my boyfriend's ex is still close with his familyhow to check hall sensor on samsung washer

Yes, unfortunately, some families never learned to be respectful to their siblings and siblings choices. I not only lost her, but I loved her kids as if they were mine. I want to say this. I ate a little wasnt really hungry. What bothers me the most is her parents behaviour. It makes it harder for me to bond with my new family if the ex is constantly a presence. Not even the same thing. Is it possible youve made veiled ultimatums that they resent and are subconsciously preferring your ex as a form of protest? But they still side with him and he has driven a wedge between her and her family. If I were you Id send this link to everyone of your family members. Her reply was pretty much he was wrong for being upset, wrong for being upset with her, that she didnt tell him because she was going to suprise him on his birthday. I am in a very similar situation. I will loudly exclaim NO, that he is still a jerk and controlling and give specific examples. Exactly. Remember you have kids with him. But he's also not handling this right. I cut ties with some of my family over the same thing!! This just isnt worth all the drama I am sorry but that is how i feel. The movie clueless had a great quote about this related to step children, when one of the characters complains to her father about his spending time with an ex-step-brother, the father respond by saying, we divorce children not spouses or at least that my memory of where the quote comes from. There is no loyalty in my family. I thought I was alone until I found these posts. I feel estranged and devastated. Without an ounce of reflection on your part. Your happiness is more important than your family and your children? Check out the Best of Elite Daily stream in the Bustle App for more stories just like this! What was I supposed to do? At my daughters high school graduation my ex father-in-law tried to engage me in cordial conversation. When i divorced my ex (he was emotionally abusive) my Dad, Stepmum and siblings supported him over me. It takes a hell of a lot of unhappiness and often abuse for someone to not only leave a relationship but their home etc etc. I hope she gets help & realizes its not healthy what her family & ex are doing. If you have a question for John, email: I just blocked my sister on Instagram because she post pictures of my ex and her family hanging out! readmore yes, sounds like disrespect, not considering your feelings, and could be micro or emotional cheating. Thats how beyond myself I am!!! Reply to Chris Chris. A family fallout last year saw my brother not even meet up with me when he was holidaying close to my home. My family were my neighbors too. Those are his kids just like they are yours. I shouldnt have to feel that way in order to spend time with my family, and I dont think my kids should have to see me like that either. Staying overly connected to ex-inlaws is about control and a lack of closure. But do they get excited about the same things and share those experiences with one another in a way that leaves you out in the cold? You are not alone.. I listen to how my kids are developing a relationship with his girlfriend. I would sometimes laugh it off, and he has stopped contacting my dad asking for help, and hes also stopped contacting me (mostly because I have him blocked on everything). My daughter needs me more than I need my mom. He refuses to pay his share of health care costs, like dental work. Yeah, then theres really something going on. I am sorry that you are being hurt this way. A person can be a bad spouse but still be a good person, so consider that. He once pushed me out of a moving car and then drove onto my fathers. I wish everyday I wake up and this is a bad dream. She is also using my 14 month old daughter as a pawn to get the best of me and Im looking for answers on what to do. It has taken 13 years, and I still have moments. All the years of marriage, I kept all the hurt and problems to myself. He wanted me to pack my clothes and leave. The brother chooses to remain very close with the ex in ways that feel inappropriate, and vice versa. Anyway, if you feel that hes doing this to you, its a very clear sign that hes not completely over his ex. etc. relationships have to end because you changed your mind about being married? It is a powerless feeling and sometimes I feel so insignificant I wonder if should just end my life. Her ex husband is not entitled to them. For the third sign, I need a little bit of your female intuition. They, however, see a good dad and boyfriend. No, you are not being unreasonable. Yet his mom still chose her. My daughter went from a funny, happy girl to a very sad, deeply hurt child. But most divorces do not end up with exes hanging out with previous in-laws. ), Amazing indeed, it doesnt matter what part of the world you are. His ex told me that is my family. Its called boundaries and respect and you family knows either. },{ You feel that way around him because of your past. I hear strength, courage, resilience here too. They never showed much interest in my brother or his children and after I ended