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As reported byGreatGameIndiaearlier, former CIA officer Bradley Johnson had revealed thatItalian defense contractor Leonardo satellites were used in 2020 US Election hacking. Arturo DElia has been arrested for an alleged hack at Leonardo. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson. And he told CBS News that there was foreign interference by China . READ AND RETWEET! Why the Fing Itailians? Affadavit of Arturo D'Elia Acknowledging Election Fraud May 4, 2021 by Steve Beckow Arturo D'Elia was former IT head of Leonardo SpA in Italy. A MOAB? A Game changer? Italys Review Court on Friday rejected appeals by lawyers for DElia and Rossi against their arrests. However the hack was between 2015-2017. In the arrest warrant for preliminary investigations against the two men, the judge cited several possible reasons behind the hacking. DElias alleged crimes involved Pomigliano DArco on the western side of the peninsula. VERY SOLID evidence. This is not a hacker attack made by unknown hackers, the people involved are figures who acted protected by the anonymity of the network. La tesi dell'hacking sarebbe stata confermata - almeno nella versione rilanciata da Sacchetti - da Arturo d'Elia, addetto alla gestione della sicurezza informatica della stessa . Recent reports of a hack at Leonardo now appear to have been an orchestrated cover to mitigate blowback on the corporation which is partially owned by the Italian government.Nations In Action, a government transparency organization, partnered with the Institute of Good Governance to thoroughly investigate and research the election irregularities which yielded the long-awaited proof that a flawless plot to take down America was executed with extraordinary resources and global involvement. . Source: Great Game India Italian Supreme Court lawyer Professor Alfio D'Urso has presented evidence against arrested Italian defense contractor Leonardo's Security Head Arturo D'Elia's involvement in the US Election hacking case. The hacker was discovered thanks to complex investigations by the Naples Public Prosecutors Cybercrime Working Group, culminating today in the execution of two custody orders. Is it on YouTube? ]" [CROSS-REFERENCED AT] Just plain fun? These included the use of data for industrial andcommercial purposes, blackmail and military espionage activitiesor simply the intention to damage the image of the company bydemonstrating its organisational and IT vulnerability.. I want to believe this, but there are far too many people who would have turned whistle blower for it to be hidden from November until now. !An employee of the 8th largest global defense contractor, Leonardo SpA, provided a shocking deposition detailing his role in the most elaborate criminal act affecting a US election. Frogxit: Harry and Meghan get what they asked for, Raptors delete video recognizing Women's History Month as it goes horribly wrong, Knock it down: Albuquerque tries novel approach to crime fighting, California high-speed rail costs going up and projected ridership going down, Marine Corps eliminating their scout sniper platoons, Not so fast: CA NOT going to shutter nasty old Diablo Canyon nuke plant, Don't expect Biden to drop by East Palestine. Here is an article w information about this affidavit. The problems with the allegations are plenty, however, as with many conspiracy theories, theres a grain of truth. Evidence of the data regarding the switched votes is being secured for the purpose of providing the evidence in court. DElia is accused of having installed the malware on thecomputers to steal the data, while Rossi is accused of trying tothrow the subsequent inquiry off track. The above Italian article is for different subject. Many of the States allowed their machines to be linked to servers in Europe and that is what I believe he is referring to, where he used military-grade software to hack into the German servers and change votes. When you see the shadow, it defines the light. A bombshell? Affidavit from Arturo D'Elia claims D'Elia "under the instruction and direction of persons working from the US Embassy in Rome, undertook the operation to switch data from the US election of 3 November 2020 from a significant margin of victory for Donald Trump to Joe Biden[. Thank you for your interest in receiving the Conservative Firing Line newsletter. Sign up for our free email newsletter, and we'll make sure to keep you in the loop. Please disregard reply #4. Data security is critical for the reputation of Leonardo, which as well as offering its own cyber security services, is involved in several European defense programs to produce military aircraft and equipment, defense sector analysts say. He is talking about changing massive amounts of data the votes are part of that data packets. 