why did william jennings bryan lose the 1896 electionjefferson parish jail mugshots

For the last decade of his life, he largely dedicated himself to reforming the nations moral and religious character. There is no legal or constitutional requirement that the loser of a U.S. presidential election must concede. Many seats were vacant before he concluded.[113][114]. As Hill was determined to take the platform fight to the full convention, the committee discussed who should speak in the debate, and allocated 75minutes to each side. Populism and the Election of 1896. [40] President Cleveland spent the week of the convention fishing, and had no comment about the events there; political scientist Richard Bensel attributes Cleveland's political inaction to the President's loss of influence in his party. Jill Lepore. Bryan later asked the Platform Committee chairman, Arkansas Senator James K. Jones why he was given such a crucial role as closing the platform debate; Senator Jones responded that he had three reasons: Bryan's long service in the silver cause, the Nebraskan was the only major speaker not to have addressed the convention, and that Jones had a sore throat. voting restrictions what political restrictions did southern states place on african americans? In addition to the frontrunners, other silver men were spoken of as candidates. Speakers for both parties found eager audiences. He argued that children being taught the survival of the fittest would in time stop caring about the poor and otherwise needier members of the population. William Jennings Bryan (D) Loading. South Carolina Senator Benjamin Tillman, a silver supporter, wanted an hour to address the convention, and to close the debate. He supported many Populist policies. The humblest citizen in all the land, when clad in the armor of a righteous cause, is stronger than all the hosts of error. Bland maintained his lead on the second and third ballots, but on the fourth, with the convention in a huge uproar, Bryan took the lead. [116] Although Hanna and other advisors urged McKinley to get on the road, the Republican candidate declined to match Bryan's gambit, deciding that not only was the Democrat a better stump speaker, but that however McKinley travelled, Bryan would upstage him by journeying in a less comfortable way. "[19] A Minnesota correspondent wrote in Outlook magazine: "high school boys are about equally divided between silver and baseball, with a decided leaning toward the former". Why did William Jennings Bryan lose? [67], Bryan described the stillness as "really painful"; his anxieties that he might have failed were soon broken by pandemonium. He was defeated in the general election by the Republican candidate, former Ohio governor William McKinley . Department of State: Office of the Historian. Through the almost three decades before his death in 1925, he was ever present on political platform and speaking circuit, fighting first for silver, and then for other causes. Born in 1860, Bryan grew up in rural Illinois and in 1887 moved to Nebraska, where he practiced law and entered politics. Meanwhile, Hanna raised millions from business men to pay for speakers on the currency question and to flood the nation with hundreds of millions of pamphlets. In post-Civil War America, oratory was highly prized, and Bryan showed aptitude for it from a young age, raised in his father's house in Salem. [50], Delegates spent most of the first two days listening to various speeches by silver supporters. "[42] Bryan's strategy was simple: maintain a low profile as a candidate until the last possible moment, then give a speech that rallied the silver forces behind him and bring about his nomination. See, In New England, Cleveland had won Connecticut in 1892 while losing the region as a whole by 53,000votes, Bryan won no states and lost New England by over 172,000 votes. The vice presidential squabble, Williams argues, worried voters who feared that instability would follow a Bryan victory, and drove them towards McKinley. Advocates of free silver (or bimetallism) wanted the government to accept all silver bullion presented to it and to return it, struck into coin, at the historic value ratio between gold and silver of 16 to 1. "[102], Historian R. Hal Williams, in his book about the 1896 campaign, believes that the Populist nomination did Bryan little good; most Populists would have voted for him anyway and the endorsement allowed his opponents to paint him and his supporters as extremists. "I was a Democrat before the Convention and am a Democrat stillvery still. In 1986, he began his long tenure as the U.S. read more, William Seward (1801-1872) was a politician who served as governor of New York, as a U.S. senator and as secretary of state during the Civil War (1861-65). [125] He occasionally addressed other subjects: in an October speech in Detroit, he spoke out against the Supreme Court's decision ruling the federal income tax unconstitutional. The paper editorialized on the same page that even if the Democratic candidate was not insane, he was at least "of unsound mind". The main candidates headquartered at the Palmer House, their rooms often crowded as they served free alcoholic drinks. As an evangelical Christian and a believer in the literal interpretation of the Bible, Bryan also saw a grave threat in the application of Charles Darwins theory to human society. Despite his defeat, Bryan's campaign inspired many of his contemporaries. At that time, Nebraska was suffering hard times as many farmers had difficulties making ends meet due to low grain prices, and many Americans were discontented with the existing two major political parties. "[110][111][112] August 12 was an extremely hot day in New York, especially for the crowd jammed into the Garden; when Missouri Governor William J. In 1925, high school biology teacher John Scopes went on trial in Tennessee as a test of the first state law banning the teaching of evolution. In 1904, Taft took on the role of secretary of war in the administration read more, William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951) launched his career by taking charge of his fathers struggling newspaper the San Francisco Examiner in 1887. But the emergence of a brash, young politician, William Jennings Bryan, soon turned the. On September 27, The New York Times published a letter by an "eminent alienist" who, based on an analysis of the candidate's speeches, concluded that Bryan was mad. Poor Grover Cleveland a hard-money, laissez-faire Democrat was blamed for the panic of 1893, and many leading Cleveland Democrats lost their gubernatorial and senatorial posts in the 1894 elections. Treat all candidates fairly. Although defeated in the election, Bryan's campaign made him a national figure, which he remained until his death in 1925. Theodore Roosevelt announced that he would not seek a subsequent term in office. Bryan was quoting from an 1878 speech by Cleveland's Treasury Secretary, Hill remained neutral in the campaign, despite urgings to go over to the Gold Democrats, seeking to preserve his control of the state Democratic party, and also hoping (in vain) to secure his own re-election by the legislature. (W.W. Norton & Company, 2018), William Jennings Bryan, the Great Commoner. Constitutional Rights Foundation, Spring 2010 (Volume 25, No. At first, he rode in public cars, and made his own travel arrangements, looking up train schedules and even carrying his own bags from train station to hotel. Arthur F. Mullen, a resident of O'Neill, Nebraska, described the summer and fall of 1896: O'Neill buzzed with political disputation from dawn till next dawn. [68] Delegates were shouting to begin the vote and nominate Bryan immediately, which he refused to consider, feeling that if his appeal could not last overnight, it would not last until November. [20], In March 1895, the same month he left Congress, Bryan passed his 35thbirthday, making him constitutionally eligible for the presidency. However, the President ruled this out; his Cabinet members also refused to run. His 'Cross of Gold' speech, given to conclude the debate on the party platform, immediately transformed him into a favorite for the nomination, and he won it the next day. It began as a simple courtesy, with a telegram that William Jennings Bryan sent. But probably the most important reasons why they lost the elections are because they did not sufficiently address issues related to the problems of urban workers and immigrants, and free silver proved to be an issue of less interest for the national campaign. [43] He explained to Champ Clark, the future Speaker of the House, that Bland and others from southern states would fall because of prejudice towards the old Confederacy, that Boies could not be nominated because he was too little-known, and all others would fail due to lack of supportleaving only himself.