the loud house fanfiction lincoln and ronnie anne fightweymouth club instructors

She managed to warm my damaged heart, and now I'm proud to be her older brother, and she's proud to be my little sister. (to Clyde) Dont worry, buddy! Sid: Yeah! RONNIE ANNE: Hey, guys! Lola: Hmm Where did Lincoln put the big kid scissors. Accidentally Lola crashed into tree. 1.2K Stories. LINCOLN: Let's get to Lori! According to Hector, when she was a baby, she had gas and would do a goofy dance. Another reason why I chose "Whitewashed" over these two titles is because it just rolls off thetongue so well, even though whitewash is a term for white paint. He headed to the bathroom to change into some more comfortable clothes for the sleepover. - Lincoln said, happy - You know, it's been fun hanging out with you, Ronnie Anne. - Lincoln said, (At the Loud House, Lori is brushing her teeth and applying ointment on her face, she then went to her room and find Bobby already asleep). The other sisters, who witnessed the whole thing on the couch, look on with utter silence. Ronnie Anne is the only character to appear in the episode ". Lincoln is in his room, working on something. Ronnie Anne: (entering the house) Hey, bro. (The sisters continue to laugh at Lincoln and Clydes humiliation, and Lincoln, enraged by this, mockery yells out in a fit of rage). Lincoln and Ronnie have been friends since fifth grade. I cant wait to show it to you. I tried to resist, but my tendencies as the family tattle tale overwhelmed me, and I just blurted out some secrets about Lincoln. Lincoln, scared at whats happening, struggles to free himself. Clyde runs into his bedroom, and the sisters, Bobby and Ronnie Anne jump into the truck and drive off. (as Lola is about to head into her room, Lincolns journal suddenly falls out of her backpack. - the reporter said - So, go outside and have fun! Would you be interested? Im just glad that this whole fiasco is over, and that I did a good thing on my part. The Loud family used the boatload of money they had to fix up their house and buy a new van after Vanzilla was destroyed. (Leni grabs a couple canisters of insect repellent and sprays it all over the house, causing the siblings to cough and gag. The sisters are moved by these drawings that they hang them on the wall, and look at them with pride), (All the lights in the house turn off as the family goes to sleep). So from this day on, Im refusing to say another word to them for as long as I can. (All the sisters sit on the couch and begin reading), Authors Note: The original premise for this story was VERY different from the final product. - Lincoln complimented, RONNIE ANNE: Thanks, I like yours too. Ronnie Anne: Thats good. Completed uchihaclan We need to tell Lincoln something. Oh wait, Im always knew I was this good! In this episode, Luna gets grounded by her parents for her obnoxiously loud music she plays 24/7, and becomes grumpy and impatient, so her siblings, after being sick and tired of it before that happened, try to help her become less insecure and angry, and also play quieter music. When Clyde and I tried to change Lilys diaper, we couldnt withstand the smell of the diaper, so we tried to grab it without getting near it or being covered in it. The sisters were aghast at his attitude, so they got back at him by cleaning out his mouth with some soap and gave him a beat down. At Clydes house, Lincoln and Clyde are anticipating the second half of ARGGH! during a commercial break). Lincoln gulped nervously. Lincoln: I wonder what all the buzz is about today. LINCOLN: We had fun, Lori, we had fun. ~Back to 3rd person POV~. REPORTER: Okay, It has been reported that a blizzard is coming to Royal Woods. Ronnie Anne: Okay, Lola. (Lincoln looks worried) Im surprised that you like to watch a romantic drama on your own TV, and you got covered in your own sisters mess. (The sisters have reached the end of the comic. Who wants to go next? Im surprised how hard I just insulted them. The last two to walk out of the building are Lincoln and Clyde, whose backs are slumped and their faces are pasted with rather unhappy expressions). Dicy makes an experiment that was so destructive, that her bedroom is too dangerous to enter? That is not true! Let's drink! After accidentally causing a massive power outage while hiding in the small town, Sonic is found by Eggman. I'm pretty sure everyone was anticipated for this. (Lola tosses the comic into the fireplace, where it burns away. ", (Lincoln closes the journal and hops into bed). Lucy: You