3, 2023, Cathy Buckles Letter from Zimbabwe, Mar. He is also willing to testify in court, claiming to have all the original data backed up in an undisclosed location. The defendant stated that he was working in the facility belonging to Leonardo SpA using military grade cyber warfare encryption capabilities.. I cant play the video of the interview. Sorry. The traffic was directed to the web page for which the preventive seizure was ordered today. I, Prof Alfio DUrso, Advocate/Lawyer, of Via Vittorio Emanuele, Catania, 95131 Italy, do hereby provide the following affidavit of facts as conveyed in several meetings with a high level army security services official:Arturo DElia, former head of the IT Department of Leonardo SpA, has been charged by the public prosecutor of Naples for technology/data manipulation and implantation of viruses in the main computers of Leonardo SpA in December 2020. The recipients are the former IT security manager of Leonardo S.p.A., Arturo DElia, for whom the investigating judge has ordered the prison and Antonio Rossi, head of the C.E.R.T. DElia did not have any intent to spy, his lawyer, Nicola Naponiello, told Reuters, adding that the aim of the hack was to show off his skills and that DElia would cooperate with police to allow them inspect his hard disks and laptops. #ConteComeClean Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He was also the Security Head for theItalian Defense contractor Leonardo SpA whose satellited were used in US Election hacking. He is also accused of reformatting a computer containing evidence and data from the cyber-attack. Try these: We have proof of foreign government involvement. This provides the mechanism for each state to recall their slate of electors immediately or face lawsuits and request all federal government agencies to lock down all internal communications, equipment and documentation from the Rome Embassy. Is it on Rumble or somewhere else that I might be able to watch it? Italy Leonardo -> Frankfort ->American Dominion Servers President received the information on . The former head of Italian aerospace company Leonardo S.p.As information technology department Arturo DElia has been charged in Naples for his interference in the 2020 United States presidential election. No evidence however of widespread vote fraud is the first fact. Italian IT Expert Confessed to Voter Fraud in November 3rd Election. How would any restating of the data by someone in a foreign country have any effect on the actual votes? The alleged hackings took place from 2015 to 2017 according to Naples prosecutors and involved sneaking out corporate data from Leonardo SpA. The investigation was complicated because the two men hadcovered up their actions, the document said. Arturo D'Elia is a real person, formerly worked with Leonardo SpA, and under arrest in Italy on hacking accusations. Arturo D'Elia signed an affidavit admitting to switching data from the November 3 US presidential elections "from significant margin of victory from Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote totals." he admits the data switch also may represent more than the total number of registered voters. Rossi, who served as head of Leonardos Cyber Emergency Readiness Team, is alleged to have covered up the crime by failing to report the real quantity and importance of the stolen data. Italian police said on Dec. 5, 2020 that they had arrested Arturo D'Elia and Antonio Rossi, who had both worked at Leonardo, over their alleged role in hacking 94 computers, 33 of which were. Rome, Italy (January 5, 2021) An employee of the 8th largest global defense contractor, Leonardo SpA, provided a shocking deposition detailing his role in the most elaborate criminal act affecting a US election. Perhaps the worst part is how quickly this theory took root among some Trump supporters. A lawyer for Rossi said he had nothing to do with DElia, adding also that his client, who is currently under house arrest, had not damaged or destroyed any evidence of the crime. #NationsInAction.Org The best introduction to the subject in recent memory. This is not it. Creation, preservation, transformation = love building, love preserving, love dissolving = inbreath, pause, outbreath = rajas, sattwa, thamas (gunas) = Akar, Ukar, Makar (Aum) = Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva (Trimurthy). Well I read Italian so Ill take a look at it just for kicks. The affidavit, meanwhile, is being shared on alternative social media sites as popular leftist social media sites like Facebook and Twitter have cracked down on conservative profiles to stop them from sharing information that exposes the massive rigging of the 2020 election by the Democrats, complicit Republicans, and other deep state operatives. Donate now. And mostly the ones doing something about the evidence are dems and msmkeeping it hidden. You are bringing to light what needs to be revealed so it doesnt destroy the fiber of your society. Also, the professor/lawyer listed in the affidavit appears to work out of Southern Italy and nowhere close to Rome or Naples. D'Elia's lawyer will deny the letter if it's a hoax, but he has not yet and there's no real reason to think this is more likely fake than real. Our Privacy Policy has been updated to support the latest regulations. In the 108-page warrant seen by Reuters, the judge leading