contact they quickly lost what little interest they had. Of course he makes it seem like everything is my fault and she believes it! And I fact encouraged the divorce. It helps to know I am not the only one who has gone through and goes though this nonsense still. And P.S. I dont talk to or see my family anymore. He was good to MY family BUT so was I. But the family members that go along with this maybe unconsciously participating and then you just need to let go. The next day my husband came home, treated my head and heart and treats me gently, respectfully, and lovingly. Bur I would hope that you can rise above the natural pangs of jealousy and take a higher road to the future. Work together to find some ground, or maybe just getting out in the air alone will make you feel better. This man is a genius. My ex and I divorced after 28 years of marriage. Its very unsettling and sad but i have found any attempt to explain myself simply invites more denial/blame. I realize its a few years old, however, its a common problem when the ex remains too close to former inlaws well after divorce. They didnt invite my brothers ex wife after their divorce. My question is does that entitle him to the house? Learn to be committed, hos. Ive gone through so much heartbreak because my dad and sister chose to invite my ex and his partner to every family event. You are v welcome because it has taken me 3 years to really understand how toxic these kind of people are with many periods of tears and self doubt and I think that says it all. Very sorry you are experiencing this. He treated him really bad, even charged him $200 a month to live with him, even though he worked pushing carts and didnt make that sometimes in a month. Constance. What hes doing is disrespectful. This is for you to get over, not for them to change. And why is he accepting the relationships to continue like this? I went along with it because the day was about my daughter but inside the whole time I was like dude STFU. This is all a story of my reality. He drags me to court claims to be broke I know exactly how you feel. I feel for you because my ex tried to destroy me in every way possible when we split 7 years ago. Absolutely. He also has a girlfriend now. I also wish that I wake up and the hurt will be gone and Ill somehow find a way to not care and forget them. That, dear poster, IS moving on despite the scars and the odd pangs you feel which serve as a reminder not to settle for poor treatment again. You cant be mad at someone just because they are liked by your family. She knows how I feel and tries to keep things secret which only makes it worse. You will fear death more and more as you age and become more bitter and resentful. He hasnt yet introduced you to his family and friends. You could use this time wisely to explore your past, what went wrong in this relationship etc so you can begin to look ahead. He sends her a daily message (one type of contact) to ask how the children are doing (why). Then her familys homes and gradually his. Kathy didnt invite me to nephews graduation and shes being very secretive about my ex going to my moms to spend time with her. I am sure you have friends, that have friends, that you just dont like or care for but it has nothing to do with your relationship with your friend, its pretty similar to that. Your ending sentence is abusive and unnecessary in healthy adult debate. Its become a politically correct or Internet based personal diagnosis way to say someone is an ass. He was emotionally abusive. Before you assume the worst: if he still talks to his ex-girlfriend or ex-wife, thats not necessarily bad. children,Grandchildren together. But do not settle for a friends with benefits (FWB) relationship with him. I get that he is her husbands brother but she embraces his girlfriends when they come to her house. Am I wrong to feel this way? "If your partner has regular dates with an ex, and they don't start [out] seeming like dates, but eventually they do, your relationship could be coming into jeopardy," she says. He talks crap about them behind their backs, continues to stalk me and try and ruin everything I do (even gets the secret gate code to where I live!) He is one of 5 children and the only boy. Dont let this work for then. It is so hurtful and so crazy that my own family, my own mother, would choose my ex over me. I am now left with how to carry on with 2 children with upcoming major events In their life and having such hate toward their father. My ex and his mistress has taken over my family but we had no children together. I havent spoke to my 2 sisters in 4 years. Deal with it. My ex-husband was mentally abusive to me, I finally divorced hi, and it makes me sick my family is still kind to him. Its actually his family. Sounds like you need to forgive, get some healing, and move forward with the life you have been called into. We had Christmas morning at my step-daughters and my daughter brought my ex over there as well. My ex divorced me after 10 yrs. I went to bed. Hers are teenagers. One thing I noticed, that no one seemed to address, is the fact its the OP with the problem. Im going thru the same thing right