know. (In Lana and Lolas room, the twins are searching their room for something). Lori managed to empty out half of her closet, but Leni hasnt even decided on which one to give away. #truthordare. When Lucy sees that Lynn didnt see the book, she sighs in relief and goes back to sorting out her books. (As Lola continues to cry her eyes out in sadness, the girls look at each other, and eventually begin to cry alongside with Lola, since they werent aware of how heartbroken Lincoln was when Ronnie Anne broke up with him. Sonic, a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog, goes to Royal Woods to escape the roboticist tyrant Dr. Eggman, who destroyed the island where he lived. Most of the kids began to form tears in their eyes due to laughing so hard, and some of them weren't aware that they farted. In the infamous Loud House, 9 sisters sat on the couch watching their favorite show. Give a round of applause for Lana Loud. !" Why did you make us look stupid in this? In "Face the Music with the Casagrandes", it is shown that Ronnie Anne flubbed her first-grade play by tripping over a piece of scenery and had stage fright for years afterward. LORI: Yep, Bobby and I been hanging out all day. He slides down the slide and dashes off. - Ronnie Anne called, (Ronnie Anne grabs two mugs and filled them with cocoa, she taken the mugs and give one to Lincoln, they click their mugs, and sip on their cocoa. Ronalda "Ronnie" Anne Santiago[n 1] is a supporting character from The Loud House, and the main protagonist of its spin-off, The Casagrandes. In the city, Ronnie Anne has made another best friend in Sid Chang, and she doesn't want to disappoint her two best friends,[6] wanting the best for them. Lincoln: Yep. A few minutes later, Lincoln wakes up Lincoln: (yawn) Well, that was some sleep, escpecially since i'm back in the devil's manor. Now, her clothes are darker. Luan and Lynn are holding Lincoln). Were so attached to Lincoln in some way, that if hes ever out of our lives, it feels like were missing a puzzle piece. (As Luna said that, the sisters then have a snowball fight, while Lori, Bobby, Lincoln, and Ronnie Anne are ice skating, having fun in their winter wonderland). Lana and Lola's first grade teacher, Ms. Taber, is of course, a reference to Catherine Taber, the voice of Lori. (The girls continue to cry on Lincoln while he rubs their backs in an attempt to console them for the next few minutes. The more I thought about it, I realized "This mostly upsets the sisters, not Lincoln", so I changed it to embarrassing things Lincoln went through, like the fecal incident in "Two Boys and a Baby" and having a girly side in "Roughin' It". We werent aware that your story was a piece of fiction. Did you forget that tonight is the season premiere of ARGGH!?! Maybe you should seek advice from an expert comic book artist. Is he here? LORI: Thank goodness. Lola: The moment they told me that, I knew that doing this dance solo was perfect, because you were actually my biggest supporter the moment I joined that dance contest. (ARGGH! - Ronnie Anne said - Hopefully, this fills you up. Lola: Yes. - Lola said, worried, (Back at the Santiago Residence, Ronnie Anne is making hot cocoa in the kitchen), RONNIE ANNE: Cocoa's almost done, Lincoln! She apparently finds pigs boring, and she has enjoyed Ferris wheels from a very young age. Who would take a story seriously?! The two silhouettes carry him to the bathroom, where another silhouette shoves a bar of soap into Lincolns mouth. Its Spring Cleaning day at the Loud House. - they said, (Lori then sign off of video chat and Ronnie Anne shuts off her laptop). (They see the door is closed behind them), BOBBY: Funny, I thought that was open when I'd arrived. The Loud kids are hard at work cleaning up their rooms. Lincoln raises his head, and turns his head to see Ronnie Anne), Ronnie Anne: Actually, its something different. It reads READ ME), Lincoln: Alright. As we all know, a few of Lincoln Loud's sisters aren't majorly nice as Leni, Luna and Lana, especially Lola Loud (kind of, it's before she got character development), but what if those roles were proceedingly reversed out of the blue? We were going to head over to Clydes house. "Hey Lincoln are you ok bro ?" she asked gently still with this worried expression on her face. (The sisters, after hearing why Lincoln put their comic in the trophy case, quickly get all teary-eyed, and hug Lincoln tightly). RONNIE ANNE: Thanks, it's not compared to your house and your rambunctious sisters. (Lana notices that most of the girls are still cowering in fear) Dont worry, hes properly trained. Its your fault my brother broke up with you. It was tonight?! As the two head upstairs, the sisters follow them to continue to laugh at them). Lincoln yelled the insult so loud, that the surrounding neighborhood is woken up from it. Replied the voice from behind the door. Something secret. Lincoln and Lowie proceed to sit down. By now, Lincoln has about a quarter of his journal filled up. (Those words from Leni cause Lola to begin crying). You should see the look on your face! The comic youre reading is a representation of my life living in a house with ten girls. 