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Means "great-nosed ones". Means "One who throws arrows. When the wind blew and swung them back and forth against each other southerners would refer to them as windchimes. They ain't white and they ain't black, THEY'RE IN BETWEEN. Its most common meaning is a derogative insult towards gay people and people from the LGBTQ+ community. Thais, living in Thailand, refer to the Indians (who have been in Thailand for at least 200 years, I think) as Kaeks, which means "guest" in Thai. Spota take care of the kids. An Asian-American who has lost their heritage. Police-type term referring to blacks driving through white neighborhoods. From Star Wars Episode One, trade federation people have similiar characteristics of Japanese buisness men. Common Jewish name. when used by other people to describe Albanians. - It dates back (in print) to at least 1913. ", starring primitive dark creatures that lived in sewers, From that African language that all it is is clicks and whistles. Thought to originate from one of the first white men to reach Jamaica, possibly a sailor. Derived from the shacks they lived in -- the shanty. Also used derisively to apply to all Asian persons. Comes from the character Calpurnia in the book "To Kill a Mocking Bird. Canadian cross the border on land mostly unlike many Mexicans who do so via the Rio Grande (see Wetback). Redneck, Hick and Hillbilly are all used as derogatory terms for whites. Israelis call black ethiopians kushi and blacks period. Possibly the lack of melanin resembles the pale skin of a vampire. Indian name. The uniform was made up of tanned bottoms and dark upper clothing. For blacks that ride in hoopties with loud systems and smoke marijuana, Black criminals. Pioneered by the Black/Mexican hip-hop group "Delinquent Habits". Genus & species. Dirty white trailor trash people normally resemble the population of Memphis, TN. The Argentinians call Brazilians "macacos" (monkeys in brazilian portuguese language) because they are more racially mixed. Unknown origins, possibly "goo-goo," from the Tagalog language (a major language spoken in the Philippines). Spota not break the law.". Italians. Used by American GIs to refer to Korean whores because of their facial features. IROC Camaros are popular among east coast Italians. Mexican term for white Americans. Black people seen on the ski slopes; a stereotype that they generally don't go skiing because they dislike the cold. Pronounced "Kuh-blasian" (example: Tiger Woods), Chinese/Black mix. Play on "White Devil". "Mojo" derives from "mojado" meaning "wet" i.e. Police officer admits to being one of U.K.'s worst serial . See Cricket. Commonly used to refer to Whites living in southern United States. Originated from Cush. "Snatch the pebble from my hand, Grasshopper.". Black/Chinese Mix. See: Mulatto. Jews tend have long noses, similar to a mosquito. Therefore making them Jersey-dwellers. Commonly used by Creole-speaking blacks. Used by Hispanics. Derived from Sicilian immigrants who paid in Italian currency, Guineas. Big Black Cocks. Black males who behave like whites or talk very proper. a shaming or degrading effect : stain, stigma. 'Cookie person/people.'. Person who drives an Asian car that has modifications which are supposed to make the car look faster. Most likely origin comes from the 1960's as an acronym for: South Philadelphia Lower-Income Blacks. Reference to Kjeldsen's Butter Cookies, a fairly famous export from Denmark. Refers to Canadian people and the assumption that they consume lots of maple syrup. Refers to a pale Finnish fuck with beatty eyes and blonde hair who sucks a lot of penis. Name of Black Pimp in Melvin Van Peebles movie who kills white police and gets away with it, common aspiration of black ghetto youths. Lithuanian Jews. A caucasian, black, and asian person. Also a type of bean/bean sprout used in oriental cuisine. noun Informal. Not really a slur. Term used by the Portuguese referring to white people from Mozambique. DJ turntable scratching noise, often heard in rap music. Popular White 80s hairstyle called a 'mullet' is similar to a gorilla: short on top and long in the back. Many Greeks wear their hair high on the front of their head, apparently because they use it for protection when in a fight. Like a hillbilly or redneck; a villager or someone from the country. Used to conceil racially discrimative remarks towards blacks when present. Refers to a type of dog found in Northern parts. During the late 80's and early 90's it was popular for blacks to cut their hair at an angle, forming a bevel that look similar to those pink erasers that you used in grade school. Still used