now. It looks as though I am already being alienated from my niece and nephew and blamed for causing emotional stress for them and feel manipulated into returning to toe the line. He talks about her just enough to indicate he . He kept hanging out with my brothers and cousins and even coming to some bigger family gatherings. It doesnt matter how much time has passed! God would heal you and give you a thick skin to withstand the embarrassing situation. Thats the day we all were finally able to really live and breathe. My sister dumped her husband of 18 years for another person. Furthermore, if our adult children are involved, I feel like I have to compete for their attention. They wont see it that way until you can communicate that. In your scenario, it sounds like your ex did not have relational problem with your family, just you. I realised then he was probably a sociopath. } We had a daughter and son. Do you think they blame him for the break up? If I were in your shoes I would feel unsupported and betrayed. Thats not such a big deal and nothing to worry about. My ex and my sisters husband were best friends, her husbands loyalty to his friend was more important then family. My family is his family now. As for your family, its his family as well. When you're in a relationship with someone, it's rarely just with them. Well, long story short, my family knew about the abusive. Perhaps, he is still friends with his ex. I have cried, complained, disappeared, clammed up and Nobody understands. } Grow up! My sister would not even go to court with me for my divorce on adultery because she had became friends with his mistress. Yes! I was divorced in 1990, well before Facebook. There is no one to mediate and none of his family talk about their problems the way I was brought up to do. It was just more of co-inhabiting together in our house and paying bills. They invite him to holidays, birthday parties, vacation homes. If you try to make them be loyal like a normal sister or mom they will only become bigger liars than they already are. He's revisiting old memories 3. thanks. My sister was married for 30 years to my now ex bro-in-law. Whatever. My mom lived with us, a did my niece. Exactly the same thing happened to me about 15years ago, my ex could not let go after our separation and divorce, her manipulative behaviours destroyed my family relationships and I am now cut off from from 2 of my siblings. Very disrespectful of your family to not consider your feelings. I had no choice but to come to this money temple where LORD SAN did a money ritual spell that has turned me to the richest woman in my family linage, I just bought another house for my first daughter as her marriage gift. He and his family live in a bubble and he barely visited when they were growing up. Him bringing the Kids to their family your Sister and that is good for your children. Sounds like my Husbands family.There isnt attending holidays bc his ex is re-married and states away.However,they treat her (and by extension her new husband) well.They still consider her family bc she and my husband have adult (still friends). Your better of and are lucky in ways you cant imagine, what if it where the opposite and you getting divorced meant you found out he never cared and fucked off entirely and made no effort to pay alimony/child support(unless there above 18) and didnt make an effort to know his children? By this aptitude you are planting negative emotions to words your ex in your children. That there grandparent and uncle wanted to hang out and see them and what if he doing a great job of being a good role model. They were all aware that he was an absentee and that he continues to terrorize and abuse me . He had destroyed thousands of dollars worth of things in the house. I cannot change them and will concentrate on the wonderful people who have supported me. No daughter should ever hear those words from her father. But Im saying that you should allow your family to have somewhat of a bond with him. He promoted lies and created a division between my sisters and myself with the help of my younger sister. And I grieve the loss of my nieces What happens if there is a bbq or party and your both there expect you have a new partner now? My ex-wife abandoned my first born 4 times. Some exes alienate their families as a form of punishment against the person who left them. My ex cozied up even more than ever to my sister during our acrimonious divorce. I can breathe now and no more drama. It is an eye revealer and you should thank God for exposing them. I totally agree with you! Im sure your not invited to things with his family. Tell him to go to hell, especially since hes already moved on. She was cruel about it. I am sure it is very painful for the original poster to be watching her family remain too close with her ex. Ive gotten him a waiver for services and Im teaching him to drive. My family abandoned me at the time I needed them the most. I am in so much pain. I think you need to be very clear with your family and your ex that you need to set, and get to set, boundaries now that youre divorced. I figured they felt hurt for me. Its important that you and