134814113 251549262982136 8039850409857729575 n.jpgCJluASyJKZx. Admit it! (Luan, realizing what chain of events she set off, discretely hides the plastic spider. Who knew I had so many balls? Ronnie Anne: Sup, Linc! Because I like these types of books, I thought to myself, Why not make your own? Well, thats exactly what I did. (The first graders begin to applaud Lana as she heads up to the front of the class. The sisters proceed to escort Lola home. I regret having broken up with him, and was going to ask him if he wanted to get back with me. (These words from the heartbroken and enraged child causes the sisters to stop laughing and look at him completely appalled. Ronnie Anne approaches Lincoln from the back and pokes him. (Lincoln exits the attic, walks downstairs and enters the living room. In her prototype design, her skin was light, her hair was red, her sweatshirt was yellow, she wore black sandals, and she didn't wear any socks. (Lincoln and Clyde jump into the truck, and drives off to the Loud House. But this time, it involves both of you. LOLA: I hope so, too. The sisters slip a note through the door. And as for Lincoln, he has since become the town superhero. Lincoln asked before seeing the body of his dark skinned friend sitting in the corner of the room, breathing into his paper bag. - Bobby said, cautious - Wed better called them to make sure if they're okay! This is the second time I made a fanfiction with a rather dark tone. (Lincoln and Clyde continue to play arcade games for a few more hours. My sisters went to Aunt Ruths house one Sunday, and I managed to avoid going there by babysitting my youngest sister, Lily. Several students approach Lincoln and Clyde). In "Pranks for the Memories with the Casagrandes", it is mentioned that she used to prank Bobby so frequently that he now cannot grow hair on the right side of his face. The Apologetic Sisters by the Loud Sisters. - Lori said - I wonder how Lincoln is doing. While searching for a picture to paint for her family, Lily finds a surprising secret that changes her life and family. Lincoln chose to remain silent. "It's fine if you are." stated Clyde. Lola: Thats what Im trying to figure out. "You remember how long I was attracted to Lori." continued Clyde. "There you are!" / I miss him. (Lana raises her hand) What is it, Lana? Much like her older brother, Bobby, who is dating Lori, Ronnie Anne had a supposed crush on Lincoln, but was too shy to show or admit it so she picked on him specifically because of her feelings towards him. "Ha, same." Lincoln: (spits the bar of soap out of his mouth) Girls? The impact of the punch has given Lola a hideous black eye, and a majority of her teeth to fall out. comes back on) Ooh! In Luna and Luans room, Luna is deciding which of her old instruments she would like to keep and which ones to hand down, while Luan is tossing out either used gag props or props that arent funny anymore). Lincoln: Spring Cleaning. - Lori said - If the snow clears tomorrow, come on home, Lincoln, and bring Ronnie Anne too. (At the Loud House, Bobby, wearing a backpack, is outside on the doorway, he knocks on the door and Lori, in her winter clothes, excitedly run downstairs to the door, she opens it and she hugs Bobby) LORI: Bobby Boo-Boo Bear! Lincoln sees the note and approaches it). After an unexpected Night Lincoln ends up with one Helluva new Pet which sets off a chain reaction of insanity, fun and all sorts of weirdness. Lincoln: (adding the finishing touches) There. BOBBY: Oh no! You can start without us. Lola: (voice breaking) I really did it this time. Hello. Im glad that things between me, Ronnie Anne, and Lola are settled.. Lincoln asked. Lincoln: Yeah! Lincoln Loud glanced both ways to make sure no one was around. Why did Rita and Lynn Sr hide it from her for her entire life? Lana: Yeah! (These words cause Lincoln and Clyde to have