alendronic acid has destroyed my lifeweymouth club instructors

l feel I am not listened to andn being my age, Im past bothering about. I read somewhere Fosamax was taken off the market & it caused hair loss. Whoa, I said, I want to do this with diet and exercise. I felt so incredibly ill the next day. Ive just been prescribed AA but having read all the posts on this site have decided not to start taking it. However, it usually takes 6-12 months of ongoing medication to get its full benefit. These drugs are pushed to the top of the prescribing line by big pharma. I am posting this to try and help other , from being in the same situation that I have been in for last 5 months . They began to itch the next day, ( I took my 5th dose of medication) and they were slightly better but I called my doctor and got in To the office Friday. I Have been taking Alendronic Acid Tablets for 11 months now. I hate taking meds and wonder if I should stop Alendronic acid. I will make sure I get it. This drug is only available for prescription and should be taken with caution. Want to take back controle before I find myself surrendering myself to more drugs. Ive just discovered that lack of it can be at the root of fatigue, depression, low body temperature, and many other issues. All the side effects have calmed down and I feel so much better. Just dont know what to do for best. Yes my muscles ache and my arthritis in joints have worsened constant tummy upsets I put down to too much gluten! But no issue with my teeth. As the Corona virus is ongoing we cannot go back to the GP yet, but she is convinced all the aches started after coming off of it!! Alendronic Acid Has Destroyed My Life. In addition, previous side effects were swellings and wealds all over, itching and bloatedness. Dr David Brownstein has written, and talked on YouTube on this subject. I hd bone density DXA scan scan in 2010 and was told i had I also have severe oseaoarthritis in my hip and other joints are affected. There are dentists and oral surgeons in the US who will not treat people if they are on this drug. My GP suggested that I take another brand but I cannot risk it. As I sat up from the bed my head started to pound. Alendronate is also used to treat Paget's disease of bone. Please talk to your doctor about this. And how are we going to return to good health? I am 62 and expected some challenges at my age but this has been a shock! Was taken into hospital and because I was taken alendronic they discharged me with 4 Tramadol pain was excruciating..Then I started knocking on doors ring any doctor who would listen no one listen. Felicity When I got to see the next doctor in September 2012, I thought I was still telling a Seroxat story. My GP told me to take alendronic acid with the calcium and vit D tabs 5 or so years ago (in my mid 40s), after a DEXA scan showed I had mild osteoporosis already. Alendronic acid (bisphosphonate) is a prescription medication used to help your bones stay as strong as possible. There is a phrase called the patient financial profile which is the profit made from an illness or disease or condition without the patient either getting cured or dying. You uesly get shake from over active thyroid, I know because that what I have, I have been put on alendronic, I havent taken them yet, its very frigthening, not sure what to do, Im 63 and have gone to the gym most ofy life, I dont want to there guinea pig,. I was told by the hospital after my bone scan that my Osteoporosis was not that bad so Ill see what happens after my next scan Im 73 years old and dont want to feel unwell due to the side effects which if you read about them can be very serious. Did your painn go away after it left your system. I was able to see a neurologist fairly quickly, and he concurred with my thoughts that it was probably Seroxat clashing with the anti-sickness tablets (metaclopromide) I had taken in September, and therefore a one-off event. I also are very intolerant to any meds but my doctor had at last convinced me to trythis and suffice to say I will not be taking any more. I feel very tired and my bones are much more painful now. Then, you can resume eating and drinking normally. It's harmful if you suddenly stop taking it without a proper assessment from your healthcare provider. I have an appointment at The Royal Dental Practice, Cromwell Road, Dorchster to have two back teeth removed. I am diary intolerant. I chose the infusions and, after two infusions, the Pagets was seen to be in remission. Abstract. I do wonder if all of this is as a result of being on Seroxat for so long. How to take alendronic acid Alendronic acid is a drug used for the treatment of osteoporosis. muscle cramps or spasms, a tingling sensation in your fingers or around your mouth - these can be symptoms of low calcium levels in your blood. Food and beverages (eg, mineral water, coffee, tea, or juice) will decrease the amount of alendronate absorbed by the body. Participants will receive one dose of active zoledronic acid during the first month after heart or liver transplantation and weekly placebo alendronate pills or one dose of