[44]. According to Stanley Jones, The period of this tour, in the return from New York to Lincoln, was the high point of the Bryan campaign. The economic Panic of 1893 had left the nation in a deep recession, which still persisted in early 1896. [1] As a judge's son, the younger Bryan had ample opportunity to observe the art of speechmaking in courtrooms, political rallies, and at church and revival meetings. Bryan always regarded that argument as the speech's most powerful part, despite the fame its conclusion would gain. [140] The Democratic Party preserved control in the eastern cities through machine politics and the continued loyalty of the Irish-American voter; Bryan's loss over the silver issue of many German-American voters, previously solidly Democratic, helped ensure his defeat in the Midwest. That evening, Bryan dined with his wife and with friends. He introduced several proposals for the direct election of senators and to eliminate tariff barriers in industries dominated by monopolies or trusts. [e] In his account, Bryan quoted a letter by Senator Jones: "No matter in how small sums, no matter by what humble contributions, let the friends of liberty and national honor contribute all they can to the good cause. Author: William Jennings Bryan Publisher: Haskell House Pub Limited ISBN: Size: 56.95 MB Format: PDF, ePub, Docs View: 4174 Get Book Disclaimer: This site does not store any files on its server.We only index and link to content provided by other sites. Bryan, an attorney and former Congressman, galvanized support with his Cross of Gold speech, which called for a reform of the monetary system and attacked business leaders as the cause of ongoing economic depression. The 1900 United States presidential election took place after an economic recovery from the Panic of 1893 as well as after the Spanish-American War, with the economy, foreign policy, and imperialism being the main issues of the campaign. "[145] Bryan's own explanation was brief: "I have borne the sins of Grover Cleveland. [27], Through early 1896, Bryan quietly sought the nomination. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! He was utterly confident that he would succeed, believing "the logic of the situation," as he later put it, dictated his selection. The coalition of wealthy, middle-class and urban voters that defeated Bryan kept the Republicans in power for most of the time until 1932. The 1896 campaign, which took place during an economic depression known as the Panic of 1893, was a realigning election that ended the old Third Party System and began the Fourth Party System. The economy failed to improve, and when the President in 1894 sent federal troops to Illinois to break up the Pullman Strike, he outraged even more Democrats. [41], Bryan's Nebraska delegation left Lincoln by train on July 5. His campaign focused on silver, an issue that failed to appeal to the urban voter, and he was defeated in what is generally seen as a realigning election. This would restore a practice abolished in 1873. Though he continued to publicly oppose U.S. involvement in World War I after his resignation, Bryan changed course after the nation entered the conflict in 1917 due to extensive popular support for the war effort. Palmer was a 79-year-old former Union general, Buckner a 73-year-old former Confederate of that rank; the ticket was the oldest in combined age in American history, and Palmer the second-oldest presidential candidate (behind Peter Cooper of the Greenback Party; Bryan was the youngest). The convention, by voice vote, seated the silver Nebraskans, who arrived in the convention hall a few minutes later, accompanied by a band. William Jennings Bryan was born in rural Salem, Illinois, in 1860. Each made their cases for gold, and likely changed few votes. Bryan, who was still in Congress, spoke eloquently against the repeal, but Cleveland forced it through. why did william jennings bryan lose the election of 1896? overcoming discrimination to become a self made millionaire why is madame CJ walker remembered? [b] That is the question which the party must answer first, and then it must be answered by each individual hereafter. Bryan left the convention, returning to his hotel to await the outcome. The Republicans, at the request of their nominee for president, former Ohio governor William McKinley, included a plank in their party platform supporting the gold standard. While the farmers of the south and west continued to support Bryan's proposed economic policies, many found McKinley's to be effective enough. In late 1894, pro-silver Democrats began to organize in the hope of taking control of the party from Cleveland and other Gold Democrats and nominating a silver candidate in 1896. [128] For the most part, Bryan ignored the attacks, and made light of them in his account of the 1896 campaign. [5], Bryan quickly became prominent in Lincoln as a lawyer and a public speaker, becoming known as the "Boy Orator of the Platte". According to his biographer Michael Kazin, "Bryan felt he was serving his part in a grander conflict that began with Christ and showed no sign of approaching its end. [96][97] According to Stanley Jones, "the Democratic endorsement of silver and Bryan at Chicago precipitated the disintegration" of the Populist Party;[98] it was never again a force in national politics after 1896. Now among the most famous politicians in the country, Bryan would run twice more for president, losing again to McKinley in 1900 and to William Howard Taft in 1908. [127], Republican newspapers painted Bryan as a tool of Governor Altgeld, who was controversial for having pardoned the surviving men convicted of involvement in the Haymarket bombing. "[123] After a brief interval for handshakes, the train would pull out again, to another town down the track.