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He ended up being one of the students that ended up opposing Angie's Student Council. This article is a sprite gallery for a specific character. However, Kokichi tells Gonta that they won't see each other anymore after graduating due to them being a gentleman and an evil supreme leader. The script is written thoroughly about possible reactions and possible routes of how the class trial will play out. Throughout his free time events, Kokichi tries to "kill" Shuichi and involves him in many of his selfishness and pranks, though he also seems to make sure Shuichi won't be harmed and seems to just mess with him with words. When Kaede turned out to be the first culprit, Kokichi was shocked for a moment as he pointed out how bad it is that the one who talked about cooperation and unity then went and killed someone in cold blood. (DNA Integrated Cybernetic Enterprises), which is about an organization run by children, specifically orphans. # 1. Yuta Asahina - 83cm. However, due to the mind manipulation of Team Danganronpa, it is unknown if they actually exist. The links below are full transcripts and indepth guides for Kokichi Oma's relationship routes in Free Time Events, Love Across the Universe: Dangan Salmon Team, Ultimate Talent Development Plan, and Hotel Kumasutra including his MonoMono Machine Present preferences and most effective dialogue options. Film and TV . But even thenI don't think it's good to lie to yourself, y'know? Explore When was Lance Bouma drafted? A must-have collection for anime fans. What will happen when a green haired . After Angie's student council is formed, Kokichi is shown to dislike it and the brainwashing quite a lot, even having a few genuinely angry reactions as he furiously shouted 'oh come on' when he saw how quickly the students succumbed to brainwashing. Geeez, I was willing to let you do whatever you want to mesince I love you, "That was a lie. He would go on to pin the crime on Miu Iruma, the Ultimate Inventor, in the early stages of the trial since she constructed the cameras in the library, but Kaede, along with Korekiyo, the Ultimate Anthropologist, was quick to defend her and said that she was in the cafeteria at that time with Korekiyo, Kirumi Tojo, the Ultimate Maid, and Tsumugi Shirogane, the Ultimate Cosplayer. ", "I hate it when people lie, but animals never lie, right? His name, title, and clothing also have references to dictators. Kaito refuses to believe it and believes Kokichi is just trying to trick and blame Gonta, while in turn, Kokichi becomes very frustrated when Kaito's stubbornness derails the trial and even causes a great risk for everyone else. Gonta told the group to forgive his partner for what he's done and get along well with him. He is also heard screaming in terror when Gonta forces him to be closer with a massive amount of bugs. All the evil acts in manga and anime make great reference for my organization! This issue was already reported, and we'll be getting it fixed in the demo and full version:)". (DNA Integrated Cybernetic Enterprises), Using poison to turn a teenager into a kid, New Danganronpa V3: Minna no Koroshiai Shin Gakki Comic Anthology Volume 2, New Danganronpa V3: Minna no Koroshiai Shin Gakki Comic Anthology Volume 3, New Danganronpa V3: Minna no Koroshiai Shin Gakki Comic Anthology, Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (Demo Version), New Danganronpa V3 Official Setting Materials Collection, Love Across the Universe: Dangan Salmon Team, Translated List V3 Students' Former High Schools. He tries to trick Shuichi by claiming that they are surrounded by Kokichi's subordinates, but Shuichi can tell he is lying. Kokichi however, wasn't buying into Angie's nonsense, calling everyone who was brainwashed by her "idiots". In chapter 5, it's revealed that Kokichi talked with Miu before the fourth murder happened and asked her to make various inventions to fight against Monokuma. At some point around this time, Kokichi also told Ryoma who had his motive video. In a bonus scene in Chapter 2, Kokichi, Miu, Shuichi, Korekiyo and Ryoma Hoshi, the Ultimate Tennis Pro, gathered in the casino in hopes of playing a secret game with the medal that Shuichi had received from the Monomono Machine. Kokichi does not seem to interact with Tenko much. He eventually backed down along with the other students who were against Shuichi after Kaede and the students who defended Shuichi proved his innocence. When Kirumi is found out to be Ryoma's murderer, Kokichi seems disappointed, but not all too surprised. To begin this plan, he would leave a subtle message in the courtyard "Horse A", which he would later fill in with more letters as the killing game continued. ", "Yeah! Their only motivation seems to be just to have fun and while their appearance can be creepy, they have a rule of not killing anybody. Later, he would meet up with Shuichi in front of Angie's lab, wondering why it was locked. However, Kokichi easily incapacitated the Ultimate Astronaut by using the Exisals. Kokichi also elusively gives clues