today. Newfoundlanders. Black/Mexican mix. Agent Orange was a defoliant used in Vietnam. Referenced by Groudskeeper Willy on the Simpsons, Comes from the French surrendering (whiteflagging) many wars. Another take on frozen Wetback. Asians that go to arcades and play one game for hours off of a single quarter. Means "Innkeeper" or "Motel Owner". Full definitions of all the slang words listed above: B bat fastard noun "fat bastard ". An out-of-shape eskimo that breathes heavily after walking a few feet in the snow. Light skinned light haired person. Derivative of the name of a champagne; Cordon Negro. Blacks who can't afford cars and are always seen riding bikes: (S)illy (N)iggers (O)n (B)ikes. (slavery), They come out at night to raise hell - turn on the lights and they scatter. Arrogant female whites who flaunt their money around and demand the finest things in life. Not really a slur but could be if you say it the right way. Reference to the holocaust when Jews were often worked so hard, they were turned into a mere pile of bones. Related to "Pepper". Old Black. Named after the habit of starting every name with Euro. A shillelagh is a staff commonly use by the Irish, Small Irish Dick. Compares Scotland to a 3rd world country such as Pakistan. Thai/Black. Ho = short for "whore.". I.E. Expression appears in some U.S. movies made during the war. Pronounced "Doosss". Chinese for "ocean ghosts". Spanish accordion player. -Oh my God, SLUR! can be used in casual speech without any intention of causing . From Mao Tse-tung, original leader of communist China. Used by non-whites describing places uncomfortably too white. Blacks in Hawaii who attempt to pass themselves off as ethnically Hawaiian. Hispanics are often limited to low paying jobs, such as picking fruit, which includes but is not limited to cherries. Also a British new wave band in the 80's famous for their song "Everybody Have Fun Tonight" with the lyric "Everybody Wang Chung tonight!". Navajo term which roughly translates to "silly white person", Term used by Asians when refering to westerners because of their larger noses. - You look like a faggot! A Gang known as the Bloods, say PRAAAAAP! Hawaiian: Haole is a contraction of ha (breath) and a'ole (no) meaning "no breath" used to described foreigners who shook hands instead of greeting nose to nose like the Hawaiians. White/Native American mix. Russian deragatory term for a dumb American. (raddishes are white inside and red outside). Refers to a person of black and white heritage who passes for a white person. He's a right bat fastard, he is. Italian/Jewish mix. Another reason could be vampires need blood, and whites tend to look cold and in need of a blood transfusion. Commonly used as a reference to the Russians' stereotypical chess prowess. During the days of the KKK many black people were hanged from th same tree. However, its use parallels that of the word "nigger" in the United States. Chicano slur used in L.A. From Mexican boys wearing thin nets to cover their hair. Also a possible reference to the minoral aspect of the African race in the United States. Blacks listen to loud "thumping" music in their cars. See more. Commonly used by American Jews to deride the Israeli culture. Rouge means 'Red' in French. "Big Dummy Nigger" Comes from the movie "The Green Mile". AKA: Zipper, See also: Zipperhead. Marvel Studios enjoys filling in the gaps and telling longer stories using additional projects like behind-the-scenes documentaries, character guides, and One-Shots. Aboriginal tribe name. Refers to the criminal army the English sent into Ireland to rape, plunder, and terrorize the inhabitants. In recognition of a common Hebrew facial characteristic. Also an Indian trying to act black. Used in Boston because Irish immigrants could mostly only find employment helping to fill in the Back Bay which was at the time, marsh and water. One who engages in the act of pig-fucking, a favorite pass time among those hailing from rural areas of America's southern states. A play on the arabic food baba ganoush, an eggplant and garlic sauce which is often consumed by arabic people. See: Honky. The war was almost on Cocain- main source for living in Latin America. A phrase made popular by stereotypical Indian convenience store owner Apu on The Simpsons. Half black, half Indian. Can be used towards racist whites who don't think they're racist. Comes from the word "Moleckum" meaning "drink sipper" in Arabic. Apparently used since World War I. Jerry was a British nickname for "chamberpot", and was a reference to the shape of the helmets the germans wore in WWI. From "Jemima Puddle Duck," a Peter Rabbit character. Based on the Native American practice of scalping