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Though you had already been assured by the angel that you were this happy Mother chosen by the Lord, you did not stop to rejoice in your exaltation. 55. . Through Joseph your descent from David would be known. You brought me forth spiritually to a new life of grace. But you are not the adoptive Mother of the Son of God; you are His real Mother. 2. 18, 3). April 16 - 23,2023. Mary, My Mother, from your early years you adored the one true God in the Temple at Jerusalem. Mary, My Mother, as the Immaculate Conception, you are the Woman who appeared as the mortal enemy of the serpent. You are ever imploring favors for the just, as well as for sinners. When I address the Almighty, I am frequently fearful because of my sinfulness in the presence of His infinite majesty and holiness. All that I am or have. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Mother of mankind and therefore the Help of Christians, the all-powerful suppliant. In order to live, not to myself, but to God, I must bear the cross in union with Jesus. Your heart and His burned with one flame of love to the glory of the Father there at the altar. Even before His coming your Heart was filled with love for those whom later He was to love with a tremendous love. Never did a mother love her son as you loved Jesus; and so never did a mother share in her son's agony so deeply as you shared the Passion. You suffered with your Divine Son. This is what took place at His entrance into the world; and again when He took upon Himself the office of Savior in the mystery of the Circumcision, and received from you the Holy Name of Jesus. Mary, Mother of God, your death was entirely free from whatever might make death bitter: attachment to the world, remorse for sins and the uncertainty of salvation. Since God was born of you, you are the Mother of God. It was you who nourished and prepared the holy Victim who was offered to the Eternal Father in expiation of our sins. You are indeed the most wonderful Mother that has ever walked this earth. He was with you not only by His sanctifying grace, making you pleasing in His sight, as He is present with all the just. But your holiness is so great, that the power of your intercession is greater than that of all the other saints. Mary, My Mother, your power as Mother of Divine Providence is indeed as great as your compassion and willingness to help. Teach me to imitate your humility by acknowledging my nothingness and seeking the glory of God in everything. All other apostles and workers for the salvation of souls depend upon you for blessing upon their missionary work. He was with you, and with you alone, in an unspeakable manner by bodily presence. You lovingly served her till you saw her happily delivered of the child of promise with which God had blessed her. Your soul is the creation and the masterpiece of almighty workmanship. Eternity is real; Heaven is eternal happiness, the final reward for loyalty to God. I implore the help of your protection and choose you as my advocate. The effects of the presence of Jesus and you are still the same. Feast, September 12 (Triduum, September 9-11). He was with you not only by a special protection guiding you in His ways and leading you securely to salvation. 2. The more your humility was tried, the more lowly you became in your own estimation. Since Jesus has given you charge of the dispensing of His graces, I know that you are most eager to use this power to help me. Because I am arrogant, it makes me rebel against God's law, the law forbidding me that abuse of liberty which insults Him. When His lips were tortured with gall and vinegar, a sea of bitterness was poured into your Heart. Keep me humble that I may be able to receive your counsel. For your generosity the Eternal Father made you, through Christ, the dispenser of the riches of God. I know that much will be required from those to whom much is given. I have but to ask for them for the salvation of my soul. When the Persons of the Blessed Trinity gaze on you, the Immaculate One, most pure, most beautiful, supremely pleasing to eternal love, what can they refuse you? Mercy proceeds from you as from an abundant, never-failing source. Hence with Holy Church I repeat, "You are all fair, Mary, and the stain of original sin is not in you. Let this be my consolation to know that I am doing God's Will. This truth was confirmed on Calvary, when at the very moment our redemption was to be completed by the death of Jesus, He said to you: "Behold thy son," then to St. John, who took our place beneath the cross: "Behold thy mother." 2. Even in the Son of God I sometimes fear the Divine Majesty because although He became Man, He did not cease to be God. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Help of Christians because you are the Mother of the Mystical Body of Christ. I need not see you appear, as you did to so many others. These mysteries remind me also of your own glory, the Assumption of your soul and body into heaven and your crowning there as Queen of Heaven and Earth. 