aphrodite in 10th housefannie flagg grease

Jealous of people who are considered beautiful. I do charts for the people who want them. Apollo, Union, Adonis (and Sappho widely) are conjunct in Libra in 10th house; the stellium sextiles my Sun and MErcury and trines my Psyche and Lilith. Vesta conjuct Venus (taurus in 10th house) Aphrodite's cabin (#10) is the cabin that houses demigod offspring of Aphrodite. Does anyone has any clue on how Aphrodite would work in synstry? Apollo Sextile Asc Some of these people cant handle working a full time job. The tenth house is also associated with the Midheaven (on the tenth house cusp). Aphrodite. 01 Aphrodite is one of the goddesses that reside in Mount Olympus. #2 you may have have one of your dominant planets in the 1st house. i looked up the right number (3488 or something) for aphrodite in extended chart section of astro.com and then i think it pulled up my natal chart + progressions and there it was. Here we want to be alone, take a backseat, and focus on our inner life. asc) Or being easily blinded by beauty when it comes to love matters, maybe? ------------------Air woman. Uranus in 1st/5th/7th/8th/10th/12th house. might like to dress in violet and blue tones They are the kind of people who have thousands of people watching them do their makeup on tiktok live. My dad is a Cancer Sun and ever since he moved to his first own home he made sure to live so close to my grandma. The 10th house in astrology stands for social status and professional life prospects. And when we moved again he made sure my grandma moved too. Actually I look at the tropical and Draconic together, now.My own draconic chart illuminated a lot of "grey areas" in my own chart.Tropical and draconic are two sides of the same coin, and if I look only at one side I will only have half of the picture.That is my take on it anyway. Thank you. I have Hebe,adonis,aphodite tightly conjuct my mc in 10th house and Eros conjuct sun in 10th house and juno,cupido,sappho,vertex,Alma,nymphe, lysis,innanen,Medusa in 7th house and Mars ,Uranus ,moon ,nepchun ,Zeus ,Hera,Lilith in 1 st house also sttellium in 1 st house can you please tell me what that means?? Listed on 10th Feb 2023 by D Maratheftis West Coast Ltd, +44 330 038 9582 ** Contact . Jealous of people who might steal their spotlight in the workplace. People with Juno(3) conjunct Sun or Ascendant are very loyal friends. The 10th house - Career, material success, reputation The Zodiac sign Capricorn and planet Saturn rule the 10th house. First, a bit of data from the astronomical and hard science side of life. I will have a look at some synastries later on. Finding Jesus is all that really matters in life. they have an 11th house stellium in their synastry chart. She's likely drawn to rich desserts . There are many different neighborhoods, locations, and easy transportation in Berlin. Eros: A FAMOUS SINGER IS PROVING HER VIRTUOSITY DURING AN OPERATIC PERFORMANCE. Looking to the schema, note that the 9th house, opposite the 3rd house, is the rejoicing place of the Sun and it is called God. Ketu - Likewise, If Ketu is 9th house Lord through its sign Scorpio, as it co-rules Scorpio along with Mars, and sits in 10th house in Sagittarius then 1st of all we need to make sure of Mars' position as it is the main ruler. Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience. others may love your personality, your perspective of life, and think you have a beautiful body. mature vibe to beauty One of the luckiest houses in your chart, this is where your vision for the future is formed. Others feel at ease in your presence because you're fun to be around, that's how you conquer them, - The general public enjoys your youthful aura and people find themselves agreeing with you quite often, - People might praise you a lot (they might talk about you quite often), - You might search for hints that someone likes you before showing any true interest them, - You might be quite flirty with everyone, - Suitors are career oriented, famous/popular, social. Venus square the Ascendant i remember winning bingo like 5 times in one round and people started getting annoyed lol. Plutonians be acting so funny. stanly county nfl players This native will be known for being very charismatic. You're most likely going to shine when you reach the peak of your career. I mean, cappy. The 7th House is a great place for Aphrodite. Eros, Pan and Vertex are exactly conjunct each other (the widest orb is 028!) You are also very possessive of your partner and prone to obsession and . They act like Claire Richards in