[123]. The billionaire businessman ran as a Republican and scored an upset victory over his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, in the 2016 read more, John McCain first entered the public spotlight as a Navy fighter pilot during the Vietnam War. Elected to the House of Representatives in 1890, when he was just 30 years old, Bryan championed populist causes including the direct election of senators, graduated federal income tax and the free silver movement, which sought to expand the federal money supply by basing U.S. currency on silver as well as gold. [106][107] Bryan was not interested in campaign organization; what he wanted from the DNC was enough money to conduct a national tour by train. On April 22, 1893, the amount of gold in the Treasury dropped below $100million for the first time since 1879, adding to the unease. He then lowered his arms, and began the journey back to his seat in the silence. As a longtime champion of protective tariffs, the Republican McKinley ran on a platform of promoting American prosperity and won a landslide victory over Democrat read more, New York City real estate developer and reality TV star Donald Trump (1946- ) served as Americas 45th president from January 2017-January 2021. He won the prize in his junior year, and also secured the affection of Mary Baird, a student at a nearby women's academy. Stone, chair of the notification committee, essayed a lengthy speech, he was drowned out by the crowd, which wanted to hear "the Boy Orator of the Platte". If those in favor of honest money don't do something to offset its influence the country is going to the dogs. Free silver especially resonated among farmers in the South and West, as well as miners. The central issue was the country's money supply. The leading candidates were former Missouri congressman Richard P. Bland and former Iowa governor Horace Boies. His campaign focused on silver, an issue that failed to appeal to the urban voter, and he was defeated. We come to speak of this broader class of business men.[62][63]. The proposed platform was pro-silver; Senator Hill had offered an amendment backing the gold standard, which had been defeated by committee vote. [48], As the committees met, the convention proceeded, though in considerable confusion. After Bryan helped rally support behind Woodrow Wilson in the 1912 presidential election, Wilson chose the now-elder Democratic statesman as his secretary of state. Sherman's act required the government to pay out gold in exchange for silver and paper currency, and through the early months of 1893 gold flowed out of the Treasury. Others dubbed Bryan a "Popocrat". After running unsuccessfully for the Senate in 1894, Bryan returned to Nebraska and became editor of the Omaha World-Herald. The smell of victory seemed to hang in the air. To those who cling to the gold standard, he declared in closing: You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.. He spoke some 600 times, to an estimated 5,000,000 listeners. A free silver policy would inflate the currency, as the silver in a dollar coin was worth just over half the face value. But they had limited room to maneuver in a period of extremely tight competition. Rather than continue the free silver battle, he dedicated himself to opposing American imperialism, which he saw as immoral and undemocratic. [28] He continued to give speeches, and collected his traveling expenses, and most often a speaking fee, from those who had invited him. [118] Starved of money, the Democrats had fewer speakers and fewer publications to issue. [33] Bryan spoke at her funeral, quoting lines from Second Timothy: "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. At the outset of the 1890s, with drought destroying the livelihoods of many American farmers, the Peoples Party (also known as the Populist Party) was growing as a force in U.S. politics by appealing to small farmers, shopkeepers and other less wealthy voters. [69] In the midst of the crazed crowd, Altgeld, a Bland supporter, commented to his friend, lawyer Clarence Darrow, "That is the greatest speech I ever listened to. "[144] Williams believes that Bryan did better than any other Democrat would have, and comments, "The nominee of a divided and discredited party, he had come remarkably close to winning. His program of prosperity through free silver struck an emotional chord with the American people in a way that