textus receptus vs septuagintjefferson parish jail mugshots

Are you aware that that is a myth, or at least that that assertion has been shown of many to be false? The British museum has 694 pages, which is over half the original length. Theres further evidence based on quotes they said that they didnt take the Bible seriously, literally, and endorsed the Theory of Evolution. Your thoughts I would appreciate. He writes inChurch History(VIII:2): All these things were fulfilled in us, when we saw with our own eyes the houses of prayer thrown down to the very foundations, andthe Divine and Sacred Scriptures committed to the flamesin the midst of the market-places, and the shepherds of the churches basely hidden here and there, and some of them captured ignominiously, and mocked by their enemies. I read some of your beliefs and found them wanting. It has been preserved for all time (I Peter 1:23; Psalm 12:6-7; Ps. Perhaps compare it to the same impact Jesus meant when He said, It is finished.. ejoice, ye heavens, with him, and let all the angels of God worship him; I will deliver them out of the power of Hades, and will redeem them from death: where is thy penalty, O death? You can see where they get it, but its such a stretch. According toHerman C. Hoskier, there are, without counting errors ofiotacism, 3,036 textual variations between Sinaiticus and Vaticanus in the text of the Gospels alone, Assuming that the same ratio of variants persists in the rest of the New Testament and doing the math, thats ~3434 additional variants, for a total of ~6470 variants between them. For the other half, Scrivener was usually able to find corresponding Greek readings in the editions of Erasmus, or in theComplutensian Polyglot. So that we could not mistake His intentions, the Lord made clear to what degree He would keep the Scriptures pure. Typically, these variants are found only in a single manuscript, or in a small group of manuscripts from one small part of the world. 23 having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the Word of God (Jesus) which lives and abides forever, All flesh is as grass, As weve just seen, Codex Vaticanus is a mediocre-to-poor quality manuscript. Byzantine type was the pauline and arabic diatessaron of the texttype, by them when he prayed more, version of alexandrian text is the. (Or that other manuscripts were destroyed, which well look at more in a minute.). Because Im One of the major underpinnings for the Majority Text theory is that scribes will generally choose to copy better manuscripts over worse manuscripts. 1 O praise the LORD, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people. The verses of Gods Word that clearly promise He will preserve His Word, you have twisted and misled people. Read simply, you can see how someone would get the Doctrine of preservation from this passage. We wont spend much time on these because the Westcott & Hort rules were more influential. Received his Th.D. Theres a window in our bedroom she couldve climbed out of. From that point forward, the Roman Catholic Church preferred to keep their manuscript tradition in Latin rather than Greek. The too lively satisfaction which I had displayed. That brings us to 30 total manuscripts. I believe this is the same viewpoint you use when dealing with the text issue. The Hebrew word there is (emeth), and it means: Nearly every translation (besides the KJV, NKJV, and NASB) translate it as faithfulness or something similar. That is just sad. This accidental skipping could account for a very significant portion of the longer Byzantine Textual Variants. This aspect of Gods preservation of Scripture is just as crucial as the first. Wow! (As shown in the article), And by the way, I do have a high opinion of the TR and prefer it to the Critical text in many ways. Repentance is a gift of God that is the sorrow of heart for past sins leading to a change of heart concerning the direction you intend to follow in the future (Acts 5:31; Acts 11:18; Acts 20:21; Acts 26:20; Romans 2:4; II Corinthians 7:10; II Timothy 2:25; II Peter 3:9). Many times Jesus said, It is written. Some scholars would say he wasnt even middle of the pack. The Septuagint is claimed to have been translated between 285-246 BC during the reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus of Alexandria, Egypt. The second is the comparison of the Masoretic text to the Greek translation called the Septuagint (or LXX), which was written around 200-150 B.C. The Ecclesiastical Text has a few nuances of meaning depending on which circles you run in, so which specific manuscript are you referring to? It gets copied and ends up in other manuscripts. To support this statement, White appealed to Kurt & Barbara Alands similar statement: Once a variant or a new reading enters the tradition it refuses to disappear, persisting (if only in a few manuscripts) and perpetuating itself through the centuries. As this is the text chosen by the Confessional Position, it obviously bears some looking at. Sorry for the delay. To be clear, the scribal quality of Codex Vaticanus isnt terrible, but neither is it incredible. The septuagint is a greek translation of the Old Testament. Welcome to Mood FM Belize 106.3! The authors name is not listed. Thus there were places in which it is unclear what the Greek basis of the New Testament was. I agree with you regarding English translations as well. , , , , , . David, you start out with a possible assumption and elevate it to obstacles and odds that need to be overcome. And it means: So, truth in the KJV isnt unwarranted, but hardly the primary meaning. And