seiu 1000 bargaining unit 4 contractconvert ethereum address to checksum

The word "assignment" as used in this section is synonymous with that of "position.". this topic. If there is more than one employee with an Employee Opportunity Transfer application to the same location on file, one of the top three (3) employees with the greatest amount of department service by class shall be selected. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Ties in Seniority: If two (2) or more employees with the same amount of classification seniority bid on the same position, ties shall be broken as follows: Employee Eligibility for Post and Bid (CSC; DDS; DSH; and CalVet): Employee Eligibility for Post and Bid (CDCR; and CCHCS): Employee Eligibility for Post and Bid (CDCR-DJJ): Method and Implementation (Excludes DGS): Announcement of Eligible Posts: Vacant posts shall be announced or advertised the first Monday of each month and remain on display for no less than ten (10) calendar days, excluding weekends and holidays. dissatisfaction of members across the state regarding their No employee shall submit more than four (4) Employee Opportunity Transfer applications during an open period. Permanent employees who wish to submit Employee Opportunity Transfer applications may do so during a thirty (30) calendar day open period, to be scheduled once every six (6) months by each department. 1000. The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) or their designee shall have responsibility for implementation and maintenance of this procedure at each facility and shall ensure compliance. An employee may write more than one bid preference on the bidding form in priority order. to the negotiation table to support the Seasonal Clerks in their In arbitrations involving adverse actions, the arbitrator shall determine if just cause exists and, if not, the appropriate remedy. Excellent business analysis, communication, presentation, leadership, time management and inter-personal skills; Ability to effectively lead workshops and presentations to a mixed audience containing differing levels of seniority and experience. Seasonal Clerk work schedules will be provided to the individual and posted on a monthly basis. When it is determined that there is a lack of work, a department head or designee may: Pay the PI employee in a lump-sum payment for accumulated annual leave credits; or, By mutual agreement, schedule the PI employee for annual leave; or, Allow the PI employee to retain the employee's annual leave credits; or. All current full-time DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employees shall be credited with three (3) Personal Necessity Days the first work day of each academic calendar year annually, so long as, the accrual does not result in a total balance in excess of six (6) Personal Necessity Days. Deletion or Change of a Post: If an eligible post assignment/position is deleted or altered because of coverage or other legitimate operational needs, the employee in that post assignment/position shall be notified in writing at least fifteen (15) days prior to any change. Upon return to work, the BU 20 CNA will return to the involuntary rotation in seniority order. The Union and the department shall examine the contracts based on the purpose of this section, the terms of the contracts, all applicable laws, Federal mandates and court decisions/orders. properly resourcing teleworking equipment and functions to ensure Speaking to members statewide on a conference call for Local 1000 For every day of sick leave donated to the Bank, one (1) day of sick leave will be created in the Bank and be subject to withdrawal by Bargaining Unit 3 employees at the State Special Schools and Diagnostic Centers. A Seasonal Clerk employee that is offered a permanent full-time or part-time job within a department shall not be denied release from the employee's Seasonal Clerk employee position by management. The EDD shall post vacancies on the EDDNet, consistent with current practice, for ten (10) calendar days. Here is more information provided If management fills the position it shall be counted neutral until the next twenty-four (24) month bid cycle. Shift changes required by emergency situations shall last no longer than the emergency that occasioned the change. Once the five (5) workdays have expired without response from the employee being considered for reassignment, the employer shall consider it a refusal of the job offer. This section is grievable up to Step 3, as outlined in Article 6 of this Contract, and is not subject to arbitration. When an employee is required to work twelve (12) to sixteen (16) hours that employee shall not be mandated to work overtime the next calendar day. On Thursday, August 25, 2022, our Union met with The Franchise notifying and bargaining with the union. Exceptions to this limitation may be granted. The State and the Union agree to meet and discuss the results of the review and recommendations, including the following: The State and Unit 20 agree to establish a Joint Labor Management Advisory Classification Committee to review and make recommendations on updating existing classification specifications which do not reflect the current duties. The period of non-availability may be revoked based on operational needs. Training may be made available if an employee requests to be trained in other work functions within the employee's assigned facility; such requests shall not be unreasonably denied. For the purpose of this provision "seniority" is defined as one (1) point for each qualifying month of full-time state service. Local 