flashbacks of the events of Two Boys and a Baby. And the positive effect of snow days: no school and hanging with my sisters. Leni: Oh, Linky. Lincoln wandered around the house, seeing Ronnie Anne and the other female in front of her talking. He then began looking for his own best friend Clyde, who still, was nowhere to be seen. This is currently my most commented fanfiction. I should have been the prettiest! You ignoring us is worse than us ignoring you. "Why aren't you downstairs?" She puts the journal in her backpack, and rushes downstairs to meet up with the others). This establishes that she was born either from March 21 to April 19 (Aries), July 23 to August 22 (Leo) or November 23 to December 21 (Sagittarius). Lincoln: Oh, boy! They became best friends following the events of "Save the Date", and both their rocky relationship and this tough love, while mostly shown in earlier episodes, would seemingly disappear by the time of "The Horror-Scope", their relationship stabilizing by then. When the sisters watch Lincoln make a fool of himself singing along to these songs, they hear Lincoln sing a song with lots of foul language. Ronnie Anne: Youre right. - Lori said happy. How embarrassing! I bet you put a lot of effort into making that comic. The two are now heading home, when Bobby and Ronnie Anne drive up to them. All of the neighbors also have their jaws dropped. He said with a smile and the two exited out of the room hand in hand. (Lana whistles, and El Diablo slithers up Lanas body) I can bring El Diablo! Lincoln: Because even if it is not a trophy, a ribbon, or a certificate, it does give something rewarding: my respect. Lincoln: Why didnt you show them one of your pageant awards?! LINCOLN: Nice place you got here, Ronnie Anne. Leni: (under her breath) Hes got a point there. As long as youre happy, Im happy. As the sisters look on with pride at the comic burning away and Lincoln reacting to this. #loudhouse The sisters, who were watching Lincoln read their comic on the staircase, quietly follow him into the dining room, where they see Lincoln place the comic in the trophy case, right next to his Most Improved Brother trophy), (Lincoln turns around and sees all his sisters standing behind him). A crash! - Lori said, relieved - Is Ronnie Anne okay? loud house fanfiction lincoln loses his memory Hakkmzda. (The sisters all jump into the truck and drive off. In Lincolns room, Lincoln is hard at work deciding what to toss out and what to keep. The entire inspiration for this story originated from one quote from an episode. LINCOLN: Ronnie Anne, I forgive you. In one of many alternate universes, Rick Sanchez doesn't have just one grandson and one granddaughter. Lincoln: (reading the note) Important! Lincoln: (angrily) I swear, whoever ratted on us is in big trouble! Sorry about that night. Luna: Forget about whos who, dudes. Its an alternative Ending Creepypasta. The girls realize something), (The sisters all slide down the slide and run over to Clydes house. Ronnie Anne then sit next to Lincoln), RONNIE ANNE: Hey, Lincoln, that time I gave you a black eye, and that time I made you sit on that sandwich. - Luna claims - Come on, let's have fun. While cleaning out the stuff from my room, I found this journal. Since I made the story, I know how the whole story went. Lola then hugs Lincoln, knowing shell defend him from their mockery. (As Lola cries, the other sisters, feeling bad for Lola, approach Lincolns room, and knock on his door), (The girls, {except for Lola, who's still crying in her room} see Lincoln writing in his journal). Chimed in a few others kids, among which was Ronnie Anne. Lincolns shock turns into complete rage. Word Count: 635Status: UneditedAn: Hope y'all enjoyed and sorry it took so long to get out. (The siblings (except for Lily) all rush to Vanzilla, and quickly drive off. Luan: It looked like he didnt want to see us. Oh! LUNA: What are we waiting for? - Lincoln laughs, (Ronnie Anne and Lincoln then throw snowballs to each other, Lincoln then skate and Lori catches him, Ronnie Anne then skate to Bobby and he catches her. - Lincoln answered - You? Hope you enjoy it. Its all in the past, and Ive forgiven you all. (As Lola begins to laugh, Lincoln, incredibly enraged at Lola for spilling an embarrassing secret that caused his girlfriend to break up with him, clenches his fist tightly, and delivers the hardest punch hes ever given onto Lolas face, dead center. No one was surprised when they started dating.

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