all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. It has significant downsides which well look at after the pro side. Again, well go back to Westcott & Hort because they did the original work that virtually all modern New Testament translations are based on. Well, remember how the Western text type was famous for paraphrasing and the quote for it? Lets say that the five original copies each had five copies made of them, all made by faithful scribes. You have Vaticanus twice. A particular reading signifies one that is most definitely false. Some doctrines are certainly strengthened in the Byzantine Majority text and the Textus Receptus, but no major, central part of the gospel is affected. If one wishes to speak about the majority, why restrict the discussion only to extant Greek witnesses and not include the versional witnesses? Two such people were Wescott and Hort, If you make a decided conviction of the absolute infallibility of the N.T, I fear I could not join you. But the book which has most engaged me is Darwin. In the Gospels alone, Vaticanus has 197 particular readings, while Sinaiticus has 443. The person who wrote this note, however, objected to this correction, and wrote, , , . Textus Receptus: Greek Editions of the Textus Receptus English Translations of the Textus Receptus Textus Receptus Bible Information The Septuagint predates the earliest Masoretic text by centuries. Not only is the parallel between NT transmissional history and that of Homer striking, but the same situation exists regarding the works of Hippocrates. (Its also called Haplography, but the two are technically slightly different) This error occurs when two words or phrases end with the same letters/words, and the scribe accidentally skips everything in between. In verse three it refers to head as chief or lord (God the Father is head of Christ, Christ is head of man, and man is head of woman). Good read for the history and context of the KJV. By an Alexandrian Church fathers own admission, manuscripts in Alexandria by 200 AD were already corrupt. Erasmus also lacked a complete copy of the Book of Revelation and translated the last six verses back into Greek from the Latin Vulgate to finish his edition. In reality, the distribution is never that perfect. Its not directly on the topic of adoptionism, but in my article on the Johannine Comma (1 John 5:7-8), I do point to evidence of tampering with the early manuscripts as a result of Arianism. One of Alands rules for Textual Criticism is: The venerable maxim lectio brevior lectio potior (the shorter reading is the more probable reading) is certainly right in many instances. Theres no other evidence for this so take with a grain of salt but they are the only two manuscripts that share that characteristic. The relevant portion says: Textum ergo habes, nunc ab omnibus receptum: in quo nihil immutatum aut corruptum damus, (Roughly Translated: so you hold the text, now received by all, in which nothing (is) corrupt.). At what time did they stop having confidence that they knew the text they had was pure? We have an enormous number of copies, and if I was going to claim perfect preservation then I would need to pick one manuscript among the thousands that contains the text perfectly preserved. century. he defends the idea that the septuagint must be reestablished as the inspired old testament of the orthodox church and accepts at the same time the fact that the hebrew text (the masoretic text) might be included into orthodox biblical studies, but with the proviso that it suffered jewish deformations against the christians; "the superiority of And thats not all the singular readings. Theres no problem with confessions of faith in general. Does 1 Corinthians 11 Require Women To Wear Head Coverings. sadly skipped because Before we look at each theory though, we need to understand what are called text types. Did you even bother to examine those verses? I also recommend you read the article, since its a good primer on the basic structure of Greek. It means: I pass by, pass away, pass out of sight; I am rendered void, become vain, neglect, disregard. I would very much like this short list. That does not bother me even a little. I've only just started looking at the CSB, but it looks like a good readability/accuracy combination. Since the KJV had plural, the 1984 TR has the plural. Get up into the high mountain; However, you havent answered my question as you said you would, even in a short form as I did your questions. Up until then, the original NIV was my Bible. Again as shown in the article, there are no less than 27 different versions, so which one should we use? Thank you again for a wonderful and concise article, Ill be recommending it to many. EDIT: I finally got around to writing an article on the topic, which you can read here: Does 1 Corinthians 11 Require Women To Wear Head Coverings. ); He has not left them to wonder which words are Gods Words. Source: The Greek New Testament according to the Majority Text, p. xi. Further, the Byzantine texts went 1000+ years with manuscripts changing very little. As I said, the Lord promised to preserve the Word used by His true church. You will stand and give account for spreading the lies that you and these so-called scholars have preached as the truth. Heres the same verse properly translated, in an (unfinished) translation thats fast becoming my favorite. . I like the textual basis of the TR slightly better, but prefer the NASB95s features and especially its treatment of gender. The differences between the two texts are many and important. Again, the Westcott & Hort Critical