enemies. I looked it up in The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. Word for "niggar" in Brazil, pronounced CHEE-foo-CHEE. Literal translation means "person with bushy eyebrows. Referring to Black Africans. For white people who kowtow to Black people or racist White People. After World War II, displaced refugees of Eastern European origin were referred as Displaced Persons, however, it stuck around even today to describe Polish immigrants. Many Mexicans work in agriculture today. Malcolm X used this slur. Term for unskilled Chinese workers, especially on U.S. railroads. Often shortened to "Jig.". Used by the church that was attended by Mr. Smith - the hate killer that shot up a bunch of Jews and Blacks in the summer of '99. "Apni" refers to Indian females. Canadian/Asian mix. Used by themselves and the Dutch. Nigerian word for White people. Pronouced "milk," made due to misrepresentation of national holidays. Arrogant female blacks who flaunt their money around and demand the finest things in life. Some Filipinos told critics to be cautious in their use of derogatory words to describe Alex Gonzaga after she drew flak over an icing-smearing incident. Shortened form of "Provisional Irish Republican Army (I.R.A.)" Heard frequently in NY. slur - Urban Dictionary; Why the R-Word Is the R-Slur; Slur Definition & Meaning |; Pejorative - Wikipedia; The Secret History Of The Word 'Cracker' : Code Switch : NPR; That's Gay! Asians with pompadours. However, its usage has become a lot looser and now includes any racist white. Defined as those who are obsessed with Japanese culture, including but not limited to: frequently watching/reading and having an expansive knowledge of anime and manga, frequently listening to j-pop, wanting to learn Japanese, playing copious amounts of bemani and RPGS (or just imported Japanese games), collecting Japanese merchandise, driving a rice burner, and wishing to visit frequently or even live in Japan. Found offensive among certain groups. Also used by Protestants to demean Catholics in Northern Ireland. Originally an Aboriginal name for themselves as a people; used by others, however, it is considered derogatory. British Blacks. However, "kaek" is pronounced to rhyme with "crack. Many variations exist, including "Nig", "Nigel", "Niggy", "Niggly", etc. Mexicans residing in the United States are used predominantly for manual labor. Flemish for "cheese". Very white with a big head. Military term for Icelandics, origin unknown, Stands for "Fresh off the Boat." And one person you know is not the sole bearer of truth on everything in the queer community, hell xe would probably even say "queer" is a slur and anyone who identifies as it is a terrible person, telling by how xe . This was an explination as to why troops were ordered to kill Indian children. Historically Jig is a kind of dance. Black on the outside, white on the inside. Immigrants who come to America by boats or ships (or rafts). Coined by comedian Scott Thompson from the Kids in the Hall. Austrians and Bavarians use it for Northern Germans. The name of a mixture of french fries, cheese, and gravy. CBC is also a major television network in Canada. The Irish-Americans called black people "Nagurs" because they could not pronounce the word "Nigger" with their accent. See: "kotonk", Hawaiian names starting with Kanak i.e. Its just as bad as any other slur, like the f-slur (used against queer people) or the n-slur (used against POC). This slur originated in the 60's and 70's. ", Henry Ford used it, reference to circumcision. Austrlian slang term for a useless person living in the state of Queensland. Smash grapes with feet to make wine, hence grape smasher. Frequently used at sporting events. ", They look fairly Asian and live in the snow. Arabic term that means Black, many Middle Eastern immigrants to the United States use this. Used by blacks in an effort to help unify their race. "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" reference. From 70's military slang, stands for "Little Brown Fucking Machine". Since Chinese always have haircuts that look like Moe from The 3 Stooges, A 'mook jonk' is a wooden dummy used in kung fu. Joe Kennedy used this term in public to refer to Jews without anyone knowing he was doing so. During the Industrial boom of the auto industry and OSHA'a requirement of safety precautions, workers were required to wear steel-toed boots. First appeared in the book "Babar the King" published in 1963 and made into a popular animated HBO show in the early 90's. Used to refer to tall, thin Italians. Refers to Canadians who cross the border to shop for big blocks of inexpensive American Cheese. Alex was in hot water after she