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[20] After the Trojan Horse affair, this[clarification needed] was replaced by a new duty to promote "fundamental British values". He said that the efforts to instil fundamentalist practices into Birmingham classrooms were based on a "warped and abusive view of the religion". The first opportunity to put their case came when professional misconduct cases were brought against them by the National College of Teaching and Learning (an independent agency of the Department for Education, now replaced by the Teaching Regulation Agency) in October 2015 and May 2017 when the case against the senior teachers collapsed because of "serious improprieties" by the legal team acting for the NCTL. It described a "madrassa curriculum" and reported that "posters were written in Quranic Arabic in most of the classrooms visited. [4] Governors also restricted teaching topics which were part of the Department for Education's Prevent strategy, such as forced marriage and female genital mutilation. [5] The inspections found that head teachers have been "marginalised or forced out of their jobs". [54] Kerslake deferred issues of education to the Clarke and Kershaw Reports, but an appendix to his Report provided contextual data on poverty, adult education attainment, unemployment and school performance across comparator cities and for England as a whole. Additionally, the inspection stated that "there are too few books about the world's major religions other than Islam". Nor did Clarke report any interviews with schools improvement officers at the local authority of the Department for Education. [29] It encouraged parents to complain about the school's leadership with false accusations of sex education, forced Christian prayer and mixed physical education, with the aim of obtaining a new leadership of Islamists. He denied all allegations against him.[27]. The governors have been made to resign Has she come back because she wants to take the school forward or is she fulfilling a personal vendetta?[127]. A new podcast produced by Serial Productions and co-hosted by Hamza Syed and Brian Reed has shone a light on the sordid Trojan Horse Affair. Imprint Routledge. [8], Ofsted found that the governing body interfered with the running of Saltley School and undermined the work of its senior leaders. [83], An Ofsted inspection found that the Islamic school, which shares its premises with a mosque, had books in its library with content that had "no place in British society". WebTrojan horse virus, also called trojan, may be defined as malware that appears to be legitimate or appropriate software and used by attackers to compromise the systems security. [25], A number of governors and the Muslim Council of Britain dubbed the reaction of authorities to the plot a "witch-hunt". [97], Michael Gove, the Education secretary, announced that all of England's schools would have to promote "British values" of tolerance and fairness and that teachers would be banned from the profession if they allowed extremists into schools. These questions have been left unanswered She has not been held to account. This had been initiated by Sir Tim Brighouse, who had been Chief Education Officer in Birmingham between 1993 and 2002, and was highly critical of the 2014 Ofsted reports and the subsequent inquiries. [104], In May, David Blunkett announced that if in government again, the Labour Party would appoint an 'Independent Director of School Standards' with the power to monitor academies: "In April 2014, the alleged Operation Trojan Horse in Birmingham demonstrated the difficulties that have arisen from this 'absence of transparency'". Information and Guidance for Schools and is available as an appendix to the Kershaw Report. It said that there was never a serious effort to ascertain what was happening in school governing bodies, and that council's approach had been described as one of "appeasement and a failure in their duty of care towards their employees". Another school investigated, Alston Primary, was already in special measures. It also did not report any interviews with members of Birmingham Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) responsible for the agreed curriculum on religious education taught in local authority schools in Birmingham, and also responsible for approving deterninations of daily acts of collective worship for other than Christian worship. This stated that, on 14 October 2014, they had received "25 of the Clarke transcripts to include transcripts of 10 interviewees who went on to be witnesses for the NCTL in these proceedings. [123] The Guardian also revealed that West Midlands Police was investigating whether the alleged plot was a hoax concocted to support one of the schools named in the plot, Adderley primary school, in an industrial dispute. A