the movie White Oleander. Adonis(libra in 3rd house) sextile apollo(leo in 2nd house) Having your 12th house ruler in the 1st house can be a very hard placement to have because you will have less energy than others. They are well liked and people love watching them do anything. His Valentine in Scorpio in my 11th house conjunct 12th house cusp:trine my Saturn in Cancer in 8th (2,5)trine my Eros in Cancer in 8th (1)trine my Juno in Pisces in 3rd (2,5)trine my dr Valentine in Pisces in 3rd (2)trine my dr Amor in Pisces in 3rd (2). They can look concerned or worried. Good with words. Fixed star Mirach 0 Taurus is the star of the artist. Amor in 4th or 10th house in composite chart: Your ideal love supports you both in building a core life structure together, whether home, family or business. (like public speaking etc.). venus in the 3rd house: you may like the way you think/your way of applying logic and processing information. Jealous & possessive of their lover. 2)his Eros in my 3rd house opposite his Mars / Jupiter / Amor in 9th house: 3)his Psyche in my 2nd house:conjuncts my Psyche / Lilith. Are you inspired to build stronger foundations for your life? Hesiod's account of her birth allegorizes the powerful sexuality of her nature. Medusa Square MC Watch out for unexpected or significant expenses or windfalls when this house is activated by transit. People will look up to you and see you as a lovely and graceful person. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. I also looked up the Sabian symbols for these: Valentine: THE KING OF THE FAIRIES APPROACHING HIS DOMAIN. Venus in the 2nd house: Rich af. Your email address will not be published. Gemini March 2023 Horoscope (May 21-June 20) The mic's in your. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Venus hesitated and glanced over her shoulder at her ex-roommate. Lama Jyotishavidya Rashi - Samchara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Varga Shukra Main Page Traditional Jyotishavidya Sacred Jewels Ratna for Shukra Sweet-seeking Shukra reaches maturity = age 25 likes to rebel against fashion trends Aphrodite smiled her best mean-bitch sneer and said, 'Re. Blog Home Uncategorized aphrodite in 10th house. - funny coincidence; when I was almost 2 years old, I drowned in a swimmingpool and almost died. The twelve astrological houses are the stage on which your life unfolds. A transit through this house could be a great time to check in with your doctor, revisit your fitness regime or optimize your work schedule. Venus in the 7th house: Beautiful spouse. Even if you are an introvert, having a Fire Venus or Aries Venus to be specific can make you an extrovert when it comes to love or to your crush/partner. a firm believer in whichever doctrine they subscribe to. It defines your true horoscope and explains why generic horoscope columns do not work for you. might get called shallow and superficial (sq. 10. they dont have to try hard at all. The First House is your Personal Brand in the world. It's a true house of spirituality which connects you with other realms and dimensions and represents things that we are not familiar with. I have Aura in Libra and in the 10th house, it semi-squares my sun, opposes my venus and semi-squares my mars, what do you think this could mean? This house also governs how you feel about yourself, your sense of self-worth, your physical and psychological resources. Not precisely, because if we're feeling the fear, the fear is about usit's our fear. Its also the house of contracts, mediators, diplomats, competitors, open enemies, buyers or sellers and your closest friend. Yo I have number 5!! If you pick two, I will try to help and Welcome Ida! Her attributes included a dove, apple, scallop shell and mirror. 722,966 [815,000] This fabulous two-bedroom villa sits atop the Eastern Plateau, allowing panoramic views of the entir. I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. her mom is more emotional & social/extroverted. mars dominant 1st house- strong/defined face & forehead, could be androgynous, lusty eyes. Love ur blog btw !!! It signifies your early education, your thinking and speaking style, your attitude to learning, emailing, texting, posting, talking, reading, as well as your siblings, and neighbours. Megan fox has this . neptune-venus aspects: wanting to fix or save him/her fall in love during the process and live happily ever after. People with Neptune in the 1st house have this vulnerability to their appearance. Thank you:)). Copyright 2000-2016 Power is very sexy. Mars conjuct Pluto (sagittarius and in 5th house) Juno