and hints during trials and even outside of them. Nothing pleases me more than inflicting pain on others! "People you trust and defend will ultimately betray you. In the end, he was given a uniform as white as possible that would be contrasted by the colors of his hair and scarf. We messed up last time, but I'm sure it'll go well this time! However, he does appear genuinely affected when Shuichi tells him that he's the kind of person who will always be alone. He was also already aware of Miu's plan to use the virtual world simulator in order to kill him. He then claims he lied, and that the one he killed was his older brother. He often uses her talent against her, referring to her as "killer girl" or "murder girl", and constantly encourages the other students not to interact with a murderer. While almost everyone else was shocked or horrified by this, Kokichi didn't seem to mind the prospect all that much and found the idea "not boring." Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, D.I.C.E. Gonta was once again tricked by Kokichi and used the Flashback Light, causing him to see the supposed truth of the outside world. He tended to complain about situations he found boring and even during some bad situations he noted that it's fine because at least it's not boring. Angie eventually told Kokichi and everyone else to meet in the gymnasium, seemingly failing in discovering anything about the conspicuous flashlight that she and Shuichi had discovered earlier. In his Free Time Events, Kokichi makes multiple references to shows such as Yu-Gi-Oh! Himiko had made promises and talked at-length during the trial about how she wasnt going to call things tiresome and she was going to embrace her emotions to the fullest and be honest with herself, but she wasn't actually following through. "pls leave us message about your gender. However, Kokichi also understands that they simply have different views due to coming from different backgrounds and has stated that he doesn't wish for Kaito to change because his current attitude makes things interesting, showing that he does appreciate Kaito in a way. Maki was aggravated by this and threatened Kokichi, but despite holding the Ultimate Supreme Leader by his neck, he still called out her true talent as the Ultimate Assassin. During Chapter 4, Kokichi attempts to separate Kaito and Shuichi by telling Shuichi that he should be his friend and partner instead. Overall, Kokichi didn't help with the investigation at all but instead was more aiming to confuse the duo with his lies. (y/n) (l/n) was the 17th student to go into The Ultimate Academy For Gifted Juveniles with her talent as the Ultimate Otaku. The next morning, Kokichi was with everyone else in the dining hall once again, happy that the Killing Game had supposedly ended. The next morning, Kokichi brought up the yesterday's argument, now acting saddened and asking if Kaede was okay and complaining how mean the others were towards the "poor girl". Kaito also listened to Kokichi's last words, but later admits that he wasn't sure what was true and what was Kokichi's true character. As a result, two days after the motive videos were distributed, Gonta began to kidnap various students into his lab, completely unaware of the Ultimate Supreme Leader's true intentions. After Kokichi returned with everyone's motive videos, Gonta told him about the people he was unable to detain while everyone else was even more irritated that Kokichi took so long to return while they had been swarmed by insects. As a result, the true Mastermind prepared a Flashback Light that tricked the remaining participants into thinking that everyone, including those that had died, were actually students of the rebuilt Hope's Peak Academy. He was a degenerate male, that was for sure, but he seemed different from most. This caused Himiko to recall Tenko's last words to her, about how crying, laughing, and venting your anger out makes you feel better than bottling it all up, and she finally cries until she falls asleep. We gotta talk about which one of us is the culprit, and win this, "Complicated plans have a better chance of working out in the end, wouldn't you say? Above all, Kokichi considers lying a big part of himself and a way of life, appearing either unwilling or unable to stop it and even claiming that his body is made up of 70% lies. Kaito took off his jacket, placed it underneath the press machine, then lied down on it while Kokichi controlled the press machine and filmed the "time of death" with a simple video camera. Kokichi also teases Shuichi during the fantasy, by claiming, After a brief argument, Kokichi then admits, He appears to have a fear of insects. With my brains and your inventions, we'll be out of here in no time. As a result, Shuichi ended up taking K1-B0's place, and he and Kokichi were in charge of lighting and extinguishing the candles. He was one of the few students to show no sadness upon her demise and simply told her she fell straight for Monokuma's trap before she was executed. Kaito reassured her that she would be fine and told her to