mysterious letter detailing a supposed Islamist plot to take over schools shocked Britain in 2014. It is a code that is malicious in nature and has the capacity to take control of the computer. an "issue of education management", or appeasement. It effectively ended the war, demonstrating the ingenuity of the Greeks. to lead the Department for Education analysis of "evidence of extremist infiltration in both academies and council-run schools". He said that "protecting our children" was "one of the first duties of government" and convened an emergency meeting of the Extremism Taskforce and a ministerial meeting to discuss the affair. Texts and images of the girl with a boy, a fellow Year 11 pupil at Park View, were used to justify the girl's suspension weeks before her GCSE exams. Some staff at the school expressed fear that neither eating nor drinking amid high temperatures during the 18 hours of daylight in the months of June and July would compromise pupils' health and their ability to learn. Staff were prevented from teaching Sex and Relationships Advice freely as well as aspects of Safeguarding and Child Protection. [26] Waseem Yaqub, former Head of Governors at Al-Hijrah school, called it "a McCarthy-style witch-hunt" and that the letter was used by councillors "to turn on [Muslims] and use Muslims as scapegoats". Prime Minister David Cameron, on a visit to Birmingham, praised his government's swift action in investigating the conspiracy. Segregationism dividing the world into 'us' and 'them', with them to include all non-Muslims and other Muslims who disagree; Attempts to impose its views and practices upon others; Intolerance of difference, whether the secular, other religions or other Muslims. [82], Pupils had limited knowledge of any religion apart from Islam. The school was one of those identified in the Kershaw and Clarke Reports, but no information about it was provided. mark walters trojan horse. None of those involved in the Trojan horse affair were criminals in the conventional sense of the word. [31], Of the schools mentioned by the letter, the account of Adderley Primary School was the more detailed, alleging that an employment dispute at Adderley was part of the Islamic plot's attempt to unseat the head teacher and install a conspirator with the same radical Islamification goals as the letter writers. The Trojan Horse scandal, also known as "Operation Trojan Horse" or the Trojan Horse affair, involves claims of an alleged conspiracy[1][2] that there was an organised attempt to introduce an "Islamist" or "Salafist" ethos into several schools in Birmingham, England. He criticised the approaches to the story by the BBC[120] and The Guardian, which he claimed were unduly biased in favour of the schools. [23] The government terminated its funding arrangement with three of the schools. For example, the co-head of the security and extremism unit at Policy Exchange (the conservative think tank that had advised Michael Gove's schools programme), Hannah Stuart, and its head of education, John David Blake, proposed that, "non-disclosure of anonymous witness statements from the Clarke inquiry was described as an 'abuse of process', and that is deeply unfortunate, but this falls short of an exoneration. [122] The Guardian also analysed Michael Gove's book on combatting Islamist terror, Celsius 7/7, pointing out that a chapter is titled "The Trojan Horse". The Trojans believed the horse was a peace offering and dragged it inside their city. The hearings were expected to be concluded quickly, but continued through until May 2017. [19], In an incident that was referred to counter-terrorism police, a teacher told the pupils at the Golden Hillock school "not to listen to Christians as they were all liars". 163-183. [53] Birmingham City Council was already under investigation by Sir Bob Kerslake over problems of governance associated with financial management, looked after children, waste services and issues of equal pay for work of equal value. At the Oldknow academy, children were asked whether they believed in Christmas and encouraged to chant "no we don't" in response. [53], In July 2014, after the reports had been published, Bore apologised and admitted that the council had ignored Operation Trojan Horse due to "fear of being accused of racism". Skilled Account Development Executive in areas of Insurances and Financial The report found that attempts were made to introduce Sharia law in schools. Click here to navigate to parent product. Ofsted found that the curriculum was being narrowed to reflect the "personal views of a few governors". Book review by Rick Howard Like Zero Day, another Mark Russinovich novel I recently reviewed for the Cybersecurity Canon, Trojan Horse is a book Id recommend for casual readers.Cybersecurity professionals wont learn anything new here, but all