in the 8st House. IN synastry my partner and I have (my 3rd house/his 5th house)Valentine conjunct Moon double whammyThat includesHis Moon/Aphrodite/Neptuneconjunct My Valetine/neptune and sun/moon midpoint, (my 4th house/his 6th house)My Moonconjunct His Valentine/Eros, (His 8th house/my 5th house)His Sun (chart ruler)conjunctMy Cupido, My Eros sextile my Venus (chart ruler)Trine His Mars (opposing my Venus), My Aphrodite (my1st house/his on his IC)opposingHis Cupido (my 7th house/ his 9th). Another extremely important section of the horoscope, the 7th house marks the angle of the Descentdant. Here we merge with the universe and the life beyond. It describes your finances, personal belongings, spending habits, income sources, and your relationship to each of these. Ceres Square Sun. Your email address will not be published. Pallas Athene was not afraid of war and fighting, but she preferred to solve conflicts in a peaceful way. 28 Gemini Fixed star Betelgeuse makes someone very argumentative and witty with a quick mind. Adonis trine lilith, uranus and mercury and sextile mars "Hey, Venus, I have two words for you,' Aphrodite said. venus in the 4th: you may love your mom a lot. DD, Diandra and l have been pretty obsessed about these asteroids lately and l was wondering where everyone has these asects in their synastry's and how they manifest. She will be very lovely, herself, as well, and will have a reputation for being beautiful. I didn`t dare to mention those. She was the highest paid actress in the world in 2010 and 2014. 04 She is also known as the Lady of Cythera, the Lady of Cyprus because of her birth story. What about the following aspects? these arent fixed signs but cancer in the 9th gives me mother mary vibes lol. 3. I have aphrodite conjunct northnode and chiron i wonder how it plays in my chart :))), What i have in my chart: My dad rescued me. venus in the 1st house: you might really love your self and be an advocate for self love. Sometimes its better to just leave it. According to Greek mythology, she was jealous of the beauty of Psyche, a mortal woman, and she sent her son, Eros (Cupid), to shoot Psyche with his arrows to cause her fall in love with the ugliest man in the world. The 10th house rules your career, social status, authority figures, and life path. This clearly was the catalyst behind Lancome dropping her after 14 years; due to her declining beauty. Fiery love , Aphrodite Asteroid (1388) - Ascendant/Midheaven aspects. And much more! You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. Libra to be specific. indicating otherwise. As Ketu isolates/separates a person from the things related . There is renewed zeal in this area of life. It comprises an open space kitchen, a living room, a dining room, a storage area, a bathroom and 3 bedrooms, of which one is en-suite and uncovered verandas. Aphrodite's Own . Psyche: 24 Aquarius in 2nd house (but almost conjunct 3rd house cusp). and art (Aphrodite in Libra), too. I love love love all your info on asteroids! If its conjunct Mars it can make the person someone who looks for argumentations with others. She is the most envious b**** in Greek mythology. Venus in the 1st house: Beautiful af. You might be impulsive, dive in very quickly and burn out if you're not careful. having both gemini and scorpio placements in a chart can make one sneaky, stealthy, ninja, fbi son of a gun. Here's some astro observations again. Her vanity leads her to promise Paris a married woman, Helen of Sparta. Aphrodite Conjunct the MC You feel like you cant share your wins with anyone because people are constantly wishing for you to mess up. They may have a bit of an edge about them, as well. how about Urania as asteroid for astrology? If an auspicious planet occupies this house . Was a long list but i just discovered about asteroids lol and i am very curious. Nobody was allowed to overshine her. Is it only me, or do these Sabians have a common theme? 6. Interestingly, it also rules your short-term priorities and your short trips including driving, your car and your commute. - Intellectual stimulation as a flirting technique. others may love talking to you, how you have a way with words, your accent. their faith is important to them. I noticed having a Chiron in your 1st house can affect your communication with other people, since Chiron is our deepest wound and trauma, having it sit in your 1st house which is the house of "appearance", you tend to be conscious on how you appear to other people. I think Aphrodite asteroid has a lot to do with your fashion style. When this house is activated by transit, there is more communication exchange involved. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Rahu in Taurus in 10th house will transform Rahu as Venus as Rahu changes its nature as per the lord of sign it is placed in. it's that intense, unexplainable sexual attraction. What do you think about gemini aphrodite in the 10th house, conjunct venus? The opposite sex will, likely, not be able to resist him. However, I agree, it is very time consuming to do all these analysises. I really love your website best finnish restaurants in helsinki. Greek Goddess of Love, Beauty & Eternal Youth. The 10th house is about our public reputation, clout and accomplishments particularly in the realm of career and profession. some of your attractive traits & qualities. Give also the meaning of the astedois youve asked about: 16 -- Psyche -- Perseverance of love, connection of a psychic nature, awakening of intuition, soul seeking completion. Whether of the body or the mind, transits through this house point to a desire for new horizons and more meaning in your life. for example venus relates to beauty so having venus opposite rising may have an influence on your appearance or how symmetrical your face is. venus in the 10th house: you may like your work ethic, how independent & disciplined you are. and exactly opposite my Sun-Moon-midpoint, also widely conjunct Saturn (4); Conjunctions and oppositions in synastry: 1)His Adonis, Anteros, Pluto fall into my 10th house: his Adonis conjuncts my Adonishis Adonis conjuncts my Sappho, his Anteros conjuncts my Sapphohis Anteros opposite my Chiron, his Pluto conjuncts my Sapphohis pluto opposite my Chiron. Jupiter in Leo in 8th house can marry or attract rich men or gain wealth/money through marriage, inheritance, or from other people. You may hear from your network, or need to go on a trip, perhaps something you hadnt planned. She is well known for her jealousy rather than her beauty. Venus: If Venus is lord of the 10th, or in the 10th house and dignified or received, it is an indicaton that the native enjoys great popularity and public praise and is favored by superiors for advancement.Frequently talent in the arts, particularly in music is present. I GOT LILITH CONJ ASC IN SCORPIO, LEO MIDHEAVEN CONJ MERCURY, SUN 10H, VARUNA CONJ MC n SQUARE ASC AND CONJ MERCURY n also my venus conjuncts jupiter, can any of u guess wats gonna happen? The dynamics found here show how you fulfill, over time, your destiny to . Aphrodite conjunct MoonAphrodite conjunct ASCAphrodite trine ChironAphrodite conjunct Pluto---------------Aphrodite trine SunAphrodite conjunct MarsAphrodite conjunct Psyche, Posts: 76From: SerbiaRegistered: May 2015, Same here! - You might be athletic and be praised for your body and/or muscular athletic active individuals might be the apple of your eye, - You might get recognition for your abilities, your entrepreneurship and the energy you put in your projects, - Huge "I'm a leader, not a follower" energy, - In love, you might like the idea of chasing the individual and passionate love affairs. Idk if this considered a good aspects The 5th, 7th and 8th houses are presumably the most potent for relationships, but how do these asteroids affect the dynamic, if at all? Ive also seen a lot of Capricorn Suns and Moons who had to take a lot of responsibility from a young age. Or quite simply you make new, like-minded friends. Eros: 11 Scorpio in my tropical 11th houseA DROWNING MAN IS BEING RESCUED. 11th House Taurus: Your father, your future mother-in-law or your boss at work could fix you up with . trendsetter Very professional and grounded but at the same time you're flexible and kind-hearted. might want/have dyed hair, tattoos and piercings His dr Valentine in Gemini in my 7th:trine my Moon in Aquarius in 2 (1)conjuncts my Karma in Gemini in 7th (2,5)! People seem to like Part One, so I will do a Part Two! aphrodite in 10th house June 24, 2022 by are eddie and venom in a relationship / Friday, 24 June 2022 / Published in ansible yum check if package is installed 2101 -- Adonis -- Spell bound love, sexual magnetism, the desire to arouse, please and fulfill the beloved. 