leave. Portrayed by. Maki became increasingly worried upon seeing this and threatened to kill Kokichi herself. danganronpa. He believes that Kaito's attitude with a group of other people could cause a new killing game. ", "You guys talk about cooperation and teamwork, but you're all afraid. Today, we're counting down our picks for the top 10 funniest, and just downright AWESOME Kokichi Ouma moments. His lack of respect towards Gonta is seen in the way he doesn't use any honorifics when talking to him in the Japanese version. ", "People can lie about how malicious their hidden secrets really are. I *am* the Ultimate Supreme Leader. What is Kokichi's height? Lance Bouma stood 6 feet tall at the time. In the end, Shuichi blushes while admitting to himself that he is intrigued by Kokichi, being drawn in and always wanting to know more about him. Height. However, K1-B0 soon exposes Kokichi's lie, making Gonta furious. Despite the position he was in, Kokichi belittled Maki, asking her why a killing game that should have already ended is still continuing. Furthermore, his last words even include a prominent line "At least I wasn't boring, right? During Chapter 2, he hides in the casino from Kaito and gets startled by Shuichi's appearance as he mistakes him for Kaito for a second. Yeah, so what? However, it didn't take long for Monokuma to show up once again, much to the dismay of the students but to the joy of the Monokuma Kubs. Kokichi found this suspicious and while he couldn't investigate right now, would make mental note of this and theorize that Maki was hiding her true identity from the rest of the group. 6 months ago Leon . NAME. Even though he enjoys to lie and stir chaos, he also addresses many valid points and is occasionally the student who speaks the most sense. Kaede, however, was still skeptical, but this skepticism was met with the accusation of her wanting to continue the killing game from some of the participants, Kokichi included. This drew the ire of Kaito, who finally had enough of Kokichi's antics and punched him in the face. Since Shuichi does not make a move, Kokichi says he wants to play with him and do a lot more with him too and pushes him on the bed. He smugly mocks Kaito whenever Shuichi agrees with his reasoning over Kaito's and proclaims how well he and Shuichi work together. All of this was done in order to get everyone to fall into so much despair that they would not continue the Killing Game. During his high school days, Kokichi attended Capital's Imperial High School (). Since I'm the Ultimate Supreme Leader, duh. Katakana There'd be no point for me to be around a gentleman like you, "Subordinates under the supreme leader of evil's rule deal with danger everyday. He truly wishes the best for people although the delivery . Aren't you guys forgetting to act your age? Kokichi didn't find this necessary at all but still went along with everyone's discussion. He frequently claims something only to shortly afterward reveal that he was just lying, making it very hard to trust his word. She insults him by calling him a shota and a compulsive liar (in the English version, she goes even further by calling him "lying little abortion"). Afterward, Kokichi proclaimed himself as the leader of the cult bent on stopping the Gofer Project and the one who let Monokuma into the ark, effectively declaring himself as the Mastermind of the Killing School Semester. After Shuichi also discovered the computer room, Kokichi would join him and discover the Flashback Light he had found. While everyone else investigated, the group prepared for the seance in the vacant middle room on the same floor. It was initiated by heads of nations from all over the world after countless meteorites crashed into Earth, spreading a deadly virus all throughout the atmosphere. When questioned by Kaede and Shuichi about why he would intentionally want to come off as suspicious, he stated it was because he was an "evil" supreme leader and that he was supposed to be suspicious. Kokichi is pleased by this and tells Shuichi he won, confusing the detective who answers that he hasn't even played yet. "Oh, figured it out already? Shuichi mostly stays silent during these moments, appearing to feel a bit awkward and unsure of Kokichi's motives, though he does try to tell Kokichi to stop when he claims that Shuichi was "dissing" Kaito during their disagreement even though it wasn't true. I've decided! He's a walking lie or deception - at times in the extreme. There is a scene in the bonus mode Ultimate Talent Development Plan which hints about his family situation, as Kokichi and Kaito won't go home for New Year's, Kaito due to his unconventional family situation of living with his grandparents. When he calls Kaito "pathetic", Shuichi speaks back to him by stating that Kaito always has them by his side, but nobody would want to be around Kokichi. ; Alliterative Name: Shuichi Saihara. Nevertheless, Kokichi bids Gonta his farewell, claiming he isn't a gentleman like Gonta. Kokichi, along with everyone else, immediately followed the Ultimate Entomologist's