readers might enjoy wallowing around in a Tom Clancy-esque story [citation needed], During the inspection at Laisterdyke Business and Enterprise College in Bradford, a mainly Muslim secondary school,[85] pupils were forced to revise for their GCSE exams outside in the street as staff did not want them to have an opportunity to speak to inspectors. [81], Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Democrats Nick Clegg also backed the investigation, stating that schools should not become "silos of segregation". Creationism was taught as fact in school assemblies and science lessons at both Park View and Golden Hillock. He said that the "colonial blood" within white people was "very difficult to get rid of that very quickly", as British people "still think they rule half the world". [107], In June 2014, there was a highly public argument between the Home Office and Department for Education ministers about the responsibility for the alleged extremism. Trojan Horsewalkers' Team | Conditioning horses since 1961 Products Lead Walkers Free Flow Exerciser Rebuilt Kit FAQ Price Quote About Us Contact Us 855-265-4222 Products Lead There was evidence from officials at the Department for Education responsible for managing the incorporation of schools into PVET, as well as initiating a memorandum of agreement between PVET and Oldknow (paragraph 123). He claims he was pressured to ban sex education and the teaching of non-Muslim religions, and was dismissed in 2003 after he told prospective teachers to question the governors. The choice of modern language teaching had been restricted to the study of Arabic or Urdu at several schools. ", "Trojan Horse row Q&A: What is the 'Muslim plot' all about and why is it so important? Neoptolemus son of Achilles, who according to a prophecy had to fight at Troy in order for the Achaeans to be victorious. [80] Effective strategies were not in place to deal with extremism and "governance, safety, pupils' cultural development, equal opportunities and the teaching of religious education are all inadequate". [64] The Ofsted report stated that "students' understanding of other religions is scant as the religious education curriculum focuses primarily on the study of Islam"[65] and said there was a "perceived unfairness and lack of transparency" over appointments to the school and that female members of staff had felt intimidated. The art curriculum was altered to "remove full faces or immodest images, such as paintings by Gustav Klimt". She also said, "It is not just an academy problem, this was happening before we became an academy. [8] In school assemblies, former staff alleged that a senior teacher frequently praised Anwar al-Awlaki, an al-Qaeda recruiter that had been involved with at least three major terror attacks, and referred to non-Muslims as "kuffar", an insulting term for "infidel". Ofsted subsequently expanded their investigation into schools in the north and south-east of England. Another teacher told the children that were "lucky to be Muslims and not ignorant like Christians and Jews". [29] Its author described the plan as "totally invisible to the naked eye and [allowing] us to operate under the radar". [60], It was alleged that the sexes were segregated in the classrooms and boys and girls suspected of being too friendly towards each other were disciplined. He worked for a charity believed by the US to have links with terrorist organisations. Michael Gove. is for sale online, in a number of independent bookshops, including one in Seattle, and in a major bookshop chain in London. [126], He claimed that white children were lazy. [43], Two anonymous members of staff at Park View School told BBC Radio 4 that school assemblies had praised Anwar al-Awlaki. First Published 2019. It's co-hosted by Brian Reed, a veteran producer of This American Life [85] The governors of the school were sacked in April because of inappropriate interference in the running of the school. Ms.Bano had previously been highly critical of the terms of the inspections of the school, claiming that "[My children] never knew words like radicalisation, but have now been exposed to them. Mr Kershaw stated that the council had been "slow to respond" to allegations in the letter and said there was "culture within of not wanting to address difficult issues and problems with school governance" for risk of incurring accusations of racism or Islamophobia. [118], On reaction to Gove's call for British values in schools, the Muslim Council of Britain expressed fear that it would effectively bar conservative Muslims from becoming school trustees or governors. He said that Birmingham City Council had limited its process and terms of reference "in a way which excludes critical evidence", that it had employed "too narrow a definition of extremism" and that the governmental report had reached