the preliminary inquiry cites evidence that one of the computers which was hacked belonged to a Leonardo technician who worked on the electronic system of the nEUROn, an experimental unmanned military aircraft which was designed in 2012 under a European defense program led by France. All Rights Reserved. What is that pattern? It also features the region of Lazio, where Rome is located, but DElia is accused of hacking in Naples. Leonardo does notstore top secret military data at the groups plant in Pomigliano dArco, near Naples. Reporting by Francesca Landini; Editing by Alexander Smith. The video of the interview is included below. Or is it because they have become Chinas bitch that was the best way for the CCP to infiltrate without detection? In the arrest warrant for preliminary investigations against the two men, the judge cited several possible reasons behind the hacking. Details of the parts of Leonardos business that the hacker allegedly targeted have not been reported before. D'Elia, who at the time of the alleged crime was aconsultant for a small IT company called Open eSSe, was sent to Pomigliano as an "incident handler" to help police at the endof 2017 while. Corroborating the DNI Ratcliffs report of international intrusion, Arturo Delio outlined the scheme that proved successful in using Leonardo computer systems and military satellites located in Pescara, Italy. Make no mistake, this is a coup detat that we will stop in the name of justice and free and fair elections, stated Maria Strollo Zack, Chairman of Nations in Action. BREAKING: ARTURO D'ELIA CAUGHT: Head Of Italian Aerospace Company's IT Department Used 'Military Grade Cyber Warfare' To Switch Votes 'For Trump To Biden' - ADMISSION VIA SWORN AFFIDAVIT! 3. If this is real our intelligence community would have known about it or have been willing accomplices. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Nations In Action and the Institute for Good Governance are making the following demands on elected officials: Depose State Department officials starting with Rome staff including Stefan Serafini That gateway is open and you are being flooded and you are being assisted and you will be assisted every step of the way. management. Testimony has been released by Professor Alfio DUrso, Legal Counsel. "D'Elia has been deposed by the presiding judge in Naples and in sworn testimony states on 4 November 2020, under instruction and direction of US persons working from the US Embassy in . Make no mistake, this is a coup detat that we will stop in the name of justice and free and fair elections, stated Maria Strollo Zack, Chairman of Nations in Action. if so.where? Political Vendetta: Simon & Schuster Cancels Josh Hawleys Book, Boycott!, Hacker employed by Leonardo spa stealing military secrets. There can only be zero tolerance for criminal interference in American elections. LISTEN ON YOUR PHONE: The investigation began with an episode in January 2017, when the cybersecurity structure of Leonardo Spa reported anomalous network traffic leaving the workstations of the Pomigliano dArco plant generated by software unknown to antivirus systems Corporate: cftmon.exe. Implement the most severe penalties for participants who had knowledge or participated and refuse to assist in the investigation, Maria Strollo Zack, founder of Nations In Action added, States must prosecute all illegal voting activities and provide immediate legislative remedies. The investigation was complicated because the two men had covered up their actions, the document said. Arturo D'Elia affidavit 17 states impacted The person that did it admits to doing it. Posted on 01/06/2021 2:22:24 AM PST by TigerLikesRoosterNew. ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, SWORN AFFIDAVIT:ARTURO D'ELIA ADMITS TO 2020 ELECTION STEAL, Hillarys Sex Stuff More Rumblings of Clinton Lesbian Affair with Huma Abedin, The Palestinian Crisis is Linked to the ISIS Crisis in Jordan. Is Biden leaving wiggle room in his decision to run for re-election? The defendant (DElia) swore that the data switched, in some cases, represented more than the actual number of registered voters. Says His Brother Was Somehow in Charge of US Capitol Riots (VIDEO). Trouble connecting? Not 100% of this source, but it looks promising. It's a load or rubbish. #ItalyDidIt Americans and elected officials now have proof that the election was indeed stolen. In his video affidavit, he provided information obtained from a high level Army Security Services official. The hacker is accused of having stolen an enormous amount of data (about 10 gigabytes of data) and classified information of significant business and military value in the aerospace and aircraft division of Leonardo Spa and of having cleverly hidden the gravity of the facts. Finally the hand attached to the smoking gun. This blockbuster press release, if true, is the "MOAB"Mother Of All Bombshellsthat should break open the entire election fraud scheme. I know. As you would expect, the network of mainstream propaganda mobs in and outside the United States have blacked out on this story as it blows a tunnel of a hole in their denial of voter fraud to fool their audience. (Reporting by Francesca Landini; editing by Alexander Smith). Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window). Its the election data including votes of each candidates. We know Fascists called ANTIFA were bused in, given a police escort to protect them. Yes, GA. 1.8 million registered voters with 2.4 million votes. Italian police said on Dec. 5 that at least 10 gigabytes of confidential data was stolen from Leonardo between 2015 and 2017 through malware installed on targeted machines. An alleged affidavit attached to the urgent release asserts D'Elia, who they claim is Leonardo SpA's IT director, worked within the defense contractor's Pescara firm in some sort of global plot . D'Elia could be defending against the 2015-2017 hacks by claiming state-sponsorhip at the time, and offering in evidence his participation in state-sponsored hacking up until December 2020 when he was arrested. ]" Source Call Me, Maybe? Here's the video of the attorney, Alfio D'Urso, reading his statement, in somewhat broken English. 2000 Mules, a documentary film created by Dinesh DSouza, exposes the widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome. It comes in the form of testimony in an Italian court from an employee from the 8th largest global defense contractor., Lara Logan (@laralogan) January 7, 2021. Verizon: 605-562-5111 SECURE STREAM Defendant stated he was working in the Pescara facility of Leonard SpA andutilized military grade cyber warfare encryption capabilities to transmit switched votesvia the military satellite of Fucino Tower to Frankfurt Germany. DElia even explained that the data in some cases may have been switched to representmore than the total voters registered., DElia is willing to testify to all individuals and entities involved in the switching of votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden when he shall be in total protection for himself and his family and states he has secured in an undisclosed location the backup of the original data and data switched upon instruction to provide evidence at court., Many questions about what is happening in Italy. The warrant does not say whether the hacker was acting independently or at the behest of others, or the goal of the alleged activity. President Trumps Alabama Rally: A New Era. Open eSSe did not immediately respond to an email from Reuters seeking comment. MILAN (Reuters) - An investigation into a data theft at Leonardo has found that a hacker working inside the Italian defence group appeared to target details of Europes biggest unmanned fighter jet programme and aircraft used by the military and police, an arrest warrant shows. I will help you. The affidavit you saw is a transcript from a statement Arturo D'Elia's attorney gave., it's verbatim with the affidavit. Brother of Arrested Antifa-BLM Activist John Sullivan Turned Him In! Available Here: STREAM RBN *LIVE* On 4 November 2020, under instruction and direction of US persons working from the US Embassy in Rome, [DElia]undertook the operation to switch data from the US elections of 3 November 2020 from significant margin victory for Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote total, the affidavit circumstantiated. Corroborating the DNI Ratcliffs report of international intrusion, Arturo Delio outlined the scheme that proved successful in using Leonardo computer systems and military satellites located in Pescara, Italy. D'Elia's resum reveals some very interesting facts. 605.313.0163 heres a detailed analysis of the official numbers: INthis regard, while an avalanche of evidence has been unveiled at this site and elsewhere, it is beyond imperative to listen to, to absorb, and to pay forward the below videos, as well as to read the attached report and sworn affidavit, that is, before its entirety goes down the (censorship) rabbit hole. DElia, who at the time of the alleged crime was a consultant for a small IT company called Open eSSe, was sent to Pomigliano as an incident handler to help police at the end of 2017 while working with Leonardos cybersecurity team. Anarchy = challenging unjust authority. (Cyber Emergency Readiness Team) of Leonardo s.p.a., a body responsible for managing the cyber attacks suffered by the company to which the precautionary measure of home custody was notified. But it is triple hearsay because the writing itself could be fake and written by anyone; the lawyer could be lying about what his source told him; or the lawyer's source, the "high level army securities official," could be lying about what D'Elia actually said under oath. All Rights Reserved. Clinton Fall Guy Makes Shocking Admission About Dominion MARC ELIAS, DEM (LEGAL) STRONG-MAN FLIPS THE SCRIPT! You live in tumultuous times and you live in a time of fulfilment. The information was presented to DUrso by a high-level security services official who also stated that Arturo is willing to testify against all individuals and entities involving in the switching of votes.

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