1. Moreover, I am confident that you will obtain for me. We ask you to procure for us, by your prayers the great grace of final perseverance so that those who are joined to honor you in the kingdom of your Son on earth may be together always in heaven. Mary, I beg you to lead me to my Sacramental Jesus! He had to crown the gift of His love with the grand gift of you, His Mother. When you later returned to your home, you were under the loving care of your mother, Saint Anne. But, if it is true that in the task of redemption you cooperated with Him in everything, in His joys and sorrows, in His winning our salvation then it is also true that you do the same in the dispensing of all the graces, material and spiritual, necessary for our salvation. Whoever abides in this Church will bring forth much salutary fruit; whereas they who willingly separate themselves from it must wither away spiritually. You were the first Chalice of the Blood of Jesus for Our Lord dwelt in you during the nine months of expectation as in a kind of ciborium. You showed singular prudence during your life. Truly, you are "light-giving" because you have given us Jesus, the Light of the World. I have saved my soul.". Teach me to understand that personal consecration to you does not mean only to place myself under your special protection, but rather to live for God in union with you by avoiding every sin and practising virtue. Your heart watches over them tenderly. There before the tabernacle you relived in memory all the happy and sorrowful events of your life with Jesus. Three swords brought anguish to you while Jesus was yet a young child, four swords pierced your soul in His Holy Passion. You became a victim and holocaust to the divine will, the Queen of Martyrs, the most perfect imitator of the Victim of Calvary. I need you desperately. Unceasingly praying for sinners, you stand before your Son. "And thy own soul a sword shall pierce." You truly deserve to be called the Mediatrix of Grace. At the sound of your voice Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and began to prophesy: "Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb." Since suffering is the measure and the very law of love, I cannot imagine the greatness of your love for us, your children. I believe the doctrine of the Church concerning your Immaculate Conception, which teaches that at the first moment of your conception you were, by the singular grace and privilege of the omnipotent God, in virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the Human race, preserved from all stains of original sin. Help me, above all, so that by my good example I may enrich and ennoble every human being whose life I touch. Above all, I beg of you to secure for me in the our of death the grace of final perseverance: that triumphant grace which crowns the measure of God's rifts here below and which is followed by the possession of God in heaven. Dear St. Joseph, all the saints and angels, and especially you, my guardian angel and my chosen patron, watch over me. To single nations, to private families, to individual persons, you have always provided help, given solace and rekindled hope, especially when they turned to you with Rosary in hand. We do not find you in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, when your divine Son was received with so much honor by the people. Preserve their faith, assailed at every hour by the forces opposed to Christ. Mary, Mother of God, you are so filled with compassion that you deserve to be called not only merciful but even mercy itself. I wish to make reparation by offering sacrifices to atone for sin by fulfilling my daily duties well, by accepting the crosses of life with resignation and love, by obeying the commandments, by going to Mass, confession and Communion frequently, above all on the first Saturday of each month, and by praying much, especially your holy Rosary. The Eternal Father unfolded His Omnipotence in order to form in you a heart full of sweetness and obedience to your Creator. In your humility you refused praise, giving all the praise and glory to God. In all humility you attributed this holiness to God alone, working wondrously within you. Mary, My Mother, the beloved disciple, St. John, tells us that "a great sign appeared in heaven: "a Woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars" (Apoc. By consenting to give natural life to Jesus, you consented to give us supernatural life. It was His will that you dispense mercy by helping sinners, healing the sick, relieving the distressed and comforting the sorrowful everywhere. Such a stain would have reflected upon your Son, who is Holiness itself. Mary, Mother of God, as Refuge of sinners, you will never turn away those who have recourse to your compassion. Mary, My Mother, you are all beautifulbeautiful in mind, in body, in soul! They spoke of you as His Virgin Mother and of the part you would play in the Redemption of mankind. Blessed are they whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the LORD. 3. They then left a small offering of silver required by the Law of Moses. How I long to repeat It unceasingly so as to spread its fame, to carry that fame to every shore, to imprint it on every mind. That grace made you holy and most pleasing in God's eyes, the special object of His love. You were not bound by the Law, because you were a virgin as well as a mother. You humbled yourself so deeply because you knew that of and by yourself you were nothing and had nothing. Your offering of the bloody sacrifice of Calvary is the perfect model for my offering Holy Mass. Your Son won a treasure of grace for us by the life and death He offered up to the heavenly Father. You beheld His arms and feet roughly extended on the hard wood of the cross. The Eternal Father takes pleasure in looking upon your Heart as the masterpiece of His Divine power. Behold I come to you to show you the wounds sin has inflicted on me. Mary, Mother of God, you are our spiritual Mother. 