage after recent events. ("Goodbye for Now") Lynette spots Tom playing games at a pizzeria and learns he has quit because of her ruining his promotion. Lynette then realizes that she doesn't want a job, but she wants to stay home and look after her daughter. Tom tries to calm down Lynette so she doesn't give their new neighbors the wrong impression. In season one, Gaby discovered . ("What's to Discuss, Old Friend? From Andrew Van de Kamp seducing his mother's boyfriend . When Tom returns from work, Lynette is relieved as her children are driving her crazy. ("Listen to the Rain on the Roof") When Nora decides to move in with the Scavo's for a while, she annoys Tom and Lynette further, so Lynette tries to hook Nora up with Carlos at Bree's wedding, however, the pan fails. Lynette calls Tom a "Pompous Ass" while Tom labels Lynette as a "Raging Bitch" leaving them to decide that it is only them who need to spend a holiday together. It is revealed that they are arguing about Tom getting her pregnant with twins and that he refused to tell her that twins run in his family. He asks if there's a really a meeting cuz it sounds like the only one they're watching is Danny. ("Then I Really Got Scared") During their vacation, Tom and Lynette's marriage continued to deteriorate as they argued over what to do. Tom ignores them all and insists going with his dream. The next morning, Claire tells Lynette about her embarrassing encounter with Tom the night before, leading Lynette to realize Tom is attracted to Claire. Lynette fires Rick and tells Tom that Rick quit. . ("Anything You Can Do"), Lynette begins seeing a therapist because of the tiredness she has been experienceing due to taking the ADD medication. As Mary regains strength, she's torn between wanting to save her dignity, and craving the respect of this man who's slipped past her defenses. Following a nasty fall out of bed, Lynette undergoes a CAT scan which reveals swollen lymph nodes. However, when Gregg decides to send Tom to India for a year, Lynette realizes things have gone too far. ("One More Kiss") When Lynette's children get chickenpox, Tom asks her to stay home a few days so he doesn't catch the disease, as it could cause sterility. Under orders from Ed, Lynette convinces Donovan that chocolate milk is better. Desperate Housewives - Gabrielle's pregnant. ("Smiles of a Summer Night"), Lynette begins to feel down, so Stella suggests taking cannabis. . Susan brings a coffee to Lynette and tells her Julie's not pregnant. ("Remember, Part 1") Tom introduces Lynette to Nora, and they're both shocked when she starts demanding child-support. Tom discovers a treasure trove of stolen things in the boys' playhouse, including the clock. At a banquet in Bree's honor, Lynette learns her old assistant is in charge of Bree's marketing campaign, so she gets drunk because of her jealousy. He wasn't wronged as a boss or friend. 44 related questions found. However, Tom re-hires him, saying his looks will be good for business. ("You'll Never Get Away From Me"), Due to Lynette spending a lot of time at work, Parker creates an imaginary friend, Mrs. Mulberry, to cope. However, her friends see Lynette's baldness, so she explains to them what's happening and assures them she'll be fine. He promises that he didn't set the fire, relieving Lynette. However, this means she starts spending less time with Tom, upsetting him. She exercises them and forces them to dig a pool in the garden until theyre tired out. Lynette Scavo (geboren im Jahr 1970 als Lynette Lindquist) ist eine Bewohnerin der Wisteria Lane. When Tom becomes too much at home, Lynette is left with the kids at work and she breaks down because of the stress, however, Rick is there to help, so he's hired anyway. Lynette isn't always easy to sympathize with, however. ("Who's That Woman? Lynette investigates and learns that Irina is a gold digger and prostitute, but Irina is killed by the Fairview Strangler. The children leave and try to find their parents, but are found by a beauty shop owner. However, Tom just laughs it off, saying it was a great idea. Einst war sie eine knallharte Geschftsfrau, gab ihren Job jedoch auf, als Tom und sie sich dazu entschieden Kinder zu bekommen. In a flashback the viewer gets to know that after Carlos and Gabrielles one-night-stand, her husband Victor Lang almost catches the two together, but Carlos manages . Lynette celebrates outside, enjoying her new freedom. "Lynette meets a pregnant woman while waiting for the doctor, and gives her a dose of what being a mom is really like!""Nice is . Tom becomes concerned about her obsession and tries to stop her, but she tells him that when something attacks your home you have to fight it (referring to her cancer). ("The Coffee Cup"), Lynette refuses to move to Florida, so Carlos gives Lynette a large amount of work to complete in a hope he'd be able to fire her. ("Coming Home"), When Gabrielle gives Tom a sympathy kiss at a party, Lynette is unhappy. ("Nice She Ain't"), After showing Lynette the dump he bought to be the Pizzeria, Tom is kicked out of the house in rage. However, this fails when he comes home late and finds her sleeping on the couch. When Lynette is given a call that Rick's restaurant is on fire, she suspects it was Tom. Something has attacked our home and when that happens you don't just stand by; you fight it! On Season 1, she was shown having a highly-questionable, entirely illicit affair with her schoolboy gardener, John Rowland. You were adventurous, you backpacked through Croatia, you jumped on stage at a Springsteen concert. ("Epiphany"), When Eddie attacks Porter and nearly attacks Tom because of the way they're mistreating Lynette, Lynette becomes concerned and suggests he see a therapist as they could help with his past. When Nora decides to leave town with Kayla in tow, Lynette and Tom sue for custody. Even though she realized soon that she didn't enjoy being a mother, she had two