lead, with the hope of finding a way out. He had no idea what she meant by Remnant of Despair and asked her whether or not she really enjoys killing that much. As Kirumi became increasingly erratic upon seeing the incriminating evidence, Kokichi slyly hypothesized that she had seen her own motive video. He claimed that he himself inflicted pain and suffering on the group for no other reason than the thrill of it. He is voiced by Hiro Shimono in the Japanese version of the game, and by Derek Stephen Prince in the English version of the game. As Kokichi was about to break in using his lockpicking skills, Angie suddenly unlocked it from the inside and invited them in. In Chapter 4, Kokichi seemingly manipulated Gonta into killing Miu for him, because Miu had made it so that Kokichi couldn't harm her. You will find out here. As the class trial continued on, Shuichi was able to deduce Kirumi as the real culprit of Ryoma's murder. It has been pointed out by other characters such as K1-B0 and Kaito that Kokichi does not like to talk about himself nor be open about his true feelings. In the official art book, it's stated that he is quite nonchalant about his hair, but he does possess a true sense of fashion he keeps hidden and displays through his colorful underwear, supposedly not finding it fitting with his supreme leader image. He also tries to keep Kaito away from Shuichi, claiming that Kaito and his beliefs are a bad influence on Shuichi and that Shuichi is the only one who can save them. Kokichi answers with a slightly surprised and innocent "huh!? He's created a persona that warns players he's untrustworthy right away. However, this was just part of his plan to outwit the true mastermind and later during the trial Monokuma appeared genuinely angry towards Kokichi for his troublesome actions and even offered some information against him "purely out of spite". Though everyone thought that the tunnel probably ended up being a trap, they still had to test every single possibility in order to escape. After spotting Miu go through the wall that only objects can pass through, Gonta tells Kokichi and the maniacal liar begins to understand the aspects of the program that Miu kept hidden from them and devises the full murder plan, informing Gonta of what to do. The Ultimate Supreme Leader asked him if it was really okay for him to believe a liar like himself and said that he should check the Flashback Light for himself if he really wanted to save everyone. Also Available: Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony . kokichiouma. Kaito does attempt to persuade Kokichi for answers by threatening him with a crossbow retrieved by Himiko and shooting him in the arm with it. The weapons and other inventions he designed have a very childish fantasy look. Kokichi thinks this made all the lying worth it and says they should keep their relationship going after they get out of the academy so that Shuichi can get to know the real him. Manga After he successfully participated in the 53rd Killing Game, Kokichi's memories and past were fabricated by Team Danganronpa as follows: Kokichi's past is very unclear due to his constant lying and the fact that he strictly refuses to reveal anything personal about himself. It's implied that contrasting his intelligence, his weakness might be his physical strength. He does lots of investigation alone without other people noticing, analyzes the other students, and writes their fates and his impression of them on his whiteboard. Kokichi boasted that another class trial would start now where Kaito would be the victim and Maki would be the blackened, much to her shock. He wears a white suit with multiple straps wrapped around his arms, and two straps hanging loosely around his legs. Kokichi continues to treat K1-B0 in a discriminating and increasingly cruel manner throughout the game. Kokichi later regathered with everyone else in the dining hall to investigate yet another Flashback Light. Seeming to feel genuinely bad, Kokichi said he should be punished too, but Gonta disagreed and just told him to promise him that everyone will forgive each other and be friends. When they are shown to be imprisoned and/or beaten, Kokichi is very distraught and plans his own death to save them. Interestingly, when Gonta is genuinely saddened because he won't see Kokichi anymore, Kokichi reacts with slight anger and believes Gonta is trying to trick him back, showing that he believes other people can't genuinely care about him, not even someone as kind as Gonta. Though they could not remember the exact details and circumstances behind it, just that they had been on the run. This motive baffled the students, Kokichi included. I'm used to risking my life!". Kodaka was unsure whether or not to include them as they are a little overblown and maybe too much but ultimately decided to keep them. Among other things, his organization supposedly has covert agents in every country, control over all the mafias in the world, torture as a form of punishment, and Kokichi's defeated opponents apparently will get sent to Siberia. Underneath