7, 24). Faith tells me that the fall of man was the effect of the malice and envy of the devil, who sought in this way to be revenged upon the Creator for having cast him out of paradise in punishment for his rebellion. To the Father you present in your Son, an adorer worthy of Him, and adoration and love of infinite value. When the Triune God destined and elevated you, a mortal Virgin, to the dignity of Mother of the Redeemer, the Father had to endow you with a fullness of perfection suitable for such a dignity. The last beat of His Heart was to be one with yours just as the first had been. For if I have any ability, any worth or goodness, the glory is not mine, but God's. As your prayer brought about His birth as the Sun of Justice, so also your request decided His rise and shining in His public life. You could not accompany the Apostles while they fulfilled the duties of their ministry, but in silence and solitude, by the power of your prayers and the fervor of your charity, you were the master-missionary of them all. There is nothing you want more than to give them to me, since you are even more anxious to save my soul than I am, for you know better than anyone else the price your Son has paid for it and the precious worth of each grace He so graciously offers to me through you. Feast, August 22Octave of the Assumption (Novena, August 13-21) 1. I cannot secure my salvation without these graces, for it is the grace of God which gives me light and strength to do good deeds. 3. Paul Haffner ( Inside the Vatican, September 2004) This feast is. He has given me. The saints tell me that it is the foundation and guard of all virtues, since without humility a soul can possess no other virtue. In 1482 the feast was added to the Missal under the title of "Our Lady of Compassion." Pope Benedict XIII added it to the Roman Calendar in 1727 on the Friday before Palm Sunday. Aided by God's wondrous graces you surrendered yourself entirely to God in the smallest details of your life. On the calendar, the feast day is after that of the Exaltation of the Cross. Mary, My Mother, your apparition at Guadalupe as the Immaculate Conception is your only recorded appearance in North America. The victim had to belong to the person who offered it. Mary, My Mother, in your womb, the sanctuary of the living God, Jesus was occupied with the sanctification and government of the world. You really had the right to offer Jesus to His Heavenly Father in this mystery. 1. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins" (Matt. The divine maternity explains everything in you; without this maternity nothing in you can be explained. 3. Such gifts assure us the everlasting indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, together with the Father and the Son, and that endless life which is its blessed fruit. You, who were yourself the Queen of Prophets, saw that from that moment "the sword of sorrow" would enter your soul and remain there during the rest of your days. Since the conception of the Son of God is all holy, all pure, infinitely removed from every appearance of sin, it was supremely fitting that your conception should be equally far from sin. Grant that following your good counsel, I may avoid sin, practise virtue, save my soul and attain eternal life. Yet Jesus was active in your womb adoring and praising God. How can I ever understand the great love that bound your hearts together! Mary, My Mother, as Dispenser of all graces, you make the world share in the infinite merits of the redemption. The Church teaches that final perseverance in good and a happy death are graces so great that no one can obtain them by his own merits or without special help from God. People became the poor banished children of Eve. Give me your good counsel, so that following it humbly I may ever please God, find true happiness on this earth and eternal life in the world to come. And yet, Refuge of Sinners, you are my refuge, if I but have recourse to you, and you will extend your loving hands to receive me, to shelter me from the divine anger I so justly deserve. You would be hailed by all generations as blessed above all other women because you are the Mother of God and at the same time a spotless Virgin. You are the channel of all good things after the Trinity, Mediatrix of the world after the Mediator. He preserved you from original sin and the sway of the devil; He filled you with grace. When you became the Mother of Jesus according to the flesh, you became the Mother of men according to the spirit. I want to be devoted to you by giving myself entirely to you and through you to God. But you are Mother only of penitent sinners who have left their evil ways before death. Mary, My Mother, your first presentation to God, made by the hands of your parents, was an offering most acceptable in His sight. Mary, Queen of the Apostles, pray for the triumph of God's Kingdom upon earth. Mary, My Mother, I am happy to be your child. We know that you are ever ready to be our help in trouble, our solace in affliction, our hope in despair. But I see the relation between you and the Blessed Sacrament above all in your life after Good Friday when you began your new motherhood at the feet of Jesus in the Eucharist. You did not shrink from the disgrace of being