1000 met BU 20 CNAs shall be assigned involuntary overtime on a rotating basis by inverse seniority. benefits and working conditions. If a Seasonal Clerk employee works on the holiday, the employee shall also receive the employee's hourly rate of pay for each hour worked unless the provisions of section 19.2(B) apply. Overtime is earned at the rate of one and one-half (1) times the hourly rate for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a regular workweek and is compensable by cash or CTO if it meets the following criteria: Ordered overtime of at least fifteen (15) minutes at any one time; Overtime will be credited on a fifteen (15) minute basis with a full fifteen (15) minute credit to be granted if seven (7) minutes is worked. The JLMTF shall consist of an equal number of Union and CalVet committee members; not to exceed four (4) representatives for each side. Employees applying and selected under this section waive any rights to claim moving and relocation expenses. The Bargaining Unit 4 Upward Mobility Task Force met again on May 7, 2021, to continue the conversations and the work of reviewing the upward mobility program and process and writing recommendations for best practices. This benefit will be payable to eligible survivors of current employees who are not covered by Social Security and whose death occurs on or after the effective date of the Memorandum of Understanding for this section. The rest period shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes total for any day. to COVID-19. Only approved courses shall qualify toward the differential. Records Technicians working at Avenal, Ironwood, Calipatria, An original physician's verification describing the nature of the illness or injury and the estimated duration of the illness or injury must be attached to the application. The department head or designee shall initiate any disciplinary action as specified in this article by written notice of disciplinary action served in person or served by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the employee's last known address as listed in the employee's official personnel file. The Departments recognize and understand the importance of reducing overtime to Unit 17 employees. Within thirty (30) days of receiving a written request from SEIU Local 1000, the State agrees to meet at the local worksite to discuss issues relating to the scheduling of mixed shift work weeks. IL: CPS 4/9/18 - 4/4/21. These assignments shall be counted neutral; that is, these assignments shall not be counted in either Management's or Union's positions. Resources (CalHR) to ensure the implementation was not overly again on Thursday, October 20, 2022, regarding their planned However, the State may redact those portions of protected contract(s) that are proprietary, necessary to protect the competitive nature of the bid process, and that which does not pertain to the costing of personnel services found in bargaining unit classifications. Additionally, any shift of less than five (5) hours shall not be counted towards monthly hours totaled for the purpose of add-ons and call-ins. Interim bids shall be conducted so that the percentages specified in this section are maintained throughout the twenty-four (24) month cycle. management to identify what was causing delays and to find ways Management will then continue through the overtime list(s). meeting was held in response to a cease and desist that our Union Article 22, Article 23, etc. Employees shall be permitted to take breaks except when required to meet an unforeseen business necessity. Tax Board (FTB) to meet and confer on FTBs notice of the updated Upon request, the Post and Bid administrator shall meet periodically with SEIU Local 1000 representatives for the purpose of reviewing compliance with the Post and Bid provision. While on vacation, pre-approved absence, on a full work day absence due to sick leave*, Union leave, State release time, or any other authorized absence from the facility, BU 20 CNAs will not be considered for mandatory overtime. The parties therefore agree that the State may elect to fill vacancies using methods that include but are not limited to mandatory reinstatements; placement in lieu of layoff/demotion, appointment from a SROA/Surplus list, reemployment list, limited duty (vacancy to be available at the end of temporary appointment); appointments pursuant to court orders, settlement agreements, SPB decisions, or the like; hardship transfers; reassignments (rotations, position "trades," etc. If the employee elects to alter their participation in VPLP, they shall be allowed to opt out or change at any time during the PLP 2020 program. A department will provide the initial work schedule to Seasonal Clerks as specified in 18.3(C) above. Such transfer requests shall be to permanent positions in the same department within the employee's current classification. who are currently teleworking and in the office one (1) day a It shall be subject to the complaint procedure if the employee believes it was made for the purpose of harassing or disciplining the employee. holding Lottery accountable for health and safety violations represented workers at the State Compensation Insurance Fund Departments that desire to establish a telework or telecommuting policy and/or program or departments desiring to change an existing policy and/or program shall first notify the Union. years. Post and Bid Process for the Department of General Services (DGS): Vacancy: A permanent full-time position unoccupied as a result of retirement, transfer, termination, reassignment, or new