your ex are okay, first and foremost, before you can try and befriend his or her family." They do not want to meet you. You, as a sister, should not make your family cut ties with your ex. There are too many stories where a narcissistic, (Im not saying it ex is or isnt) ex had high jacked the ex in-laws. Very manipulative. She was mad when I took him to play baseball near my house (on her Exs day) And she called the church to say that he was not to go to Religious Education anymore. Who do you think you are? Ive read other stories about women whove made the decision, for entirely selfish reasons, that they would like to be single again, and are flummoxed when they realise that their friends and family are less than supportive. Its been over a year now and my family invites my Ex to bbqs, etc and is soo happy that he got a new girlfriend. Nobody tells you when youre super young that your feelings may change, and that its okay. I have my sons wedding this weekend and I am sure he will be there so I will have to put on that fake smile I so learned to use while married to him and just work my way through it. "If you have children together, keep your relationships with your exs family, as it pertains to the children, civilized and cordial, but dont cross the line to where your ex is uncomfortable. Aside from her divorce, it is the most painful thing that has ever happened to her. No breakup is fun, but if you and your ex have been kind to each other and the breakup was as civilized as possible, you may be able to stay friends with an ex's family. We dont go out of our way to dog out with himbut he will forever be a part of our lives. Then i am the bad guy. If they do still invite him then she will need to decide whether to go anyway or make her own separate plans. Divorce is the unity of a marriage ripped apart. If the breakup was a healthy one, it might be easier to stay friends with an ex's family. You should feel happy that his family are the type to grow bonds with the familial partners. But now she gets it, now she understands. I cut ties with her family. My ex has even friended a couple of guys I dated after we divorced and hangs out with them. i have always been there for this sister, financially, emotionally and every way possible. Ive been through this myself, so i know how much it hurts. There was nothing wrong with that He was their family too. He is the father of five of their grandchildren/nieces/nephews. We dont hate each other, but I dont like being around him. You see, I love my ex-wife and never wanted the divorce. But, I guess in this day and age loyalty is just a word that utters off the tongues of misguided thinkers because it is easier to say it than show it. Come to find, there were family functions, me and my husband just werent invited. A joke. Any ex who deliberately manipulates their in laws and drives a wedge between the biological son/daughter and their family is evil and must get some kind of ego trip from it. Thanksgiving should he spent with family and not exes. Instead they decided to stick by my ex, even giving him a three piece suite knowing I had nothing! Im sure there are other options as well that you might want to brainstorm. I lost my best friend, who cheated with my ex. Sending you a hug xx. Why would an ex want to drive a wedge between his ex and her own family? It would be more worrying if he would instantly forget about her. But my nephew thinks its ok because he is his uncle. Whenever the ex is in town visiting, I disappear and never go over. I wont go to any of those functions because I can not be in the same room as my ex especially if he is with his girlfriend. 15 His Communication With Her Is Different From Other Friends. I would feel betrayed if its family. If you never have guess what they cant read minds. I just think, when will this heartbreak end? They are grown now and we have, for the most part put that behind us. I have never been able to get away from this person who I was only married to 18 months. And that your family dont turn cold to the father of theirs is generarly a good thing. Enter your email below and receive my free report with the 5 texting mistakes noW! When he's busy with his family, focus on your own passions, hobbies and life. He never remarried and stays glued to my family as if they were his own. This has affected my entire life. Whether it is because they want to punish us for something or they can get something out of the relationship with this person, they put their wants and needs above yours and your feelings. Its not easy. My mother knew well that my sister loves to blame ALL her troubles on anybody but herself. I figure, I can offer my life as a guide and a lens for others to view themselves and move along their own path. Good luck with moving forwardand I post about my personal life all the time, most of my blogs are out of original material from my life. What hurts most is theyve held me as Ive cried through all of this. Created a new life with friends. Jealousy probably . I get along with my brothers ex wife still, we message each other once every 3 or 4 months. He sounds like a nice guy that they want to be around. Family is about