outline and explain two functionalist concepts 10 marksweymouth club instructors

*New to 2019 presented one of the Tutor2u Grade booster workshops in Manchester. 1. For more help with the A-level sociology exams please see my Exams, Essays and Short Answer Questions page. (20marks) Analyse two reasons for changes in the family structure in industrial societies (10 marks) Outline and explain two functions that the family may perform for capitalism. Exam technique - look at how this could be developed for an 'Applying material from Item C and your knowledge, evaluate' question relating to official statistics (20 marks). Outline and explain two ethical problems often associated with research methods. Industrial society 5. 30.Outline and explain two criticisms of Marxist views of society. [10 marks] 8.Using material from : . This is why he is so keen to stress the importance of the family and education passing on particular norms and values that bind people together in value consensus. Outline and explain two criticisms of the claim that sociologists can keep values out of their research. Outline and assess the view that the role of education system is to reproduce and transmit culture (50 marks) According to Bourdieu, the major of the education system is cultural reproduction. (10 marks) Applying material from Item A, analyse two ways in which changes in patterns of work may have influenced gender identities in the last 60 years or so. good but need more on marxism for a conflict theory, this was good, but not that useful and was really confusing. Promotes social solidarity Without this society would fall apart Shared culture (norms and values) Education binds people together helps them co-operate Teaching the same history and shared rituals common purpose Education follow universalistic rules essential for co-operation. Mas. Durkheim highlights religion acts as a collective conscience (shared set of norms and values that make social cooperation and social integration possible). (Recorded with https://scr. We should study society scientifically and at the macro level looking for the general laws that explain human action. Each part of a society exists because it has a vital function to perform in maintaining the existence or stability . Parsons believed that societies had certain functional prerequisites. 2. The strength of the functionalist theory is that it a macro level structural theory which uses an organic analogy- using the body as a way to describe the different parts within society. One question 'Outline and explain (10 marks). They also ignore the really dark side of family life domestic violence. Point: One explanation for the gender division of labour is the cultural explanation. Definition. Because of these differences, Modern societies run the risk of excessive individualism and face a crisis of moral regulation, a condition which Durkheim called anomie and Durkheim thus argued that achieve moral regulation and regulating individuals was the primary problem facing advanced industrial societies. houses for rent in riverside, ca under $1,000, Esperanza By Carol Gaab, Chapter 7 Summary, group homes for mentally disabled adults in missouri. Thus she argued that all societies needed mechanisms to ensure that these things did not happen. [6 marks] Outline and explain two ways in which changes to gender roles have affected diversity of family structures. The term social inequality describes a condition where members of a society have different amounts of wealth, property, or power. (10 marks) Outline and explain two feminist views on the position of women in society. 7 min read. Outline and explain two reasons why interpretivist research is likely to have greater ethical problems than positivist research. Outline and briefly explain two criticisms of the 'The Functionalist Perspective' on the family (10) Outline three ways in which the family might perform ideological functions (6) Using one example, explain what is meant the phrase 'the family is a unit of consumption' (4) Define the term Patriarchy (2) Outline and . Continuing, Marxism is an economically deterministic perspective. outline and explain two functionalist concepts 10 marks . Crime is socially constructed and is relative . ways individuals may be socialised into a . (10 marks) Outline and explain two concepts that symbolic interactionists use to understand social life. Now reflecting back to Parsons analysis of the family and education, we can see that the reason he stresses the importance of these is because they are keeping together the most advanced society the best if the family etc. (6 marks) Applying material from Item A, analyse two..(10 marks) . FEMINISTS --> say focus too much on positive functions and ignore negative ways people are socialised PARSON --> opresses women through nucleur family as women are expected to be the expressive housewife --> showing women should be dependent of men e.g. One social policy that has reinforced the functions of the family is Planning space Policy 1 Policy 2. 29.Outline and explain two functionalist concepts. 