placebo zoledronic acid and weekly active alendronate pills for the first year after transplant. Dont use it. Had this procedure yesterday 30th Jan 2021 (My Birthday ) Found absolutely nothing clean bill of health with my colon Such a relief Guess I will never know for sure if the medication was responsible but I am convinced that it was & will never ever take AA + ADCAL3D again. I am disappointed in my GP who recommended a NHS Dentist in Melcome Avenue, Wemouth. However for the past couple of months the left lower side of my face has been continuously swollen and my family have finally noticed. Editorial Note: We want any accounts of adverse or interesting events on drugs or new uses for drugs from people on them or doctors, pharmacists or others trying to manage the effects of drugs. Then seen a doctor over the pains in my head he asked how long Id been taking alendronic when I told him how long Id on them, he was horrified and reported straight away.They discovered I had broken Vertebrae leaning on my spinal cord.Alendronic should be band. Im also having episodes of increased heart rate on a regular basis just from walking a short distance. My lower teeth started getting loose and getting cavities to the point where , in 2011 I had to have the last remaining 6 lower teeth pulled and dentures made. But, because you naturally produce vitamin D3, your doctor might not recommend you take supplements unless you have a deficiency. Bisphosponates are prescribed to help your bones stay as strong as possible. My lower face is completely swollen on the left side. Alendronic acid has been studied in a small number of patients with osteogenesis imperfecta under 18 years of age. Ohh my Goodness thank you so much for your post. Both risedronic acid and oral alendronic acid have been shown to prevent bone loss when taken daily. Do not lie down for at least 30 minutes after taking medicine. I am aldo taking Calcio with vitamin-D This was long ago and it was a new drug but the GMC told my GP that yes there was a slight risk of an allergic reaction to it. Also take two drugs for cholesterol and statins i rattle !! Hopefully it will have gone by tomorrow and I am not taking anymore,will only take the prescribed vitamin D and calcium daily tablet. Following a recent hip fracture and subsequent dexa scan, it was shown that I had Osteoporosis mainly in the right hip and spine (my hip fracture was on the left side ! In a typical nanoconstruct, alendronic acid is conjugated with hydrophilic head moiety of phospholipid that has an ability to self-assemble with hydrophobic polymeric core through its hydrophobic long carbon-chain. Sight has deteriorated (but attend Moorfields for regular check ups. Took dose 8 yesterday, and so far so good. Fast forward to 2019 stared getting pains from my knees traveled throughout my body into my head thought im going to die. Read on a page recently that the manufacturers of this drug have been sued in Canada by 1200 odd people and won 27.5 millionso why hasnt this been reviewed here. I am also diabetic 2 (no drugs diet only) coeliac (wheat and gluten free. Below are essential things that you should know before taking alendronic acid: Tell your doctor if you have any dental implants or any tooth issues before taking alendronic acid. I have an annual blood test at hospital for gluten. Stopped AA & CAL3D immediately!! My wrists were swollen, aching. It got better in the day, but flared up at night for a few nights, then resolved. I just want to feel better. My doctor didn't mention the gastrointestinal issues when prescribing Alendronic acid and neither did she mention alternative ways of improving my situation. My body jerked violently and out of control for hours. Alendronic Acid Has Destroyed My Life (Everything About Alendronic Acid & When To Stop Taking It) by Reana Jean Cuevas You can only stop taking alendronic acid when your doctor says so. There are 8,218 reported reactions, bear in mind many dont report the side effects to the Yellow Card Scheme. Even before Fosamax was introduced in 1995 as a superior osteoporosis treatment, jaw osteonecrosis has been linked to the bisphosphonate drug family. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribe to newsletter About 3 hours later, I started to feel weird, sort of dizzy. I cannot say specifically that they have caused me any problems. The wierd thing is that none of my upper teeth seem to have been affected by it. The strange thing is that as soon as I read: That is exactly the reaction I had years ago to Metoclopramide the anti sickness drug. If I apply pressure to the back of my neck, my neck pain still hurts really bad, but I can move my neck. I had open heart surgery at the end of December and didnt take the alendronate for a couple of weeks and coincidentally the swelling went I thought maybe it was caused by fluid build up due to my heart condition and thats why it was better. They can help to: prevent bone loss caused by hormone therapy and other cancer treatments. I have also been taking Adcal tablets for years. I was on it for 9+ years and it caused fractures in my sacrum and pelvis. Took 