more children. She along with her friends finally find out that Bree tried to commit suicide because of them, and after Bree rejects them, was loss for words. does mike ever remember susan desperate housewives. But she couldn't. Lynette told her that this was a punishment from God. Lynette signs her part of the divorce papers, officially ending her marriage. However, she embarrasses Bree because of how many questions she asks during the ceremony. Lynette is upset that Tom made the decision without her, but he reminds her that he is the boss at work. Things happen exactly as predicted, and when Tom fails to say something, Lynette tells Dennis off, saying that if he is unhappy about his marriage he should do something about it. Her husband is always away on business trips or at work. Lynette lets herself in and finds that the older woman can't open her bottles of arthritis medicine. Lynette later asks Porter to tell the truth so she can help him. She then recalls how Eli helped her realize the importance of her children, so she quickly decides to help Penny with her homework. When they see Dr. Graham give a terrible performance in a play, they can no longer take her seriously so stop seeing her. ("Truly Content"), After leaving Penny to look after Paige while she goes for a run, Penny takes Paige to school with her so she doesn't miss a big test. Later, unaware that she's pregnant, Carlos promotes Lynette because the person he was going to give the promotion to was pregnant. From left to right: Bree, Edie, Susan, Gabrielle, and Lynette. Desperate Housewives recap: Pillow Fight On a late Halloween episode, actually pregnant Danielle shows up at a costume party dressed as fake pregnant Bree; plus, Susan obsesses about Mike's. Lynette is surprised and finds that Tom's unpacked suitcase from the holiday is not in the bedroom, convincing her that Tom had left her. ("Sorry Grateful"), Tom becomes upset when he learns that Lynette doesn't ever put emphasis on his positive qualities. Porter is arrested and released on bail. When she asks him if he would come to a dinner party with her, he tells her that he is tired and would rather skip it. When one of them throws a ball into her face, she has enough and yells at them. Data di nascita. The wife feels pity on Lynette and the following day, Tom tells Lynette that the boss reconsidered. When Carlos notices the change, he assumes she's had implants, so Lynette, in fear of losing her job, goes along with the lie. At the hospital, the doctor tells her she's fine, but explains she may have lymphoma as they found swollen lymph nodes. "), When the neighborhood handyman, Eli Scruggs dies, Lynette helps plan him a funeral ceremony. Lynette asks Bree if she was drinking, but she denies the claim. They argue about whether to continue going. Lynette gets a job at an advertising agency and for much of the season, deals with obstacles at work and colleagues. Nora tries to kiss Tom, but he pulls away, angering Nora. Lynette visits the therapist to defend herself, but Dr. Graham helps her with the pain of losing her baby, so she decides to join Tom in therapy. The following day, Tom makes it up to Lynette by wearing a sombrero and makes mimosa which leads the two to dance. He decides not to go, leaving his relationship on the rocks, which leaves him furious with Lynette. ("We All Deserve to Die") When Lynette realizes how bad Eddie's home life is, she offers him to live at her house, unaware that he just killed his mother and Irina. However, during sex, Lynette cries as she realizes her marriage is over. This all backfires when Lynette is confronted at school by Alisa, with help of her daughter, who scolds her for basically telling Dennis to leave her. Worried that her twins would fail the observation, Lynette creates a plan to make it appear as if her children are well behaved. But she is astonished that Renee is taking Tom's diagnosis seriously. [18] She graduated and, while working in advertising, she became a "business shark" and almost a vice president,[19] but she met Tom Scavo at the same company. Lynette sternly tells her life is obligation - and she'll be over in the morning to take her to the pharmacy so she can get child-proof bottles. It's a side Lynette, who waited outside, would never see. They moved to New York, where Lynette learned the joy of being a CEO. Lynette becomes the CEO of Katherine's business, and she learns just how tough a job it really is. However, when she thinks the twins might not be the same (since they also have good qualities) she decides not to give the twins their ritalin. She tells Tom, and Tom suggests to Lynette he should come back to work and fire Rick, only to receive objections from Lynette. She met Tom when they worked together in the Advertising industry. Tom is having a mid-life crisis - he often sides with his disobedient sons, and he starts a band with the other neighborhood husbands, all to the irritation of his wife. She soon discovers that Maisy runs the play committee to her own liking, including neutralizing the ending of the play. Bree spanks him on the bottom repeatedly, and then announces this during a poker game with the girls, much to Lynette's chagrin. At home, the stress of her four children, Preston, Porter, Parker and Penny forces her to imagine a nervous breakdown and contemplate suicide, Lynette leaves her children in care of Susan she drives to an empty field. She dumps her four children on her best friend Bree, who is reluctant to watch over them. Lynette finds that Porter and Preston have turned their Pizzeria into a casino so she asks Tom to punish them. Robin tells her Parker offered her money for sex, so she and Tom confront him and he explains he's the only one of his friends that is a virgin. Katherine arrives at the Delfino house with a plate of food. The plan works and they pass they are accepted into the school.

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