30. legitimating inequality, outline and explain two functionalist perspectives in sociology (10 marks), parsons - school is society in miniature, organic analogy, all is happy and shiny, durkheim - value consensus, anomie, social solidariy, norms and values, secondary socialisation in education etc, nuclear family, outline and explain two marxist perspectives in sociology (10 marks), althusser - isas - legitimates inequality, marx - religion = opium of the masses - false consciousness - lenin - spirtual gin, outline and explain two criticisms of marxism perspectives in sociology (10 marks), feminism - actually it's patriarchy that's oppressive, functionalism - what they call 'isas' are actually great and uphold social solidarity/value consensus. Outline and explain two different reasons for the unequal division of labour [10 marks] The domestic division of labour refers to the roles men and women play in relation to housework, paid work and childcare. Outline and explain two advantages of choosing overt participant observation as a source of data compared with covert participant observation. (20marks) Analyse two reasons for changes in the family structure in industrial societies (10 marks) Outline and explain two functions that the family may perform for capitalism. Two marks for a satisfactory explanation and/or definition of 'culture', such as: shared norms and/or values. Outline two..(4 marks) Outline three. Outline and explain two ways in which the research design of a study could be made more scientific. Outline two ways in which the concept of masculinity can be used to explain why males commit more crime than females. Writing in the 1940s and 1950s Talcott Parsons built on Durkheims work and developed Functionalism further. All the bits essentially work together harmoniously, All institutions work together harmoniously. Some of the positive functions Parsons identified include those below. Outline two..(4 marks) Outline three. This involves society as a whole, as Durkheim argued, but, instead, the reproduction of the culture of the dominant classes. Has an identifiable boundary e.g nations. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Remember, however, that this question is not marked as 5 + 5 but in bands. two . of the lower marks at this level. Outline two ways in which the concept of masculinity can be used to explain why males commit more crime than females. Outline work of Parsons, Durkheim, Merton. This means that there are a 3 of things that you must do in order to reach the top band marks: 89% of the incidences are committed by men against their wives. This is supported by feminist sociologist, Oakley (1974). Question Type 2: Applying material from Item A outline and . This is why it has been much more influential than taxonomies of nationalism or nations. George Peter Murdock in the 1940s argued that the family exists in every society while Davis and Moore (1960s) argued that there is some form of stratification system in every society. In this essay I will be covering Marxist, Interactionist and Functionalist theories of society. Outline and explain two ways in which values may not play a part in sociology (10 marks), Outline and explain two reasons why sociological research findings may be unable to influence social policy (10 marks), outline and explain two action theories perspectives in sociology (10 marks), social action theory - weber - level of cause -, criticism - too individualistic - doesn't explain shared mature of meaning, Outline and explain two arguments for the view that sociology is a science (10 marks), outline and explain two criticisms of feminist perspectives in sociology (10 marks), functionalism - gender roles keep society stable and good, marxism - actually it's capitalism that is the source of oppression, Outline and explain two ways in which values may play a part in sociology (10 marks), outline and explain two criticisms of action theories perspectives in sociology (10 marks), Outline two features of the relationship between sociology and social policy (10 marks), sociology can create good social policy -, outline and explain two feminist perspectives (10 marks), radical feminists - patriarchy is shit and very much still intact - greer, poltiical lesbianism, dunscombe and marsden - paid work hasn't been liberating, it's actually made everything worse 'triple shift', liberal feminists - we'll get there in the end, it's just not the end yet! Vous tes ici : churro cart rental bay area; . His social research had two main concerns: Durkheim believed that there was such a thing as a social structure made up of norms and values. Outline and explain two problems of using the functionalist perspective to study todays society. Much of Durkheims work was aimed at demonstrating the importance of organic solidarity and also trying to find out what societies must do in order to achieve organic solidarity. Outline and explain two functionalist concepts. 6. 