1 pill of AA. My Mum had taken Alendronic for 10yrs after breaking her hip. Six hours later, left jaw joint tightness, nerves in teeth/jaw became sensitive (lasted a day), runny stools, dry mouth, calf cramps (at night). These chemicals were developed in the 19th century but were not investigated until the 1960s for bone metabolism. The first indication I had that something was amiss was in September 2009 I took three anti-sickness pills and had some very strange reactions. Already taking Adcal D3 and steroids. Pharmaceutical drugs are just about making money and not curing people. I had been doing yoga for twenty years. I am now using a Naturopathic Bone Protocol supplentation for building bones. It hurts to walk on my feet. I walked home very gingerly with the dog and later phoned my doctor From day one my tummy was not happy & after 8 weeks I suddenly became severely constipated (Literally overnight !!!) Until this doctor expressed his surprise that I was taking it, and his opinion that it was possibly the cause of my problems, no one had ever raised any questions about it. Took AA on Sunday and the next night I was in so much pain, I couldnt move. Alendronic acid is a bisphosphonate drug that prevents osteoclastic bone resorption which is used for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. I began to take as prescribed and do not have any problems until 6 days after my 4 th dose, I was awakened in the night with uncomfortable, aching wrists. Im 61 and after a long history of fractures (mostly sports related) and a recent wrist fracture from a fall, I had a DXA scan and have Oseopenia. The next day I felt very ill. When I initially had a bone scan they said Id have another one after three years, Ive never had another one. Frequently missing a dose may lessen the drugs potency. I have been taking them for about 5 weeks. I think she must have dislodged it, I also have something called GCA which can affect your jaw so I cant say which or if either has caused the problem. You would think that and the fact that in Canada a class action suit was brought against the manufacturers of this drug, would be enough to warrant serious alarm bells. Please tell your doctor if youre taking: Your doctor might recommend you take brands of alendronic acid such as Fosavance and Bentexo along with vitamin D3 (calciferol). Soil degradation is a process in which the value of the land and its biophysical environment is affected by a combination of human actions and non-natural . We engineered nanomedicine with the stealth corona made up of densely packed bone seeking ligand, alendronic acid. prevent cancer spreading to the bone. I developed teeth probs just before diagnosis so treatment sounds scary if things are made worse by AA. I take 70mg PW now for about 12 mths. Severe side effects include the following: In rare cases, alendronic acid may cause a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). Im not going to take another one and just hope these pains gradually wear off. I was prescribed Alendronic acid because I had been diagnosed with osteopenia back in 2004. Nothing too spectacular to report. My legs and bottoms of feet, are so painful. And yes side effects are happening, muscles ache, jaw aches, I did have an X-ray on my jaw and its fine TG. Taking alendronic acid for at least a year can halve your chances of fractures in your wrist, hip, or spine when youve entered the menopausal stage. As soon as I told the duty doctor it was a possible drug clash, I sensed he immediately lost interest. Your doctor may recommend you go for a regular bone density test using X-rays, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA or DXA), or a special CT scan to diagnose. I am so worried about taking the meds but also worried about not taking them? I have v v mild connective tissue disorder (not rare) also. It may put you at risk of jaw bone damage. they can have the opposite effect ! the pain in my muscles and bones is unbearable, chills, last I had night sweat, my stomach was bloated, acid reflex and the headache along with my jaw ache wont go away. It might surprise some readers to learn that bone is. The current protocol for this drug is for 3-5 years maximum. Are there any better options to AA which people have found?? The Royal Osteoporosis Society website is very detailed and useful, with info on exercise you should do more of it which must be weight bearing more so than just walking and promote balance. Ive only just started on the AA but since my run in with Metoclopramide Im scared to take any drugs now. Ulcers or erosions of your esophagus and gut, which include symptoms like severe heartburn, trouble and pain when swallowing, Bone death or damage on your jaw with symptoms like painful or swollen gums, loosening of teeth, numbness and heavy feeling in your jaw, and mouth sores, Unusual bone breaks in your hip and leg bones which is indicated by a dull, aching pain in your hips, groin, or thighs, Damage of bones in your inner ear with symptoms ear pain, ear discharge, or infection, Swelling in the eyes which have signs like blurred vision, painful or