smeared cake icing on a server's forehead during her 35th party celebration. A word used to belittle or poke fun at the caucasian designation for whites. Non-derogatory Nickname used by themselves and others. Origin unknown. A variation is to refer to someone by the names of one of the Brady Bunch children,i.e., Peter, Marsha, etc. They sometimes do work tractors might normally be used for. Same color as skin. In Canada, they do a dance called a jig or jigging. Roughly translates to "dude." Native American term. 2. White men, or any non-hispanic, who date hispanic women. Not necessarily a slur nor derogatory, but rather a direct translation. Polynesians live in islands and some have hair similar to that of Black people. Black children. While the term may look like it stands for 'Fuck,' even mistakenly using it is considered offensive nowadays. Makak is some kinda ape. "Spota get a job. Could probably be used on any native peoples. Stereotype of black women as nannies to white children, especially overweight black women - see "Gone With The Wind". Muslim Women. Used mainly during the First and Second World Wars, and directed especially at German soldiers. Probably from the Dutch "niknok" (nigger) by way of South Africa. Black actor who sells out to get laughs from white people. A Jewish person that acts or tries to act like a black person or is half black. Used by hockey players to make fun of blacks playing basketball. Used by Hispanic-Americans. He called an older black man "Jim" and the guy flipped out and roared, "Who are you callin' Jim?" More specifically, it would refer to Iranians. The term Redskin, came from two places, the skin color, then the cruel torture of skinning Native Americans for a bounty. Sounds like their gulping when the speak English, Soldier in name called them that, referring to McDonalds (slaughtered meat). Originated during the cold war. Rap is visceral; hip-hop is cerebral. Derived from Tagalog "puti," meaning "white". Malaysians, Singaporeans and some Australians like to call Indonesians "Indon". (It's not just a US thing, though, as libtard sees some currency in the likes of the UK, too.) Australian origin representing an irresponsible person. A derogatory term used by Filipinos meaning "nigger". From "Skippy the Bush Kangaroo. Not necessarily specific to Blacks. Indians come from India, not North/South America. Pollo means chicken in Spanish. Often, when it is time to give the illegal aliens their meager wages, the plantation owner calls the border patrol to send them back. Meanwhile, many people have been called out on social media if found using the C slur. Also Yitze Braun, Yitze Braud, Russian-language version of "Jew" or "yid". The Goomba is also the weakest enemy in Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. video game series. Urban Dictionary: j slur J-slur J-slur is a person who is ugly annoying and generally the most annoying person you know, typically fruity. Refers to pregnant black women, thought to be breeding future criminals. Used as a greeting between gang members ("Yo, G, what up?"). But in black, Latinx, queer ball culture in the 1970-80s, slay ing definitely came to refer to when an outfit, hair, makeup, dance moves, and attitude were all flawless. a disparaging remark or a slight: quick to take offense at a slur; an ethnic slur against people of Irish descent. (3/5=.6), Stands for "poor old nigger thinks it's a Cadillac", Poo-Poo (Feces are black or brown in color. The latter are short, episodic, narratives that follow . Not any more a slur than Jew is. Corresponds with the letters J-E-W on a telephone. The latitude line between slave and free states. Short for "Anglophone" and used in Quebec, especially for Anglophones in Quebec province itself. Pronounced "flems", from Monty Python's Flying Circus. From the Polish word for Lithuania, Some Jews do not consider this an insult but ethnic Lithuanians do. White New Zealanders. Represents skinny white women with a tan. slurs can be reclaimed and used by the person they were used against, for example someone who is black can reclaim the n word, someone who is gay can reclaim the f slur. Also, Spudfucker. Pronounced "gi-nee." Commonly used in Ireland. From Kunta Kinte in the book/movie "Roots. a mix of Bosnian and chefur used derogatory in Slovenia, typically hard uneducated workers from Bosnia and Hercegovina. A stereo type of American Indians referencing their prevalence to excessive alcohol consumption. Ebonics: "I gave the bitch crabs and the hotel everybody.". Metro Atlanta Regional Transit Authority. Comes from "Sketchy" and denotes the foreman at a jobsite (often with sketchpad in hand). Init is a actual word the Sioux like