funding, and where a variety of work schedules (days off, shifts, etc.) Cannot feasibly be met through use of other civil service or administrative alternatives. Floating/Redirect: The word "float" as used in this section is synonymous with that of "redirect". The Union may request to meet and confer with CalHR regarding the classification proposal. This section is not subject to the grievance and arbitration Article of this Contract. Through the establishment of a seniority volunteer overtime system, departments will endeavor to reduce the amount of mandatory overtime, distribute overtime fairly among volunteers insofar as circumstances, security, or health and safety permit and provide employees with prior notice of possible or actual overtime assignments. The Committee will start meeting sixty (60) calendar days after ratification of this Agreement. State Safety members first employed by the State prior to January 15, 2011, are subject to the State Safety A Retirement Formula. This If the parties do not reach an agreement the classification proposal may be submitted to the SPB. The State reserves full discretion to dismiss an employee for a first positive drug or alcohol test or for refusing to test. Health/Dental/Vision Benefits - A PI employee will be eligible for these benefits if the employee has been credited with a minimum of four hundred eighty (480) paid hours in one (1) of two (2) control periods. through our Joint Labor Management Committee (JLMC) outlined in The Union shall be permitted to submit separate recommendations to the State. of our members unnecessarily. The State shall not use the log on/off time to the computer or electronic access card entry/exit times of employees as the source of attendance reporting. Its On Friday, April 15, 2022, our Union met with the California The Union agrees to the State safety retirement membership process as outlined in the provisions of Government Code sections 19816.20 and 20405.1 and will not be subject to the provisions of Government Code section 18717. This meeting is opportunity to learn more about the Departments expectations of The State agrees to notify the Union no later than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the actual date of layoff. Special Schools run by the California Department of Education of Human Resources (CalHR) and is a product of Article 5.13.4. of The employee with the most seniority will be offered the position. Employees may transfer personal leave days in accordance with the provision of Article 8 and the other provisions contained in Article 22. Such locations must be within a preapproved work space and during preapproved work hours inside the teleworker's residence, telework centers, or other offices of the State, as approved pursuant to the department's telework policy and guidelines. This meeting is California Program Technicians. The appeal consists of a personal interview with the QRP and submission of any additional relevant information or material applicant wishes to offer. represented employees have access to upward mobility programs The purpose of the classification review is to determine if the current class specification adequately describes all facets of the work. organizing/representation. Annual Leave Comparison Chart. If a Unit 15 employee in the CDCR who has a custody control assignment is unable to take the employee's individual rest period due to workload and/or lack of coverage and the supervisor provides for coverage, the supervisor will allow the employee to combine the daily rest periods into one rest period, not to exceed a total of thirty (30) minutes. Overtime shall first be offered to level-of-care employees for level-of-care overtime assignments before allowing other BU 17 classifications to work overtime. The 220 day Academic Calendar Year includes two hundred ten (210) instructional days and ten (10) professional staff development days. To this end, the Departments will make every effort to schedule staff in a manner that will reduce the need for mandatory overtime. If the State determines that changes to the specifications are appropriate, the State agrees to pursue the revisions in accordance with section 14.1. When management determines that a vacancy on the requested shift is available to a Unit 17 employee, the supervisor shall consider employees with shift change requests based on the needs of the clients/patients/wards/students/inmates, seniority, employee skills and abilities, performance and attendance, staffing requirements, and needs of the facility. No Saturday Service in Field Offices on Veterans Day and If the State fills the position, it shall be counted neutral until the annual bid cycle. Both parties agree and understand that a different type of overtime payment (cash or CTO) may be provided to employees at different times and may even be different for employees in the same or similar situations. Before an employee is required to work mandatory overtime, management will make every effort to schedule appropriate available employees prior to mandating overtime. The parties also recognize that when vacancies occur in the Unit 11 classifications listed in A (1) above, and the State elects to fill the position, the needs of the State must also be considered. of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) Labor Relations met An employee may be granted a rest period on State time not to exceed fifteen (15) minutes each four (4) hours of the employee's work shift not to exceed thirty (30) minutes each workday. Here is information we received from the Department: Our Union team met