McKinley's protective tariff did not. "[130], In September, the Gold Democrats met in convention in Indianapolis. Soon afterwards, the delegates, bored, shouted for a speech from Bryan, but he was not to be found. When both Hill and Bryan (who was selected as the other pro-silver speaker) objected to such a long closing address, Tillman settled for 50minutes and for opening the debate rather than closing it; Bryan was given 25minutes to close. Of course I support him. "[57] The Nebraska delegation waved red handkerchiefs as Bryan progressed to the podium;[56] he wore an alpaca sack suit more typical of Lincoln and the West than of Chicago. The President's uncompromising stand for gold alienated many in his own party (most southern and western Democrats were pro-silver). "[100] Populist Kansas Congressman Jerry Simpson wrote, "I care not for party names. Bryan". William McKinley defeated Democrat William Jennings Bryan, winning 292 electoral votes to Bryan's 155. [137], The 1896 presidential election was close by modern measurements, but less so by the standards of the day, which had seen close-run elections over the previous 20 years. Bryan had rightly pointed that the defect of the Gold Standard when it was first implemented was that there was not enough gold in comparison to the rising needs of the growing American economy. These included Vice President Adlai Stevenson of Illinois, Senator Joseph C. Blackburn of Kentucky, Indiana Governor Claude Matthews, and Bryan. Seward spent his early career as a lawyer before winning a seat in the New York State Senate in 1830. In June 1896, Bryan's old teacher, former senator Trumbull died; on the day of his funeral, Bryan's mother also died, suddenly in Salem. On July 26, 1925, five days after the verdict was issued, Bryan died in his sleep after suffering a stroke. To that end, it was important that the Populists not nominate a rival silver candidate, and he took pains to cultivate good relations with Populist leaders. Beginning in 1896, he emerged as a dominant force in the Democratic Party, running three times as the party's nominee for President of the United States in the 1896, 1900, and the 1908 elections. [61] He dismissed arguments that the business men of the East favored the gold standard: We say to you that you have made the definition of a business man too limited in its application. Why did William Jennings Bryan lose the 1896 election? Many of the silver men had not attended a national convention before, and were unfamiliar with its procedures. Both had openly declared their candidacies, and were the only Democrats to have organizations seeking to obtain pledged delegates. It was not until 10:45am, three-quarters of an hour late, that Chairman White called the convention to order. Why was the 1896 election devastating for Populist movement? [119] Among the foremost supporters of Bryan was publisher William Randolph Hearst who both contributed to Bryan's campaign and slanted his newspapers' coverage in his favor. Many were disappointed; the Democratic candidate read a two-hour speech from a manuscript, wishing to look statesmanlike, and fearing that if he spoke without a script, the press would misrepresent his words. Most cities that were financial or manufacturing centers voted for McKinley. [55] The New York Times described the setting: There never was such a propitious moment for such an orator than that which fell to Bryan. Despite his electoral losses, Bryan continued to exert considerable influence through his fervently religious speeches as well as a weekly magazine, the Commoner. After several days in upstate New York, during which he had a dinner with Senator Hill[c] at which the subject of politics was carefully avoided, Bryan began a circuitous journey back to Lincoln by train. While speaking in McKinley's hometown of Canton, Ohio, Bryan yielded to impulse and called upon his rival at his home with Congressman Bland; the Republican candidate and his wife, somewhat startled, received the two men hospitably in a scene Williams calls, "surely bizarre. 50 ], delegates spent most of the first two days listening to various speeches by supporters... ), William Jennings Bryan was born in rural Illinois and in 1887 moved Nebraska! P. Bland and former Iowa governor Horace Boies the time until 1932 Jerry Simpson wrote ``. An estimated 5,000,000 listeners ] Bryan 's campaign inspired many of his contemporaries nation in period! Blackburn of Kentucky, Indiana governor Claude Matthews, and then it must be by... The debate three-quarters of an hour to address the convention, returning to his seat in the general election the..., `` I have borne the sins of Grover Cleveland his sleep after suffering a stroke became of! 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