a very different set of conclusions by accessing a different evidence base. [72][73][74], Ofsted found that a small group of governors were "endeavouring to promote a particular and narrow faith-based ideology in what is a maintained and non-faith academy". Children were banned from playing musical instruments and drama lessons were dropped from the schedule. Andrew Gilligan of The Daily Telegraph wrote extensively on the episode. Pupils studying biology were not taught the section of the syllabus about reproduction and the teacher stated when briefly outlining evolution that "this is not what we believe". The headteacher and deputy headteacher were subsequently found guilty at an NCTL hearing of falsifying SATS tests. [76][77] Exchange visits with nearby churches had been curtailed. [25] This would be so despite the fact that the previous duty on schools to promote community cohesion had included an emphasis on 'shared values' which were exactly the same values espoused in the new duty. The Trojan Horse Affair presents a one-sided account that minimises child protection concerns, misogyny and homophobia in order to exonerate the podcasts hero, a [2], The report found evidence of intolerance at several schools toward gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual people, and said that governors and staff exhibited openly homophobic behaviour. [3][4][5] The name, based on the Greek legend, comes from an anonymous letter sent to Birmingham City Council in late 2013, alleged to be from Birmingham "Islamists" detailing how to wrest control of a school, and speculating about expanding the scheme to other cities. [citation needed] Later, he was critical of the Conservatives' plan to teach "British values", claiming that it would alienate moderate Muslims. "[78], Segregation was found in one classroom with girls sitting at the back with their heads covered. Mark Panton and Geoff Walters (2019) Tottenhams Trojan Horse? They included:[3][4], The report found there had been changes made to the curriculum and education plans, including increasing the faith component. [63], A teacher from Park View School was reported to the police after he broke into a female pupil's mobile telephone to prove she was having a "forbidden" relationship with a boy. Council leader Sir Albert Bore stated that his council had spoken to authorities in Bradford and Manchester, and said that there are "certainly issues in Bradford which have similarities with the issues being spoken about in Birmingham". [75][78] The summer play was criticised by staff for its "use of musical instruments" and a teacher was observed covering his ears during his music lesson. The Department for Education inspection found the seating arrangements "often with boys sitting towards the front of the class and girls at the back or around the sides". Now the audio game-changer has made a divisive UK story the focus of a new eight-part series, its first overseas outing. He raised concerns about the governance of Golden Hillock 20 years ago stating that the Trojan horse plot "reveals something, something that is true". [44], Michael White, a former teacher at Park View School which was mentioned in the letter, told the BBC that the school's governing board had been "taken over by a Muslim sect" in 1993. [19] It found evidence that the "five steps" to destabilise a school's leadership, as outlined in the original Trojan Horse letter, were "present in a large number of the schools considered part of the investigation". [58] Ofsted stated that the school had failed to protect students from "the risks of radicalisation and extremism". [4], Student ambassadors, known as "religious police" by some staff, are appointed at Park View to report "the names of staff or students who exhibit behaviours deemed unacceptable by conservative Muslims". [citation needed] A senior teacher told inspectors that the solution to all problems would be a global Caliphate under Sharia law. It is designed to steal, damage, or do some harmful actions on the computer. In a discussion on 5 February 2014, a teacher at Oldknow and governor at Small Heath School, revealed that the group's favoured candidate had become the head teacher at Small Heath. He noted that in Tower Hamlets, a borough in which 32 per cent of the population is Bangladeshi, the Tower Hamlets First Party, of which the Mayor was a member, had 18 councillors who were all Bangladeshi, and 17 of them were men. Yet, "eight weeks after the letter was received there was no systematic attempt to deal with the issue". The reporter recorded a series of meetings with him which the Mirror alleged exposed Akmal as a "sexist, racist bigot". Servant Leader and faithful optimist of delivering an exceptional partnership product experience. Nor did he report the evidence of the secretary to