to use. Eskimo orginated from southern Indian tribes describing the northern Inuit, whom they were constantly fighting. Australian version of Sheepfucker. Also: Carpet Jockey. Was popular during the Cold War. The ships often left on early morning tides or during the night, causing the locals to believe they were "ghosts" who were seen and then disappeared. For that reason all the new Asians who are around you in e.g the work force, school. A supposedly common name of British butlers. Bird-like features, many english have big noses. Their likeness is often mascots for sports teams, Short for "Muckleshoot", one of the most stereotypical and despised tribes of the Pacific Northwest. In Australia they sniff all the petrol and gas. Sounds like "book-book." Refers to what it looks like when a Filipino woman is in a gangbang. Mostly a Texas term, though it may be heard in any other of the 'border' states. As the fights for racial equality have become more prominent, the use of C slurs has reduced. The Chinese ate their babies because of their poverty stricken homes and to keep down the population. BFI, the name of a waste disposal company, is on the side of their dumpsters. As stipulated by their religion, believers in Islam pray in the direction of Mecca 5 times per day. In reference to the many casinos popping up on Indian reservations all over America. Comes from red-necked woodpecker. Words or phrases on Urban Dictionary may have multiple definitions, usage examples, and tags. Finnish people regard Swedish men to be woman-like homosexuals - thus bg which is Swedish for a homosexual. Old African word that refers to tribes people. Last name of famous Jewish con-artist/criminal. Almost exclusively used as a derogatory word for whites after the U.S. armed takeover of the Hawaiian Monarchy. Probably comes from country people who could not pronounce the word Indian correctly. Common name: Chaim, pronounced (roughly) hy-EEM. Japanese slur for blacks. Their diet consists almost entirely of fish. Combination of 'Chink' and 'Nigger'. Referring to common head dressings of middle easterners. Specially used in soccer confrontations. Reasons for this word: 1) it may be because the word sounds very much like the language. The highest level of education many Blacks get to. Boches Apheresis of the word alboche, which in turn is a blend of allemand (French for German) and caboche (slang for 'head'). Workers Of the Goverenment was printed on the back of their coveralls. Name for younger black women who use thick, braided hair weaves because the end result often looks like rope. Could also refer to double-A batteries, which you use for a while then throw away. A stealthy abo who goes around stealing goon. Often not derogatory when used. 'Nazi Firewood' to be more specific. Refers to the abundance of Reindeer and silent J's found in this part of the world. Black person with Chinese or "Chink" blood, Black/Asian mix; from a line by Chris Tucker in Rush Hour 2. Heard in Japan, used by non-Japanese. Filipinos, who are fixated on Japanese pop culture (anime, music, etc. Used by hispanics in conjunction with nigger, but not just for black people. esky, adverb. Agents call the illegals Pollos on their service radios. German. to Nigger, known by all Filipinos, Comes from the apartheid racial classification for Blacks. A Canadian Chinese person who does not understand Chinese culture. White males that try to really get into East Asian culture and date Asian women. Reference to inherent racism in US society. Apparently Black people like Corn Bread. The pigment that makes feces brown is called "bilirubin", Italian wordplay of African names/language, From a racist cartoon spread on the internet where a black man is breaking into a house saying "mup da doo ditta po mo BIX NOOD". Also BBCD - British Born Confused Desi. Also known as skinnies. Others say it's short for "garbage". Refers to Asian babies who would be wrapped in blankets. Poor white trash were referred to as "Po'buckers". Field nigger is the term used to label blacks who choose not to identify with popular white society and culture, as opposed to house niggers--blacks who bend over backwards to win or maintain favor with whites while relishing in the fact that they at least reside in the house with the master rather then outside with the majority of blacks. Redneck whites commonly have missing teeth. Implies that the addresser is accusing the addressee of self-gratification. Coined from an Irish policeman in a Melbourne court, claiming the prisoner was "larkin about". Teenage Asian kids, that are fresh from Hong Kong. To make a black snowman, you use niglige. Stereotypical Aussie behaviour. Pineapples grow