1 Outline and explain twoadvantages of using questionnaires in sociological research. Outline And Explain the view that youth subcultures are a form of resistance to capitalism (33 Marks) A youth subculture is a youth-based subculture with distinct styles, behaviours, and interests. A Level Question Type 1: Outline and Explain Two -10 marks One both Paper 1 and Paper 3 Band Descriptor 8 -10 Answers in this band will show very good knowledge and . Outline and Assess Interactionist explanations of Crime and Deviance (50 marks) Crime is defined as behaviour that goes against the laws of the land and deviance is behaviour that goes against the norms and values of a society. The functionalist perspective, also called functionalism, is one of the major theoretical perspectives in sociology. norms. Individuals become more interdependent as people become less self-sufficient and more dependent on a larger number of people that they do not know. Productive unit 4. In order to understand Durkheims work you need to understand the historical context in which he was writing. ALL: Define the key concepts, and explain the relevance to the individualMOST: Apply the ideas of 3 functionalist sociologists to an analysis of the benefits of education to society.SOME: Evaluate the functionalist ideas (positive and negative) . All crime is deviance but not all deviance is crime. Just like human beings need certain things to survive, so every society has to have certain things in order to function properly. By arguing that certain institutions are necessary such as the family, religion and stratification systems they are actually justifying the existence of the social order as it is, also by focussing on the positive functions. Main principles of structural functionalism: a. Join MyTutor Squads for free (and fun) help with Maths, Coding & Study Skills. Mas. Socialisation is the process whereby individuals learn the norms and values of a society. Large number of kin and children. Families and social policy - Outline and explain two social policies or laws that have affected the position of children in the family (10 marks) Policies include china's one child policy, child beefit, child protection, compulsory schooling, age restrictions (for sex, marriage, working etc). Outline and explain two ways in which a sociologist's values can affect their choice of research method. Outline and explain two ways in which . Take a CLICK here and subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6VpoZj33Df_rNb8KymCczw?sub_confirmation=1So what about me? Read Item C below and answer the question that follows Item C Many people see childhood as a natural stage of life that is determined Question 3 is worth 10 marks and requires you to outline and explain two reasons; ideas; theories or problems. or 10 Item A Functionalist sociologists view the family as being an integral part of . Leave a comment. This means that you only focus on outlining the concept in question and then explaining the views of the sociological perspective. Functionalism origins from the works of Emile Durkheim, who was curious in how social order is achievable and how society remains stable. Functionalism is essentially a conservative idea, based on the view that social change is a gradual process that happens naturally when the consensus shifts. A competent if quite basic description of the functionalist position is given, which is linked to the question at the end . 2. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. However, it is easy to overstate how free people are people may think their free, but human action is still patterned and things like suicide and educational success still seem to be shaped by an individuals social background. For example, a society must produce and distribute resources such as food and shelter; there has to be some kind of organisation that resolves conflicts, and others that socialise the young. Functionalism as a Structural/Systems Theory - it focuses on the needs of the social system as a whole; it is a consensus theory - it sees society as based on shared values; it is also a modernist theory - it believes that research can find the truth and lead to . Here is 10/10 student answer from Q6 Outline and explain two problems of the functionalist perspective to study society today. Focussing on education, Durkheim argued that what education does is simultaneously teach us the diverse skills required for an advanced division of labour and provide us with shared norms and values through the teaching of subjects such as history and with there being shared assemblies. talcott parsons (1961), an american functionalist which expanded upon durkheim's writings in the 1950's and 1960's, expressed his view on the education system can be related to contemporary britain as being useful to provide a trained labour force as, this is useful to contemporary britain due to it being a advanced industrial economy, which Development - To make sociology appear more scientific in modern society. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Outline and explain two functionalist concepts. Topic 1 - Functionalism, Strain and Subcultural Theory . Remember, however, that this question is not marked as 5 + 5 but in bands. One social policy that has reinforced the functions of the family is Planning space Policy 1 Policy 2. (10 marks) (30 marks) Theory and Methods. Two marks . should animals perform in circuses balanced argument Navigation. Generally speaking, people have shared experiences of the same village, the same activities and the same people all there lives. ways an individual's social experiences may be shaped by disability . marx believed what ultimately shaped society and in . Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods paper. The System being organisms such as the human body, and society which fit . People also shared one religion which provided a shared set of moral codes to all people. Outline and explain two criticisms of Interactionist approaches to understanding society (10) One criticism of the Interactionist approach to understanding society is that as an approach to understanding society it fails to recognise the impact of social institutions and the power relationships between individuals and these institutions. CRIME AND DEVIANCE. The first is appears on all three papers and asks you to outline and explain two reasons / causes / impacts relating to theory and methods, the family and beliefs in society. household or family size [10 marks] Q5. Concepts and issues such as the following may appear: capitalism; conflict; consensus; cultural . Functionalism and Education The concept of function: Functionalist sociologists like Parsons and Durkheim have been concerned with the search for functions that institutions may have in society. I will be examining their strengths and weaknesses. I LOVE teaching Sociology. The System being organisms such as the human body, and society which fit . DISCLAIMER: I have no prior knowledge about the exam in advance. outline and explain two functionalist concepts 10 marks. Outline and explain two reasons why interpretivist research is likely to have greater ethical problems than positivist research. This question requires TWO clear paragraphs, which answer the question . They are of the opinion that change disrupts the orderly functioning of the system. Outline and explain two functionalist views of the family. althusser. [10 marks] STUDENT RESPONSE One advantage of questionnaires is that they provide a range of detailed quantitative data which are regarded as objective social facts by positivists and are therefore useful in quantitative analysis. Industrial society 5. (10 marks) Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate sociological contributions to our understanding of crime prevention and control. In the 10 markers without an item questions, you are required to write TWO clear paragraphs which answer the question. (10 marks) Outline and explain two concepts that symbolic interactionists use to understand social life. Large number of kin and children. Outline and explain two ways in which a sociologist's values can affect their choice of research method. Such taxonomies are competitive; one must assign cases to classes. However, there are two assumptions I would question. However is useful as there is overlap with Marxist ideas. (10 marks) Each part of a society exists because it has a vital function to perform in maintaining the existence or stability . The main difference between functionalism and conflict theory is that the functionalism states that each aspect of a society serves a function and are necessary for the survival of that society while the conflict theory states that a society is in perpetual class conflict due to the limitation and the unequal distribution of resources. Key functionalists you might have encountered in other modules or go on to encounter, include: Talcott Parsons Davis and Moore Young and Wilmott Robert Merton Walt Rostow Functionalism is based on consensus whereas Marxism is based on the notion of conflict. Homework: Exam Practice Outline & Explain two functionalist perspectives on Education (10 marks) 8- 10 Very good knowledge and understanding of two functionalist perspectives. Evaluate the contribution of functionalist views to our understanding of the family. Evaluate the contribution of functionalist views to our understanding of the family. Outline and explain two functionalist concepts (10 marks) Evaluate the claim that functionalism understates both the extent of conflict in society and the ability of social actors to create society through interaction. Identify and explain two ways families influence gender-related behaviour. Functionalist theory about what needs societies have is far from perfect. Figure out 2 functionalist writers whom have a theory about the role of the family. However, he realized that as societies evolved, so people became more individualistic more free and so maintaining social order became more of a problem for society. There is a considerable amount of evidence against this view for example despite most people being socialised into traditional gender norms, many people today develop LGTBIQ identities; despite being socialised to obey the law, self-report studies show high levels of minor criminality. It is difficult to assess the effects of institutions In order to establish whether an institution has positive functions, one would need to accurately measure all of the effects an institution actually had on all individuals and all other institutions. Emile Durkheim 1858-1917: he was the first ever Professor of Sociology. (10 marks) Applying material from Item A, analyse two ways in which changes in patterns of work may have influenced gender identities in the last 60 years or so. Examine key functionalist concepts. Nurse To Patient Ratio Statistics, There are two types of 10 mark question that you will be asked in your exam.

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