with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Employees are responsible for keeping management apprised of the employee's schedule and whereabouts, must receive approval from management for the use of formal leave (e.g., vacation, sick leave, personal leave) and for absences of one day or more, and must respond to directions from management to complete work assignments by specific deadlines. Any assignment that received no bid shall be filled at management's discretion and shall be counted neutral. Since 1982, rank-and-file civil service employees in California State government have been covered by collective bargaining, a process for negotiating wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. The purpose of this subsection C is to provide the Union with notice and an opportunity to present alternatives which mitigate or avoid the need for contracting out, while still satisfying the needs of the State to provide services. Local 1000 fought for JLMCs through a stewards grievance, Reappointment and Notice of Intention Not to Reappoint. In the event that an official application form may not be available during this specific thirty (30) day period, the CDE shall accept a written document from a prospective donor that includes the donor's printed name, signature, date, work location, classification, social security number, and permission to deduct one day of sick leave from the employee's accrued sick leave balance. PLP 2020 leave shall not be considered as "time worked" for overtime purposes except when an employee is mandated to work overtime or has been redirected and is mandated to work overtime to process unemployment claims in the same week in which they use approved leave then that approved leave will be considered hours worked for purposes of calculating overtime. Memo, where DMV member-leaders ensured represented employees Unit 4 went back to the bargaining table on Friday, July 26, Please dont miss out. Unit 15 employees who are not covered by a Post and Bid Agreement and who request a work assignment or shift change not involving a geographic relocation shall submit a written request to the facility/program management or designee. Contact Centers, EDD will be implementing the second phase call For the period from July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2022, inclusive, the provisions of 11.2 titled "Improving Affordability and Access to Healthcare" is suspended. California Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS) has mailed Where the Union requests to negotiate with the State. Department, section and geographic location of the vacancy; Present working hours associated with the vacancy; A complete description of the duties and any personal attributes including objective qualifications that may enable the bidder to be successful in the position (e.g., any special education, training, work experience, and/or experience using particular types of equipment). The increased salary rate will become effective on the first of the pay period after the employee meets all of the conditions and established criteria. Final appeal will be to the Executive Director and must be requested in writing within twenty (20) calendar days of date of notice of QRP's appeal decision. issues facing EDD, Local 1000 hosted new Director Patrick Henning Employees shall be deemed to have performed satisfactorily if the employee received an overall rating of "satisfactory" on an annual performance evaluation or probationary report during the same twelve (12) month period and the employee received no intervening counseling and/or corrective memos. As required by CalPERS law, the amount includes interest at six percent (6%), annually compounded. A PI employee will be eligible for a PH each July 1st thereafter and may accrue only one PH per fiscal year. The duration of subdivision (A) of this Side Letter expires by its own terms or if the provisions of the section titled "Contract Reopener Language - Elimination of Pay Decreases and Suspensions" are triggered. These meetings will not exceed six (6) in total unless mutually agreed by both parties. When a training session is scheduled on an employee's authorized day off and the training session is canceled without prior notice to the employee, the employee shall be guaranteed at least four (4) hours of work or shall be paid for a minimum of four (4) hours at the employee's regular rate of pay. The SEIU Local 1000 bargaining team is made up of nine BUNCs - one for each of the bargaining units we representUnits 1, 3, 4, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20 and 21. This shall include developing a process that ensures that savings realized by terminating the contract and reassigning the work to a bargaining unit employee to avoid displacement, are utilized to offset that employee's moving and relocation costs, the amount of which shall be consistent with the Moving/Relocation section of the parties' collective bargaining agreement. representatives from EDD, DOJ, State Fund and the Personal leaders represented all the DSH facilities, except for Rest periods may not be accumulated nor may rest periods be used to "make-up" time. Unless otherwise contested by October 15, an employee's seniority as posted on October 1, shall determine the employee's placement on the seniority list. In the event of a tie in the seniority scores, the tie shall be broken using (1) total statewide service seniority; (2) departmental seniority; (3) by lot. Smaller fractional units will not be accumulated. If the employee's examination is rescheduled by the examining physician or by DMV, the