there and they kinda look like pineapples. A South African term for Indians. They mostly use this deodorant for days, If one (as a foreigner) listens closely to conversation between Turkish people, it sounds like "yurug" appear quite often, Literally "oily eye" referring to the dark eye color of Turkish people, can also be used for other nationalities. It's a Belgian word. A couple of Kootenai Indians in my home town called some people this once, and I heard it as a boy. Ususally used when referring to illegal immigrant workers. Based on the idea that being Asian and driving is just as dangerous as being intoxicated and driving. They live in Japan, also known as Nippon. Stayed behind for 500 years. Two-thirds of American inmates are Black. It is usually derogatory, but can be an endearing term. ", Used by some upper-class Whites, especially females, when discussing men. Any Italian living more south than Rome, very offensive, describes living standards and cultural differences from the more European north. The slur West used is described by Urban Dictionary as "a Black person who is anti-Black". Translates in Arabic to "Beloved". Used in the movie "Romeo Must Die.". Vandal. Vlah's are now extinct but the saying still stuck with the Serbs who replaced them. There used to be a firecracker called a "niggerchaser" but today they are called simply "chasers. Italian for "eggplant" - very dark black people have a purplish tint to their skin, so does eggplant. Experiments performed on the Jews during WW2, The Old Testament forbids them to eat pork, Moses led the Israelites across the Red Sea from Egypt. Some of the terms listed below (such as "gringo", "yank", etc.) Normally refers to whites with a Native American heritage. This actually means "Czech" in the Czech language. A popular political affiliation among African Americans. Because so many Puerto Ricans live in Apartment Block to Apartment Block. Eggplants have black skin. Use it in a sentence: "I drove two hours out of my way just to avoid having to talk to my deadsh*t ex." Bill O'Reilly Ilya S. Savenok / Getty Images Synonymous for crap, poop, etc. Vietnamese/Black mix. A goofy black guy, like the guy from Good Times. Tall asians. Popular in New York as Italian and Jewish neighborhoods grew together. Meaning stupid and backwards. Name of a big german tool and machine producer? Comes from Jaundice (Hepatitis), which turns your skin yellow. People moving to the Midwest built their homes out of thick sod, since no other building material was available. White people who try to act like they're Indian. Not quite White; Not Quite Black. German for freeway. Young Mexican girls. The actual word is rtard/rtarded. Europe + Urinal. Reference to the popular black hair style of afro's. Afrikaaner word for blacks, very derogatory. It's an Estonian surname. Pasta Fazoul mixed with Rastafarian. "Lando" is the token Black character in both the original Star Wars Trilogy, and in Clerks: The Animated Series (Which lampoons that aspect of Star Wars). Comparison to the blackened smokestacks of the manufacturing plants. It comes from the Hawaiian term "hapa haole," which means "half-white." Term used by Indians in the late 1800's to describe white settlers. From the Vietnam War. Especially since their skin is so pale, it looks scary to others as their blue eyes stare out at them. This is a term that describes somebody of mixed ethnic or racial background, usually (but not always) Asian/Pacific Islander and Caucasian. Means "Oil Drillers". Used in China, it means "big nose." Manuel is a common hispanic name. Refers to yellow skin tone of Japanese soldiers. This term is mostly used by Mexicans and Native Americans, which happen to be the real Americans, not whites. Whites primarily with blue eyes are said to be the most evil. Meaning they are forever white, since they were a sperm to when they were born through their entire live they stay white like a sperm. Term used to describe "Viet Cong" during the Vietnam War. The Irish were once loosely called the green race. Could also stand for "Funny (or Fucking) Little Island People". Comes from the name "Athabaskan", an Alaskan Indian group. red bluff california tunnels, contra costa county public records divorce, can bindweed cause a rash, findlay municipal court forms, nancy spies haberman kushner, audio technica at875r vs at897, harmony butcher wedding, why did leonard lightfoot leave silver spoons, is stephanie massicotte married, territory sales lead hershey salary, is gojet airlines going out of business, tie dye kit family dollar, 30ma gfci receptacle hubbell, zamzama designer shops, samia companies address,

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