all of this, Kokichi appears to be quite childish and harmless. Kokichi Oma was a normal talentless high school boy who participated in the 53rd Season of Danganronpa, a famous worldwide reality show made by Team Danganronpa. ", "Feel free to lie, of course. Angie praised Gonta and, like Himiko before him, pulled him into a hug. Kokichi happily accepted the claim, even going so far as to claim that he himself killed Angie, shocking and confusing the group. As Kokichi left the trial grounds, he eerily remarked to himself that it was almost time to end this Killing Game once and for all, finally finishing the message in the courtyard, "This world is mine, Kokichi Oma". Tenko especially dislikes Kokichi due to his habit of bullying Himiko. Kodaka describes them as "physically impossible" and "otherworldly" instead of overdramatic. During an event in the bonus mode, Kokichi claims that he truly respects police officers, who fight the bad guys yet get blamed by the public. 44 kg (97 lbs) Kokichi, K1-B0, Himiko, and Tenko all decided to help, completely unaware that the Ultimate Anthropologist had ulterior motives and that he was the one who killed Angie the night prior. Kokichi Oma is a character from the Danganronpa fandom. The morning after everyone remembered the meteorites, Gonta, wanting to be of some use to everyone, proposed that he fight the Exisals regardless of how reckless it may be. However, it's been shown that he does cooperate in his own way, which can be easily mistaken for troublemaking. Miu acknowledged Kaede and said that she did good, but she harshly belittled Kokichi for being a liar, to which he responded with by shedding fake tears. Kaito, now controlling both the press machine and camera, turned them both on once again, crushing Kokichi to an unrecognizable, bloody mess, with Kaito's jacket sleeve hanging out of the press as a false clue as to who the victim was. In the mastermind's rush, however, they accidentally overlooked slight inconsistencies and plot holes when linking both stories together, such as "Ultimate Despair" only referring to Junko Enoshima, and that Class 78 was trapped by the Ultimate Despair when they had actually locked themselves within the school in order to shelter themselves from the tragedy outside. K1-B0 was very agitated by this, trying to get away from him and politely asking Kokichi to "leave me alone". He tried to ask her to join his organization and be a cover agent pianist, but she believed all of it was just Kokichi's delusions. Everyone was baffled as to how she was killed as the body discovery announcement played for a second time. Even though he did not receive the memories of his avatar, Gonta is still willing to forgive Kokichi and tells the others not to blame him during the trial. My body is made up of 70% lies! Kokichi was baffled with the Ultimate Astronaut being so willing to believe in people based on nothing more than a "hunch", especially considering that everyone's lives were on the line. Kokichi said that that was meaningless and that he shouldn't do that, mainly because the killing game wouldn't end even if he did. [6], As a big contrast to his other clothing, Kokichi's "trendy" underwear has much brighter and vibrant colors with red and yellow stripes. As a result, the Ultimate Hunt started and spread throughout the world, and the sixteen students selected for the Gofer Project were hunted down. Besides lying, Kokichi is shown to be very intelligent in general, with he himself claiming that his head is always filled with complicated thoughts. 5'1 (156 cms) Weight. Kokichi tells Gonta that he won't be tricked by someone like him anymore. I, Kokichi Oma, am the mastermind and king of the. After it was revealed that Kokichi had lied about his meeting with Miu on the roof, he decided that he would take away any potential mystery solving regarding the case and bluntly stated that Gonta was Miu's killer. In the official art book, it is indicated that Kirumi also regularly polished Kokichi's shoes.[5]. Considering this perspective, Kodaka has stated that Kokichi would feel more in place as an Ultimate Liar than a Supreme Leader. Kokichi claims that Kaito's naive behavior is troublesome for Shuichi's work as a detective and tells him to leave Shuichi alone. Despite Kokichi being the one who created the plan, he is not considered the culprit of the murder as he did not directly kill anyone. She appears furious by this, calling him "the most detestable cretin [she] has ever met." Lance Bouma stands at 6'2 and is listed as having a height of 33 1/2. Portrayals At the beginning of the game, Shuichi was portrayed as a quiet and awkward person, showed by how he didn't talk much during the introductions, and the only major emotion he expressed was when Miu insulted him as a "pervert" for wearing a hat to avoid eye contact, and when Ryoma introduced . ", "Isn't it great!? Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (Demo Version) (English), Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (English).

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