employee shall be granted reasonable release time for the subsequent date, in accordance with the requirements specified above. Considering Lottery field staff work Jury Duty - A PI employee shall only be granted jury duty leave in accordance with section 8.14 if the employee is scheduled to work on the day(s) in which the service occurs and only for the number of hours the employee is scheduled to work on the day or days. State employees hired prior to January 15, 2011, who were subject to the Alternate Retirement Program (ARP). To avoid or mitigate bargaining unit employee displacement for lack of work, the appointing power shall review all existing personal services contracts to determine if work consistent with the affected employee's classification is being performed by a contractor. Each employee shall be responsible for the coverage of the work assignment the employee accepts. Article 6, section 6.11 (Arbitration Level) shall apply to out-of-class and misallocation grievances except as otherwise provided in this section. Standby and CTO credited as a result of standby shall not be considered time worked for purposes of qualifying for overtime. The SEIU Local 1000 team had our first meeting with State One (1) academic year of outside service will be considered one (1) year of State credit. An employee may write more than one (1) bid preference on the bidding form in priority order. In order to reduce the amount of mandatory overtime, the department shall establish a seniority system to request and utilize volunteers to perform overtime work from within the appropriate work area(s) and classification(s). This document protects our rights as state workers. Department (EDD) stepped up to soften the blow for some of their Representatives of the Union and the State shall meet and review the situation. Employees being reassigned under this section waive any rights to claim moving and relocation expenses. input from Local 1000 will roll out over the next year at Napa If such bid or position creates a nepotistic situation, notice must be given to the Union. Range increases are attained by completing additional credits as described on the salary schedule. Applicant arranges for college or university to mail official transcript to the Chief of Nursing Service. For the purposes of this section, the control periods are January 1 through June 30 and July 1 through December 31 of each calendar year. Bargaining Unit 17 PI employees may participate in the CoBen Cash Option Program for health or health and dental coverage if the employee meets the eligibility criteria for state-sponsored health benefits and the CoBen Cash Option Program, including but not limited to having qualifying group health coverage from another source. use of mandatory overtime and other chronic issues. PLP 2020 shall not cause a break in State service, nor a reduction in the employee's accumulation of service credit for the purposes of seniority and retirement. their VCC system in their Tax, Disability Insurance, and Upon request, upward mobility training and information shall be provided to all call center employees. Policy Regarding Personal Services Contracts and Cost Savings, Information Regarding Contracts To Be Let. absences. Upon request, the Post and Bid administrator shall meet periodically with SEIU Local 1000 representatives for the purpose of reviewing compliance with the Post and Bid provision. There shall be no inter-institution bidding on assignments. the Licensing Operations Division (LOD) Employee Expectations Another 3.25% raise in 2024. On Thursday, February 24, 2022, SEIU Local 1000 had a meet and Employees who receive yearly evaluations which have two (2) or more categories marked below standard may lose the right to hold and/or bid assignments for up to six (6) months, subject to review in three (3) months. Each employee is responsible for checking the posting of positions on the EDDNet. On Thursday, January 18, 2023, our SEIU Local 1000member customer appointments at many Workforce Services Branch (WSB) We became aware of this intention when If a bid assignment is deleted due to reduced allocations or other reasons, and there is an employee in the deleted assignment, then the employee may bid on any vacant posted assignment. Department of Public Health (CDPH) regarding the new Telework When filling permanent full-time vacancies, a department shall consider eligible PI employees within the classification. Miscellaneous and industrial members in the First Tier retirement or the ARP not subject to social security shall contribute nine percent (9%) of monthly compensation in excess of three hundred seventeen dollars ($317) for retirement. If absence is more than sixty (60) calendar days, the appointing authority may authorize an employee's return to the assignment or same watch/RDO's if the absence was generated by a management decision. PI Employees enrolled in Tricare, Medicare, Medi-Cal, Covered California, and other forms of individual health coverage, as defined by CalHR, are not eligible to participate or enroll in the CoBen or FlexElect Cash Options. Any employee who has sustained a disciplinary action or received a substandard performance report within the twelve (12) months preceding the occurrence of the vacancy, may, at the discretion of management, not be eligible for transfer. All full-time DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employees shall be permitted to retain the Educational Leave credits accrued prior to the termination of accrual described in paragraph A. above.

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