red eyes. And dairy products reach in calcio. Took one tablet within 24hrs experienced labour pains & felt like Id been kicked by a horse in the back continued for 4 days, gradually wore off and I refused to take another Alendronic pill again. Fast forward to 2008. Not feel normal anymore, weak dizzy loosing balance and sight too which could also be caused by oprazole to protect stomach. I still do not feel right and have added pain, although a bit better than it was. Background: The objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of alendronic acid once weekly relative to risedronic acid once weekly on bone mineral density (BMD), markers of bone turnover and tolerability in the treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. GP is arranging for a bone scan . I was left on Seroxat for 15 years and wonder if it is the reason I know have Neuropathy. Im 54 years old and after having a Dexa scan, was told that I have Osteoporosis. My recent dexa scan showed a deterioration in bone loss in the last three years so much so that I now have osteoporosis in my hip. In fact we were three quarters of the way through our time together before I happened to mention I took alendronic acid. What else can I do to improve my post.menopausal condition? Hello Barbara But it probably has. The my neck was hurting. If I apply pressure to my temples, my headache lessens. If youve taken alendronic acid for 2 years, your bones might still benefit from it for up to 5 years. my Dr. told me she did not want me to take the Alendronic Acid because it would loosen my teeth. With this condition, your bones become thin and weak, and break easily. I can't even eat an orange on an empty stomach as it hurts so much. Dont freeze it but keep it at room temperature between 15-30C. But, theres not enough evidence on this claim. I could hardly walk with pain all over my body, felt sick, couldnt eat. I have had several extrane simpthoms after taking alendronic and had to give it up due to a dental treatment. If you missed a dose, take it the following day and do not double take it to avoid overdosing. Having read & researched online information regarding side effects I accepted that I needed to take the Prednisolone but was not comfortable with ADCAL 3D + Alendronic Acid & especially since my Vitamin D level was so good but was advised to take them taking into account my age of 73years. She sent me to a specialist for a second opinion and he said take it. For alendronic acid Common or very common Gastrointestinal disorders; joint swelling; vertigo Uncommon Haemorrhage Rare or very rare Femoral stress fracture; oropharyngeal ulceration; photosensitivity reaction; severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCARs) Side-effects, further information Conclusions: Alendronic acid once weekly produced greater BMD increases at both hip and spine sites and greater reductions in bone turnover relative to risedronic acid once weekly. She is currently in a lot of pain when she walks. Wait for at least 30 minutes after taking the drug. It works by suppressing the activity of osteoclasts, cells that cause destruction of bone. On the third dose I took the tablet with a glass of water as usual and as it was 6.30am I decided to take the lurcher I was looking after for a longish walk (as you cant sit down once you had taken the tablet). Hi Judith Hi. Two hours later, I finally could eat, and drink. I do wish you the very best I thought, as I was 53 and just into the menopause, it would be sensible to have my bones scanned and was shocked to be told I too have osteoporosis in the spine. Bisphosphonates are a class of osteoporosis drugs such as Boniva (ibandronate), Fosamax (alendronate), Actonel (risedronate) and Reclast (zoledronic acid). Thank you. Typically, doctors recommend taking osteoporosis medication for 3-5 years. It begins as minor dental problems and can escalate to permanent jaw damage. I just took my 8th dose of alendronate sodium 70 mg. I asked how we would know if it wasnt working, and his reply was that it would be having an effect on my bones after six months and the next scan results would indicate an increased bone density, or not. If recommended to be taken twice a day, you should have it during lunchtime and dinnertime. In April 2010 I went back to my gym routine, and within a few weeks the second jerking episode occurred. I urge you to Look into his work for yourselves. My face had also experienced this and I have had swollen lips. The dentist told me there was no possible way the drugs had anything to do with my teeth getting loose, and it was probably just poor dental hygiene, in spite of the fact that I was 56 when these problems STARTED and 63 when I had to give up and pull the last ones. Armed with more natural solutions which I have been taking anyway but paying more attention now. It has further become clear that my symptoms were not and are not brought on by activity per se, but by an increase and deepening in my breathing, as if the extra air I take in is poisoning me in some way. Ive now been put on Risedronate and after just 24 hrs I ache all over and keep