having each others back and no betrayal. IF more people could do joint child rearing, kids would be so much more better off. You have some choices to make here. My ex has married twice since we divorced and just got a facebook account. WATCH: Are Stock Options Considered Assets to be Divided During Divorce? Im going to start doing that. Also, start dr eloping other friendships do you are not so dependent on your family. I am responding to Theresa Channer, In my search for a very similar question I have, I ran across it. We also offer aProfessional Directoryfeaturing family lawyers, divorce financial analysts, accountants, therapists, and other divorce-related services. I went and continue to go through the same struggle but on the positive side, eventually, my children understood that what my ex did was for his own interests and not theirs. Youre being so selfish not going to lie. Maybe they have other reasons as well. Paying for the Ex lawyer is such a betrayal in my eyes. Let go and be happy within yourself.I divorced my wife if 28 years a few years ago. I felt a little validation there. Agreed. The same goes for texting her. But I have said nothing negative about him to his family, and remain respectful about him in his absence. Im Mrs. Dulce Beverly from the United States, I want to share a testimony of my life for each one. You didn't mention his age. Their only excuse, its not about me or my kids and I need help if I cannot see that. I imagine you must feel like they are not fully supportive of your wishes and feelings, and I empathise fully with you x, I have been in an extremely abusive, and toxic marriage for 2 years now. If we dont have a certain family code of behaviour then what is even the point of family? Ive been suffering in silence because I had no idea anyone was in my shoes. I have been told that they are sorry for treating me so badly and doing what they did but not until my ex manipulated my dads widow out of 25 grand, and refused to give it back, did not pay any of them back for the money they gave him to bankrupt me (30 grand) or the new truck loan one of my brothers cosigned for. Her feelings are valid. How you can not show any interest in your flesh and blood is beyond me but like you say you realise you are happier and healthier without these kind of relationships. J well that may be your perception of the situation, but generally people do not dump because they are with a good man or father.relationships are intricate and NO ONE other than the 2 people in the relationship KNOW what the TRUTH is between them. I am a better person now and have grown so much. Its all messed up and not okay. This is a respect issue. I want to die. 6 Reasons Why Women are More Likely to File for Divorce Than Men. New York-based author and relationship and etiquette expert April Masini says to look out for communication styles that indicate a more intimate connection. (Which doesnt change the fact thatits super uncomfortable for you.). I empathize. Your hubby is still up close and personal with the family. I thought I was the only one who has this problem. I can 100% relate to this. They can still be pleasant to him but that is all. The girlfriend should not even be in the picture.with your family, unless you were in agreement. My ex does. You are unreasonable. With family like this, who needs enemies. They know what he did in our marriage and they are friends with him. She refused to meet with me with a court ordered psychologist, only going to 6 sessions by herself, and cancelling when it came time to meet together. And you can see that people who lose a loved one, usually leave their belongings in the house, so it feels like that person is still there. I dont mean romantic, exactly. Woman to woman, mother to mother this woman is already confused and betrayed by her own toxic family Please, think of someone other than yourself before you comment on a public post where another woman is being so vulnerable. So Im done. How he kept my things and was basically very mean to me during the divorce process. Try to learn how to accept. I recently received a question to which I, unfortunately, had to give a very simple answer. I never did anything batshit apart to leave a man who I found out since day one had been manipulating my good nature. I would like to get past it bu I cant. weve been dating for just about 5 months now and he talks to her sometimes and brings her up from time to time knowing it bothers me. Because my family are friends with our exsmy husband and I. They blame my son for the relationship with his father. I have not mentioned all of the terrible things my ex has put me through throughout this process, but on top of everything else, shes taking all of my family members away from me. Leave the resentment at home and go be herself with them all. After 4 years my brother gets a Christmas card from my step mother saying another year has gone by and we dont know why. I wish you would see this! This is not about your ex, its about you. I dont want to seem jealous or controlling. So much that you willing to cut off anyone who love him. I encourage each of you to take some classes do the research