02 She is known as the goddess of love, sexuality, pleasure, beauty, and passion. Are they all within 2deg? You're very curious, quick witted and very likeable, - Quite popular and always surrounded by people. - Jonnhys Apollo conj his AC- Adonis conj his Sun/Psych/Merc- Cupid conj his Saturn/Pluto- Sapprho conj his 5thcusp- Aphrodit its in his 9th,opose his Sun tight- Pan is exact conj his Kiron- Anteros is conj his Valentine.opose his VX, - My ANteros is conj my Pluto.trine my NN- Adonis is conj my Pluto- Cupid is conj my Neptune/IC- Sapprho is in my 8th,conj my Osiris- Aphrpdite is conj my Isis/MC- Pan is exact trine my VX and Jup- Apollo is conj my Sun, - His Psych/Adonis/Cupid falls in my 1st:my bf feels very attracted to my way of appearing and also awakes my soul in an intuitive way, - My Anteros conj his Sat/PLut/Cupid , falling in his 4th house: my loves longing i find in his deepest core and home.Feel my love returned through his commitment,intensity and himself. libra rising: libra rising is known for having beautiful symmetrical faces. If they don't feel recognition, it can result in moodiness . 7. Does Venus inconjunct the ascendant count as an opposition? This house corresponds to Capricorn and its planetary ruler, Saturn. 4. Jealous of people with better family. They need to feel a part of society, to feel recognised and acknowledged by the people. Tumblr has 16.74 million mobile monthly users in the US. At the same time, Rahu's basic nature of being insatiable will remain there. I especially dont know what to make of Venus square Aphrodite. Case closed. Its how we play and express our uniqueness and creativity. Let me read ad re-read all of your posts and then give feedback along with my aspects LOL. May 20, 2021; kate taylor jersey channel islands; someone accused me of scratching their car . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you would like to choose one I will try to help, my Friend. Transits here may talk of psychotherapy, introspection, spirituality or suppressed emotions. And my venus conjunct Jupiter &saturn in libra (NOT close your eyes completely and start dreaming like the neptunians tho). her dad is more logical & reserved/introverted. Cast Kristin Cast Fixed Star Facies 8 Capricorn conjunct Ascendant gives a person a probing and intense stare. Venus in the 10th house: Popular / Leaders. Shukra in karma-sthana-10 Venus in 10th house * BP Lama Jyotishavidya only search B.P. There have a lot of psychological insights into others. genuinely enjoy the finer things in life's purpose; build your dream" This is an introspective, reserved, spiritual house. So it's a little bit of everything? It's also the planet of Envy / Jealousy. Its the battle of the ego versus others, of autonomy versus dependency, of following ones path regardless of obstacles. I hope I can do this in my articles. Any planet transiting here affects you on a very personal level whether its your sense f self, experiences, feelings, or external events. Especially anything related to beauty. if you read this until the end i hope you enjoyed it & thank you so much for reading. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop www.infopop.com 2000 I can tell you from the top of my head where those asteroids are in my natal chart. Another singer I had a shortlived "liking" for: A real life and very romantic, yet hopeless crush: Another real life crush or flirt; well we didn`T have a real relationship, yet there was something: My Adonis:conjuncts hs Mercuryconjuncts his Uranus, His Adonis:conjuncts my Plutotrine my Moontrine my Karma. asc) The person who can give love will be very popular and well loved by others. About 4 degrees away from having a Grand trine of Aphro, Venus, ASC. APHRODITE was the Olympian goddess of love, beauty, pleasure and procreation. Tenth House. But if the people surrounds them are introvert, they can also act introvert. detached in an attractive way YOU are the most important person to me. - In the love department you might be a hopeless romantic, - Suitors are beautiful/handsome, affectionate and flirty. 433 -- Eros -- Erotic love, sexual or creative revelation that brings two people together to form a lasting transformation. S--ual Planets in Fire signs I.e Venus in Sagittarius, Venus in Aries or Mars in Leo, Mars in Aries, Will cause natives sexual energies to sort of "burn" through them. Aphrodite conjunct Mercury Understanding how the signs and planets operate in each of your twelve astrological houses will lead to more clarity on who you are and what you are here to do, illuminating the path of self-discovery and self-fulfilment. Lust (Cancer) trine Pallas (scorpio); Pallas in 5th house My Valentine: his 8th housemy Cupid: his 6th houseMy Aphrodite: his 7th housemy Psyche: his 12th housemy Eros, Pan, Vertex, Destinn: his 5th housemy Adonis: his 7th housemy Union: his 7th housemy Amor: his 8th house, Posts: 456From: MercuryRegistered: Apr 2009, (Both people have a heavily aspected natal Saturn as