getting sharp pains everywhere , seriously thinking of stopping this as side effects are awful. I was tested for gluten intolerance and was told I was gluten intolerant in 2011. how to prove negative lateral flow test. Anyway, I started to take them three weeks ago and I seem to have been fortunate in that I have had very few side effects but, after reading all these reviews, Im not sure I will carry on as Im fit and healthy with no pain. The GP has been renewing this prescription although I now read a patient only needs to take for 2 yrs max! Surgeon said her bones in the hip and pelvis crumbled away like chalk and hed never seen that as severe before. , I started taking foxomax at the age of 38 and took it weekly for many years during this time the foxomax I was taking became alendronic acid I had no idea the dental problems it could cause till I need a tooth out I I had to come of alendronic acid and wait a period of time before having my tooth out but to my shock before I went back on alendronic acid it was suggested I have a dexa scan I didn,t think there would be any thing a miss how mistaken I was although I had been on the alendronic acid for years it hadn,t worked for me and my bones where thinner than they should be I now have ostiopenia and take ad cal, I am dealing with broken teeth and mouth issues due to foxamax. I will not take the poison again. Two or three times a week. Hi Rowena. I have been taking alendronic acid and adcal D3 for several months, since starting these drugs I have developed a very dry sore mouth and tongue with much reduced flow of saliva, also I have much reduced sense of taste. Have been on it a yr. Was ok i think, but disabled badly with fatigue anyway, so hard to know. Now my story is about alendronic acid and the slow but sure decline of my health and fitness. Bisphosphonates are widely used. I found it all extremely interesting and worrying. I was, in fact, part of a community of Seroxat users who like me were struggling to understand what had happened to them. Extra C/D also. Like to leave a reply to louise bird I too, was prescribed this drug as, my poor mother had developed osteoporosis very badly. I would say) I was suddenly aware of my mouth being transformed into a state where I was unable to move my lips and then my jaw at all. I also read from what seems like reliable sources that oesophageal cancer rates go up by 40% and also causes atrial fibrillation in significant numbers . Looking back over the past four years of this journey, I realised that whenever I took any other tablets my symptoms worsened dramatically. Hi, I am 47 years old and recently found out I have osteopenia every where and osteoprosis in on of my hips. Took dose 7, and on and off right hip aches, but now radiating to thigh. Even a couple of paracetamol would make me ill. And of course I was already taking Seroxat, albeit a very small amount. blurred vision, painful or red eyes - these can be signs of swelling of the eye. All Rights Reserved. Menopause in women or low testosterone levels in men, Poor nutrition such as low-intake of calcium and vitamin D, Crohns disease, celiac disease, and other inflammatory bowel conditions that affect your body in absorbing nutrients, Calcium supplements, magnesium, iron, and zinc multivitamins, Cancer medicines such as bevacizumab or thalidomide and if youre undergoing chemotherapy. alendronate is for use when you have a high risk of bone fracture due to osteoporosis. I also went willingly and happily to the gym twice a week and did weekly pilates. Eventually, I Started Pilates and regular walking. Who else out there has a similar story? check your brand of alendronic acid may contain gluten, Dear Jane She has had none of the horrible side effects mentioned in these posts so it must work for some people. Feel quite worried reading all these comments but thoughts Id just let people know that my 90 year old mother has been taking AA plus Adcal for about 8 years after two falls in which her wrists were broken ( falls due to hypotension caused by drug she was currently taking. I had to stop immediately and was plunged in to full blown menopause, which has been hell ever since. I stopped taking alendronic acid straight away and now wake every morning in the hope that there might be some improvement in my condition. I took it on Tuesday. So I have decided that it must be the alendronic acid and I have stopped taking them its making my life unbearable. Have been taking alendronic for 14 months now because I had a fall just over 15months ago and broke both knee caps, have been taking them once a week,but I find they make me dizzy so was thinking of stooping them,is this advisable? The side effects are bone pain, joint pain and bruising, numbness in the face and lips. 6.3 Shelf life. When I showed this to my GP, he said that is not correct and the book was wrong. I ran on a treadmill for twenty minutes and I could push my weight in kilos on the leg press. Can you give me the name of this book, I too am struggling with whether to go down the road of alendronic acid.

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