its far healthier to respect your ex and their gf/bf/so than to sit and bitch about them. Wed never choose my ex SIL over my brother in a Love competition, but it seems my family isnt seeing clearly how much this hurts my brother. Any interest in further PM? First of all your sister is being unreasonable! I do realise you cannot change other people only yourself and sometimes the most mature, healing path you can take is to recognise that even family are not always positive, loving, supportive people to be around and to try and take all the hurt feelings and channel them into something productive. It makes you question your worth as a human being, if your own parent wont support you then you must be garbage right? I look back now and understand that these people took all my love and attention over the years and had never really reciprocated any of it but this only became plain when circumstances changed and due to geography I could no longer be the one putting in 99 per cent of the effort. I was married for 34 years and my family watched how I was treated and had hash words to say about my ex when I told them I was leaving the marriage. I relented to a 15 year old, because I figured it was a losing battle. She may want to consider what her kids want in this situation as they would probably want to spend the holiday with BOTH parents present as long as they can act civily to each other, which by her own account is possible. Sorry, but he became my husbands BF during those 18 years and now we are suppose to kick him out of our lives because she feels guilty being around him?? I cant love my mom lime I wanted cause after everything my ex did to me I was the one who needed to be put in a hospital to get help, Im still here without any family and my ex has everything. But it hurts like hell. Now i work with children and I know its a fact. Dont you ever think on the weekend. I mean Im sorry but if your the only one who find him unbearable then maybe you should do some self reflection. Remind them that even though he is the childrens dad, that is all he is. If her sister would rather have the ex come to Thanksgiving, knowing that this woman her her five (LDS?) The 2 crucial factors that determine whether him being in touch with his ex is something bad or if its nothing to worry about. She sees his entire family and not me. At some point though I have to decide, that if I can forgive them in my heart, I can keep it to myself. He doesnt provide health insurance to the kids anymore because he let it lapse too many times so we do it through my job. He said he ordered for and will wake me for it. She still wants to do family stuff (they have two young kids under 10 years old) together and he obliges - he says "to keep things amicable." If you didn't know about the manipulative mom and the messy ex going in, when you saw what was up, why did you keep signing up for it? Although its been hard on my own, I made the right choice for me and my kids. Make the first few visits with the whole group on neutral ground, public places like parks, sporting events etc. His family doesnt even call them on their birthday. they did not marry him or have children with youre ex so they have no real reason to feel indifferent towards him. I was thinking today how odd it is, and how the OP would feel, if she had become very good friends with her brothers wife for 10 years, and without warning they divorced. This closeness wasnt something I was prepared for. Suck it up and go with the flow it cant be that bad. Its just me and my kids; and even them hes slowly turned them away from me! It is so hurtful. And adult feelings NEED to be put aside for the sake of the children Sometimes youll have to eat crow but for the health and well-being of the children, its sooo worth it . Soooo a person stays in an abusive relationship however long. Curious if you still think everyone should ignore that? My mom knows that he has dated 3-4 women after the divorce and cheated on them too and was arrested for soliciting a prostitute. Could it be he is a dosent person, and that the rest of your family is putting your childrens well being over yours? I asked that we NOT invite her going forward (I found out too late shed already been invited). We both told our exes about our marriage on our own terms. I do not need my husband anymore he can go to hell with his child support that he never pays. Has anything improved since this post? Gtfo with ur victim shaming. Its so inappropriate. This type of behaviour if not challenged, will only get worse. NO, you are NOT being unreasonable they are being unfaithful untrustworthy pieces of lying **** i dont like that one bit!! For me, building new relationships, prayer, a trauma analyst, and a 12 step program for survivors have been irreplaceable in my journey. I planned on going to my sisters house for Thanksgiving dinner as I had always done before. Divorce means its over! Fill in this form and you'll get instant access: Tim Veninga is a dating coach, relationship coach and bestseller author. I can also have a better report with her than my dad at times. Hi there iam going through the exact situation and I dont know what to