recognized as the Mother of one condemned to die a shameful death. Help me to love Jesus with all my heart and to show my love for Him by loving you whom He has loved so dearly. It is truly the will of God that all graces should come to us through you. In union with Him you also did the will of God perfectly as He exclaimed "Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit.". But though your soul was filled with grief, you bravely stood beneath the cross. "Since the 16th century Catholic piety has assigned entire months to special devotions. You are a Mediatrix in union with Christ from whom your mediation draws all its power. You hid your miraculous virginity under the mantle of humility. Make me ever attentive to His inspirations that I may grow in holiness and may merit to see this Divine Guest of my soul in the glory of His heavenly kingdom. The new birth of mankind was completed on Calvary. For that reason you were conceived by your mother, Saint Anne, without even the shadow of sin. . Jesus caused the wonderful effects of grace in the soul of John the Baptist, but at the sound of your voice his sanctification was effected, and both he and his mother Elizabeth were filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus died because He willed to die. In 2017/18, the most recent full school year, 4.8% of half-day . Mary, Mother of God, already in your childhood you dedicated yourself to the love and service of God. Do not forsake me sweet Mother of Sorrows, because you are my spiritual Mother. 2. You shared more in this wisdom than did any other creature, because you approached nearer to the Source from which it cameJesus, the Eternal Wisdom. After Jesus, no one suffered as you did. With this job opportunity, you will be able to foster compassion, character, knowledge and service for all. You are to be our guide toward the haven of salvation. Clothe me with your own humility. Mary, Mother of God, you are the hope of sinners, you are my hope! The power of your intercession has no such limits, for the saints teach me that our Savior can refuse nothing to His Mother. It is the ideal and providential moment to entrust . Your soul contained all the marvels of God's grace, for which reason the Church calls you the Singular Vessel of Devotion. You became the Mother of a Son who is almighty, eternal and infinite in all perfections, equal to the Father and the Holy Spirit. Mary, My Mother, who crushed the head of the serpent, I pray for my country. In becoming His Mother, you became ours. You fulfill the duties and enjoy the rights of a true mother. Our Lady of Consolation, Saturday after the Feast of St. Augustine (Aug. 28) Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sept. 8 The Most Holy Name of Mary, Sept. 12 Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sept. 15 Our Lady of Mercy (Our Lady of Ransom), Sept. 24 Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Oct. 7 Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Oct. 11 They roamed about in the darkness of sin and despair. 1. They beheld the dwelling place prepared for the Son of God. We praise your virginity and admire your humility; but because we are poor sinners, your mercy attracts us more and we embrace it more lovingly. Your holiness was not the result of the privilege of your Immaculate Conception and sanctifying grace alone, but it followed from your gift of yourself to God and your constant cooperation with His graces. You possessed a perfect faith, a firm hope, a burning charity, a deep humility, a purity greater than that of the angels. But because of my sinfulness, I also have need of an intercessor with Him. No creature in the world has been more exalted than you, because no creature in the world has ever humbled himself more. You possessed, according to the words of the Archangel, such a fullness of grace that you were worthy to become the Mother of God. . Eve was the mother of the dead, for all of us, her children, were doomed to enter this world under sentence of death, the slaves and children of Satan. Jesus ascended to Heaven before you not only that He might prepare a throne for you in that Kingdom, but also that He might Himself accompany you with all the blessed spirits and thus render your entry into Heaven more glorious and worthy of His Mother. Though worn with sorrow, you at once took your place at the foot of the cross. I cannot rise to the heights of your holiness because I cannot grasp the intimacy of your union with Christ when you became His Mother. Protect me from the snares of the world, the flesh and the devil. Here on earth kings and rulers lay at your feet their crowns, their very selves. The words of the prophet are applied to you: "O all you that pass by the way, attend, and see if there be sorrow like unto my sorrow.". Mary, My Mother, your Son Jesus came to enlighten the world with His teaching and example. Your Child, becoming the King of Martyrs, would make you their Queen. You were descended from the most renowned men of that nation and counted among your ancestors patriarchs prophets, leaders of the people of God and kings of the ancient law. 1. Blessed are they who observe his decrees, who seek him with all their heart. How often I do not know where to turn. From that time forward until His Ascension into Heaven, you were the constant adorer of the Word-made-Flesh in all the mysteries of His earthly life.

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