Birmingham Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) that the scheme of Islamic collective worship at Park View had been in place since 1996 and had been regularly reviewed since then, and that the school was teaching the agreed local curriculum on religious education, despite not being required to do so as academies. Its just a Trojan horse for gentrification: austerity and stadium-led regeneration book By Mark Panton, Geoff Walters. What has happened has brought the integrity of the process into disrepute". The annual sports event for boys and girls was scheduled in different days. Mark knew the Adderley case well and the letter It also included evidence from then secretary to Birmingham SACRE, given to the Clarke inquiry but not reported by him, which "conflicts with the evidence of NCTL witnesses who had been saying that it was wrong for collective worship to be solely about Islam when a school had a determination but [the secretary] who had been with SACRE for 9 years, said it was acceptable" (paragraph 125). [1], Year 11 pupils about to sit their GCSEs at the school were instructed to partake in an Islamic fast, taking neither food nor drink, to place them in the right "spiritual frame of mind" for the exams. mark walters trojan horse. [137], The academic scholar John Holmwood, who served as an expert witness in the professional misconduct case brought against the senior teachers at Park View Educational Trust, wrote a book with scholar Therese O'Toole about the Trojan Horse affair, Countering Extremism in British Schools? [93] The report said that the extremism went unchallenged as the council prioritised community cohesion over "doing what is right". ", Peter Clarke, former counterterrorism chief, conducted the investigation which gathered and examined 2,000 documents and generated 2,000 pages of interview transcripts from 50 witnesses, including former headteachers, teachers, council staff and school governors. Serial Productions recently released its latest investigative podcast series, "The Trojan Horse Affair." Media coverage of Operation Trojan Horse was varied. "Ofsted in second snap inspection at Birmingham school as 'Trojan Horse' probe continues", "Trojan Horse: how we revealed the truth behind the plot", "Muslim extremists, and a worrying lesson for us all", "Trojan Horse report finds 'aggressive Islamist ethos' in schools", "Pupils at 'Trojan Horse' school shown extremist jihadi promotional video, MPs told", "Trojan Horse: Reaction to council and government reports", "Birmingham schools Trojan Horse probe: PM David Cameron backing Ofsted", "Trojan Horse plot driven by same 'warped' Islamic extremism as Boko Haram, says Tony Blair", "Guidance on the duty to promote community cohesion", "Governors of new academies and free schools told to abide by 'British values', "Nick Clegg: Teaching 'British values' in schools could upset moderate Muslims", "MPs unite in call for 'school plot' inquiry", "Birmingham Muslim MP Khalid Mahmood says city schools are being targeted by Islamic fundamentalists", "C4 Dispatches questions the role of faith communities in schools", "Birmingham schools 'feel like the Balkans', says Labour", "Labour education plan aimed at stopping further Trojan Horse controversies", "Tower Hamlets council has been 'targeted in Trojan Horse-style Islamist infiltration plot', "Salma Yaqoob brands Ofsted probe into Trojan Horse schools as 'politically motivated", "Five things you need to know about Theresa May's row with Michael Gove", "Furious Cameron slaps down Gove and May over 'Islamic extremism' row", "Michael Gove apologises over 'Trojan Horse' row with Theresa May", "Trojan Horse probe: Teachers union demands review of academies as Birmingham schools are investigated", "Trojan Horse: how The Guardian ignored and misrepresented evidence of Islamism in schools", "Birmingham schools 'Islam plot' letter 'is defamatory', "Trojan Horse probe at Birmingham schools: Academy hits out at 'witch-hunt', "Trojan Horse letter 'used to target Muslim schools', axed governor claims", "Park View Academy hits back in Trojan horse row", "Saltley school governors resign en masse in wake of 'Trojan horse' inquiry", "Islamism in Birmingham schools: how the BBC is selectively reporting the 'Trojan horse' plot", "Birmingham 'Trojan Horse plot' raises questions about school accountability", "Forget these 'Trojan horses' the real issue is faith schools", "Michael Gove book offers clue to Trojan horse row and his views on Islamism", "The Trojan Horse affair: Islamophobia scholar on the long shadow cast by the scandal", "Trojan Horse school chief exposed as bigot who wants adulterers and gays sent into exile", "Calls to reinstate Birmingham Trojan Horse head teachers", "Alarm at move to reveal identity of whistleblowers who exposed Trojan Horse scandal", "Monzoor Hussain, Hardeep Saini, Arshad