well), Copyright 2000-2016 Jupiter in the 1st house/Sagittarius Rising - cares about their reputation and values respect. Basic story: The Greek goddess Aphrodite rises from the foam of the waves of the sea, enchanting anyone who sees her and inciting feelings of love and lust wherever she goes. Seductive. Very passionate. It would nicely illustrate my affinity for these two gay musicmen. leo mars: might not like when people touch their hair, certain people like hairstylists may be excepted. I have apollo,hebe,aura ,moon,sun conjunct my ascendant in leo Pluto Conjunct the MC You can find furnished housing rentals and unfurnished housing rentals in Berlin. Also when a Plutonian does something hurtful people will think they planned it. Aphrodite is the Goddess of Love and Beauty and according to Hesiod's Theogony, she was born from the foam in the waters of Paphos, on the island of Cyprus.She supposedly arose from the foam when the Titan Cronus slew his father Uranus and threw his genitals into the sea.. This house rules your health, daily routine, work, and habits. It is your home, past, childhood, family, family line, as well as your actual living situation. Listed as a minor planet, Medusa is commonly classed as an asteroidnumber 149 to be . 03 Aphrodite was born off the coast of Cythera from the genitals of Uranus. NeptuneRegistered: Jun 2013. I have venus in libra semisextile my ascendant Cancer placements/Moon 1st housers might want to live close to their parents. This house looks to the long term, to meaning, purpose, and the big picture. Jealous of people who have better friends. Venus. No matter which way it goes, the ending is the same. I have aphrodite in the 1st house in retrograde what does that indicate? About a week ago at work:Me: Ugh, Billy, I have no make-up on, I can't believe I'm in public.Billy: Baby, you can't improve perfection.Me: No, but I can add to it. they take their spiritual life seriously. * His Lust squares my ASC and trines my NN. sag mercury: be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it.. It would be a good idea for a person to sit back and reflect on how their job makes them feel. might like wearing unusual clothes to be unique Rahu in Taurus in 10th house basically indicates that your spouse can be from Foreign Origin but yet working in same work environment as yours. & if youre not a libra rising, you can also apply this logic if you dont have much of your rising signs physical traits. Charm in social situations, especially one-on-one with others, able to make them feel comfortable and appreciated and more. She is a contender in the story of the Golden Apple, when Paris chooses her as the fairest of the three goddesses (the others were Hera and Athena).Aphrodite decides to reward him for giving her the Golden Apple (the . The Tenth House in astrology reveals your energetic disposition to goals, achievements, and success. They represent every facet of your existence. But the earth element keeps them grounded, down-to-earth and stable. Psyche in Gemini[square Sun, opposite Pluto],Eros in Aquarius, Conjunct Mercury & Venus, Cupid in Aquarius opp Leo moon. 5)his Cupido in my 1st houseconjuncts my Venus/Mars-mp exactly, 6)his Sappho in my 2nd houseconjunct my Moon, ruler of my 8th house, 7)my Anteros:conjunct his Valentine exactly, 8)my Sappho:conjunct his Pluto, Adonis and Anteros, my Sun/Moon= his Anterosmy Sun/Mars= his Panmy Venus/Mars = his Cupidomy Venus / ASC = his Cupidomy Venus / MC = his VAlentine, his Sun /MOon = my Sun (or my Moon if he is indeed Leo-ASC)his Sun / Venus = my Psyche = my Lilith = my Valentinehis Venus / Mars = my Cupido = my Anteros = my MChis Venus / Pluto = my ASC = my Sappho. Mars in an earth house (2nd, 6th, 10th) gain so much money but also spend too much at the same time. But you probably don't have to recalculate as long as you were looking at the natal part, not the progessions. unique beauty 5. Venus in the 8th house: Intense relationships and deep attachments too. Asc sextile Venus and bi-quintile pluto and great attractor - My ADonis/Plut conj his Pluto:very intense and potent tie relates to sexual magnetism in double! Valentine: 17,5 Pisces in my tropical 3rd houseIN A GIGANTIC TENT, VILLAGERS WITNESS A SPECTACULAR PERFORMANCE. Sometimes its okay to close your eyes to protect your heart. You might also be quite possessive in the crushing stage and feel like you're competing for a prize, - Some suitors might like your spicy outlook on love and be attracted to your vitality, - You might be quickly enveloped in your emotions and could be hot-headed bc