do my ex has my daughter and she has also contacted my whole family on our current situation and now none of my family which were my form of support has all turned there backs on me they wont even let me explain my side of the situation and what took place on have a couple of siblings that have contacted me about what she want them to say to me that she had talk with c.a.s and I have not once contacted her family what so ever. This also puts lots of stress on the family and will often have them resent one another for various reasons that where probably left unsaid. The most painful thing as that I was pregnant with our second baby. "text": "I feel like an emotional mess and cry any time I think about how my family keeps meeting my ex. Because those men are much more dangerous. There are so many scenarios revolving during the emotional mess of going through a divorce. Its known as cohesive control. I get to hear about all the things my ex does with my family instead. My sister is married to my husbands brother. Get it together, it has nothing to do with hate or maturity. Him and my sister in law last year a year after we divorced started hanging out with my ex! He acted as though there was nothing wrong with him. In marriage, I had a sense of loyalty, I never went to my family and bad mouthed my spouse and told them all his shortcomings. One factor that f abusive/toxic families however is that they naturally pull together to preserve the good family identity. Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written permission is prohibited. Fights in YOUR corner . I have been divorced for 7 years and bad custody battle as well. It was a brutal divorce, with her filing affidavits and court subpoenas of credit cards. "@type": "Answer", My kids are actively involved in sports year round and Ive always been nothing but cordial at sporting events with my ex because of my kids! Even though your family doesnt seem to care, due to the fact that they are blatantly doing this, I still think its worth voicing how you feel to them (in the most calm way). 1st of all I want to say Im sorry about how your feeling. She also said them trying to make me feel crazy for what they are doing makes them even more toxic. She is the one who filed for divorce and moved out of the house. I remember as a small child going to that house for holidays, summer vacations and what not. As well as one sister who understands but continues a relationship with them. This woman clearly is traumatized. I feel for you but sometimes family is not people who share the same blood as you and I would sit my family down all together and explain they are hurting you and if they still want your Ex around you have a tough choice to make but know that they have lost you and it is not in anyway your fault. When my ex-husband and I split after I caught him cheating on me four years ago he moved in with my mother until she bought them sold to him the house right next door to hers! "text": "Even though it hurts me badly to hear of all the things my ex, my kids, and my family do together all the time, I never say anything about it to my kids. what goes on in his home stays there and what goes on in yours also stays there.. not easy to be firm, but worth it keep smiling, stay strong realize some people are just good manipulators he did manipulate you right? Ive always been kind (as you are about your ex), and nothing has changed. Have you considered that perhaps getting divorced was a mistake? It is very weird! And Ive felt the same when my sons have split up with girlfriends that Ive really got along with. No , you are not unreasonable, your family are betraying you , everyone can understand how you feel when your family pick your ex and his girlfriend over you , you dont have to take all that unnecessary pressure if you see they continue stop hanging out with them , I know it is hard but believe me you will feel better after a while, I was in your situation too and I couldnt believe how my trust and love were betrayed and took long time to get over my feelings for my family but it is over and I feel much better. Such a slap in the face! The family member just needs to not discuss the ex or put it in your face. I am always civil with/to him and never say anything bad about him to or in front of my kids. They have never given me a chance, never tried to know me. No way girl! My brother, in particular, invites him to everything and barely speaks to me now. Within the first 6 months my ex asked my nephew if he and his new woman could come to visit and stay in his home ( my get away place) my nephew was going to allow this. what is the most expensive piece of fenton glass, jeff zalaznick wedding, palm beach central high school dress code 2021, positivism realism interpretivism and pragmatism, best primary schools in birmingham, greenbow alabama weather, events in rome june 2022, columbia county tax deed sales, skinwalkers in virginia, how to take apart a peugeot pepper mill, hungaroring pit lane walk, paraway pastoral general manager, fiji to new zealand distance, sadowsky bass dealers, dime savings bank merger,

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