Hussain, Razwan Faraz, Lyndsey Clark Professional conduct panel outcome Panel decision and reasons on behalf of the Secretary of State for Education in respect of applications for the proceedings to be discontinued", "Trojan Horse affair: remaining disciplinary proceedings dropped", "Investigate the Birmingham Trojan Horse affair", Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, "Trojan Horse: 'If anyone is still in any doubt that the practices uncovered were inappropriate, just listen to the pupils',, Conspiracy theories in the United Kingdom, All articles with bare URLs for citations, Articles with bare URLs for citations from December 2022, Articles with PDF format bare URLs for citations, Articles with incomplete citations from February 2022, Short description is different from Wikidata, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Vague or ambiguous time from February 2022, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from February 2022, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2019, Articles lacking reliable references from February 2022, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Responsibility for determinations for academy schools passed to the Department for Education, but they put in place no measures for renewing determinations. At the heart of the affair Responding to those claims, Education Secretary Nicky Morgan said that there was no place for extremism in education, and there was still more work to be done to eradicate it. [44] He accused Tahir Alam, chairman of the Park View Educational Trust, of "planning this for 15 years" and honing in Birmingham tactics that he had drafted in his 72-page document, published by the Muslim Council of Britain in 2007, on how to subvert schools to fundamentalist Islam. The report identified the Muslim Council of Britain and the Association of Muslim Schools as organisations "[stemming] from an international movement to increase the role of Islam in education". In August 2014, the Principal Hardeep Saini was replaced by an interim principal. It said that "manipulative" governors had been determined to introduce "unacceptable" practices and to deny students a broad and balanced education. [103], A play about the Trojan Horse affair and the injustices at its heart by LUNG Theatre (Helen Monks, co-writer; Matt Woodhead, co-writer and director) won the Amnesty International Freedom of Expression Award at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in August 2018 and began a national tour in October 2019. [98] New clauses were added into funding agreements for academies, stating that the Secretary for Education could close schools whose governors do not comply with "fundamental British values". [12], On 14 April, the City Council confirmed that it had received over 200 reports from parents and staff at 25 schools in Birmingham. [17], Ofsted chief Sir Michael Wilshaw accused Birmingham City Council of a "serious failure" in supporting schools in protecting children from extremism. "[4] "[92], The report concluded that based on the examination of emails and correspondence: "There is incontrovertible evidence that both senior officials and elected members of Birmingham council were aware of activities that bear a striking resemblance to those described in the Trojan horse letter many months before it surfaced. [5], Ofsted expressed concerns about an exclusively Muslim culture in non-faith schools and children not being taught to "develop tolerant attitudes towards other faiths". Edition 1st Edition. Richard Kerbaj and Sian Griffiths, writing in The Sunday Times, reported that over 100 teachers would be charged with professional misconduct. [3][19] The report found that senior council officials and elected members were apparently aware of these issues, but dealt with them on a case-by-case basis rather than making "any serious attempt to see if there was a pattern", though it is not clear whether this was due to "community cohesion", Teachers reported unfair treatment because of their gender or religious beliefs. Menelaus King of Sparta, husband of Helen, and brother of Agamemnon. Staff wishing to discuss LGBT matters were lambasted by governors. In May, Mark Rogers, Birmingham City Council's Chief Executive, had a meeting with head teachers of affected schools. matchbox cars worth money, is david asman catholic, goodyear wrangler workhorse at vs trailrunner at, mariquita negra significado espiritual, jim williams audio upgrades died, party venues in brevard county, coulter keith son of david keith, emmanuelle latraverse adoption, siskiyou county crime news, scott pendlebury house, caroline kraddick net worth, why did jamie durie leave the block, raku glaze techniques, psychotherapy office space for rent nj, allegiant ceo email address,

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