of it, I hope this answers your question, have a nice day/night . Fixed sign have a reputation for being stubborn, but have you heard about cardinal sign? This one relates directly to the image of the opera. etc. It is related to your wider circle of friends or business network, or an organization or group you share similar interests with. Very appealing presence to others, attracts a lot of attention. In aspect to ascendant you can appear as very pretty, attractive and charming. unique style and aesthetic; aesthetic could also change very frequently Along with the 2nd and 6th houses, it's one of the career houses and shows what professions a person would be best at. That, in and of itself, makes them beautiful. scorpios know how to be secretive, source information, remain in the dark and disguising themselves as your shadow as they observe. jewelry was made for their bodies. . This native may have a career in the field of beauty, such as a model, make up artist or fashion designer. 9. Note. Bella sextile moon and neptune opposite saturn I could always see my grandmas house from my window. The 10th House Rules Your Reputation. There are days when I think I look better than anybody walking down the street with meother days that I don't feel fit leaving the house lol But I do turn heads and people stop me to tell me they "love" my smile.. should i try to recalculate? anybody have any other ideas how to see what my aphrodite is? I have a bunch of asteroids in Libra, though more on the 22-27 space, including Sappho, Kassandra, DNA, Apollo, Adonis and who knows what else. Aphrodite in the Trojan War Aphrodite, as seen in "Cypria," is the root cause of the Trojan War. This native will be large, in charge and, probably, has a sense of danger about him. No, no, no, no and no.. it's not just a planet of Love / Lust. MC EXACT, His VALENTINE in Sagittarius in his 2nd and in my 4th housetrine my moon in aries in 8th (2)bi-quintile my mars (0)trine my jupiter in leo in 12th (0)square my uranus in virgo in 1st (1)trine my AC in leo (2), His DR VALENTINE in capricorn in his 2nd house and my 6th house, My VALENTINE in cancer in my 2nd and in his 8th housequintile his venus (0)trine AC (1), My DR VALENTINE in cancer in my 11th house and his 7th housetrine his venus (1)bi-quintile his jupiter (0)trine his uranus (0)conjunct his juno (0)square his MC (0), His CUPID in Aries in his 5th house and my 8th housebi-quintile my AC (0), His DR CUPID in Taurus in his 5th house and my 9th houseconjunct my mars (0)square my jupiter (3)trine my uranus (3)trine my pluto (1)conjunct my MC (3), My CUPID in Cancer in my 11th house and his 8th housesquare his chiron (2), My DR CUPID in gemini in my 11th house and his 7th houseopposing his neptune (1)trine his pluto (0)opposing his AC (2), His APHRODITE in scorpio in his 12th house and my 3rd houseopposes my sun (1)opposes my mercury (2), His DR APHRODITE in sagittarius in his 12th house and my 4th housetrine my moon (3)trine my venus (0)trine my saturn (2)square my pluto (0), My APHRODITE in gemini in my 10th house and his 7th housesextile his sun (0)opposes his moon (1)squares his mercury (3), My DR APHRODITE in gemini in my 10th house and his 6th housetrine his MC (2), His PSYCHE in gemini in his 7th and my 10th house, His DR PSYCHE in cancer in his 7th house and my 11th housesquare my moon (2)square my venus (0)sextile my mars (0)trine my neptune (3) sextile my pluto (1)conjunct my valentine (0), My PSYCHE in scorpio in my 3rd house and his 12th housesquare his sun (1)sextile his mercury (0)square his mars (1), My DR PSYCHE in libra in my 3rd house and his 11th houseconjunct his venus (2)semi square his mars (0), His EROS in capricorn in his 2nd house and my 5th housesquare my chiron (0)trine my AC (1), His DR EROS in capricorn in his 2nd house and my 6th housesextile my saturn (1)square my MC (2), My EROS in libra in my 2nd house and his 11th housesemi square his sun (0)conjunct his venus (0)conjunct his uranus (2)trine his psyche (2)*sigh* lol, My DR EROS in virgo in my 2nd house and his 6th houseconjunct his sun (1)trine his moon (1)semi square his venus (1)conjunct his mars (1)square his saturn (3), his ADONiSopposes my venus (2)opposes my saturn (1)quincunx my MC (0), my ADONISsextile his mercury (1)squares his mars (0)squares his neptune (1)opposes his NN (3)conjunct his lilith (1), DW's of (tropical and draco)valentine/ACvalentine/jupitervalentine/uranuscupid/ACcupid/plutoaphrodite/sunaphrodite/mercuryaphrodite/moonpsyche/marspsyche/venuseros/saturn.

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