Text is the grandfather of nearly all modern Bibles, KJV and NKJV excepted. And if older is better, then it follows logically that the two oldest manuscripts are the best. Its by no means an ironclad argument, but I wouldve been remiss if we didnt talk about it here. Your treatment of the Word of God must be pointed out. Do specific words even matter, or is it the message that is the most important thing? They believe that God kept one particular text completely free of error, and that text is the Textus Receptus. Further the Majority Text theory could be in trouble if it could be proven that large chunks of manuscripts were lost. The WEB is a revision of the ASV. However important the early papyri, or a particular uncial, or a minuscule may be, the total number of full disagreements in the 28thedition of. The Masoretic text is a text that has not been preserved by the Church, and so while it is worthy of study and comparison, it is not equally trustworthy. The science of assembling these manuscripts is called "Textual Criticism", and you can . The Greek word epi when used with the genitive as in ts kephal means over or upon. Have you even attempted to understand the woman taken in adultery? I dont believe my view on the text issue will mean much to you because we disagree on a very fundamental area that is clearly taught in Scripture: the preservation of Gods Word through all generations. 4 Every valley shall be exalted My question is if the Critical Text is the text behind the NASB and comes primarily from two manuscripts that are of dubious quality, why do you prefer the NASB? Its titled: In the Beginning: The Story of the King James Bible and How It Changed a Nation, a Language, and a Culture by Alister McGrath. Served as chair of the Presbyterian Church of Canada's Administrative Council. But God, being rich in mercy, for his great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with him, and made us to sit with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus; But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved); And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. Thus Im curious as to your take on this Bible in its mid 20th century rendering. Further, well assume the persistence of errors, meaning faithful scribes will copy even the errors of previous scribes. Take a later example from Tyndale (who had the benefit of the printing press). . The Bible: 66 books vs 73 and Why (the Apocrypha Explained), Lobegott Friedrich Constantin (von) Tischendorf, You can read Tischendorfs entire account of finding it in his own words here. It seems to me that while the scribe of Codex Vaticanus is certainly not the worst scribe ever (a title that must go to the scribe of Old Latin Codex Bobbiensis), his execution leaves something to be desired, and the claim that he hardly ever made blunders must be regarded as an exaggeration. But, as all human works, it suffers from some of the same failings it decries. Now some might object by saying the King James translators used a better source document. Why dismiss the Gospels just because they are a different text type? At this time I consider myself a textus receptus guy and find his position interesting. It literally broke my heart and almost devastated my faith in Bible translations. But I have met with many whose assurance rested upon strange visions and signs which might be but the likeness of their thoughts and hopes, even as the mirage that shows water in the desert. The Reasoned Eclecticism and the Majority Text theories are two different ways to take the manuscripts we have and try to assemble the original text. Whenever a woman puts on the head covering she is proclaiming a message to the angels. Lets back up to get some context. And I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him. Ecclesiastes 3:14. However, the text theyve chosen (the Textus Receptus) isnt a bad text. By this, they mean that God wouldnt allow the true version of the Scriptures to be replaced with a corrupt version of the scriptures. . Further, lets assume that each scribe accidentally made a different error while copying, as happens when copying by hand. However, even the worst of these can tell you about the presence or absence of a verse. The too lively satisfaction which I had displayed had aroused their suspicions as to the value of this manuscript. Please dont mistake my question for a mere rhetorical one (though its partially that), If perfect preservation is the case, then thats THE question that matters most regarding Scripture. They also said of where those two manuscripts agreed: No readings of B can safely be rejected absolutely,, Yes, they believed these two manuscripts were that important, and this understanding follows naturally if you believe their #1 rule that earlier is better. He also checked these manuscripts for particular readings, or readings that are found ONLY in that manuscript. Notice verse 15b, which says For the long hair was and is given to her instead of a covering. Thayers specifically mentions this verse as a place that should be translated instead of. The most commonly cited confession of faith from Confessional Position Christians is the Westminster Confession of Faith. There is some evidence that Westcott & Hort didnt have a high opinion of the Bible. No words and we never hear the gospel, and it is in His words that Gods truth to us regarding Jesus Christ is conveyedand He says He has put His words above His very name. However, in several dozen readings he notes that no printed Greek text corresponds to the English of the Authorized Version, which in these places derives directly from the Vulgate. The Elzevir 1633 text promised just that in their marketing. There are several different sets of rules for Reasoned Eclecticism. Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) notes: This is our example, but He says that Erasmus collected manuscripts from all the places he could go universities and monasteries that kept these manuscripts brought them together, and began to collate them till 1516. Pietersma, Albert and Wright, Benjamin. Eusebius, Church historian of the same era, recorded that many Scriptures were burned during the Diocletian persecution. Textus Receptus 191 Variations in Scrivener's 1881 Greek New Testament from Beza's 1598 Textus Receptus Books Many Scanned Agros Church Matthew 1:1 Unicorn The Westcott and Hort Only Controversy New King James Version List of Omitted Bible Verses List of Bible verses not included in the ESV Pure Cambridge Edition Ephesians 3:9 I would give the translations somewhat less weight than Greek texts, but not discard them entirely. Great info, to the point, well done. EDIT: I finally got around to writing an article on the topic, which you can read here. The Elzevirs were notable printers, and their editions of the Greek New Testament were accurate and elegant. the KJV] was not translated from any one printed edition of the Greek text. Taken seriously, we may be 50 years from new discoveries that will lead us to believe there are tremendous errors and human mistakes that have been passed down. (It is only by Gods grace that you have been saved!) He published thousands of pages of scholarship on the Bible including the first five volumes in the standard critical text edition of the Septuagint. Its butchered so badly that it almost doesnt even sound like the Bible in places. (I did also recommend the NKJV). The NKJV does go with some different readings in the OT but there is so much better original language scholarship today. It also leads to a complete embrace of the Textus Receptus, minority-readings and all. So, some information first. In textual criticism the pure theoretician has often done more harm than good. Could this have been mis-transcribed from the end of chapter 19: The mistakes which the original transcriber made are of perpetual recurrence. So of course the NKJV has differences with the KJV in the underlying text since no one knows exactly what the KJV translators used. The translation is quite in order and your accusation of intentional mistranslation is unfounded. Thank you for this article. Obviously they were different and didnt always agree. He worked for the University of Toronto from 1951 until his retirement in 1984. Sorry about my declining math skills. (He was the primary editor of the modern Critical Text, which is the basis for nearly all modern translations. Thank you. The two words textum and receptum were changed from the Latin accusative case (direct object) to the Latin nominative case (subject) to render it Textus Receptus. because the next line also (Part one, part two, part three, part four.). Thus, manuscripts boasting significant numbers of particular readings cannot be relied upon. It occurs 76 times in the Greek new testament and the primary meaning of head as part of the human body occurs in 62 of the 76 places. While I do not pretend to know your heart motives, I firmly believe you are of the same nature as the Gray Questioner, and will have the same affect on good people who fall into the web of your communications. Family 35 doesnt include any Uncials and I believe the oldest manuscript in the family is late-ish; early second millennium. In fact, it blatantly and grossly mistranslates at least one very important verse that will lead some into sin. Therefore, this verse doesnt teach Preservation either. However, to simply say their Critical Text is bad because of their personal views is problematic. And its flower falls away, All saving knowledge is obtained from the Word of God, through the Holy Spirit (Romans 10:17; I Peter 1:23; John 17:17; John 1:1; John 1:11-14; John 20:31). One has to wonder why we have the WEB, when we have a New American Standard Bible updating the ASV. They have several verses they use to support this (which well look at in a moment). Please notice the casual dismissal of the Byzantine text type by one of the most respected textual critics of our age. Essentially, whenever one reading has more manuscripts supporting it than the other variants readings, its more likely to be the original reading. The table below shows the texts from which Erasmus assembled his Greek New Testament. In their own words: All distinctively Syrian (Byzantine) readings must be at once rejected. Westcott & Hort, Again, in the last 100+ years weve found manuscripts that prove the Byzantine text type isnt a combination of the Western and Alexandrian text types. The Majority Text theory is that to a T. Again, the only reason they didnt give them any weight was because they (incorrectly) believed the Byzantine text was a combination of the Western and Alexandrian Text types. To be clear, this list isnt exhaustive. Their text was heavily based on the Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus. Rather, decisions in textual criticism must be worked out afresh, passage by passage (the local principle). Not only has His Word been preserved, but it is the only source of divine truth and wisdom. Given its long history of transmission with very little change and the common sense idea that scribes will choose better manuscripts, I think that makes sense. His librarian, supposedly Demetrius of Phalerum, persuaded Philadelphus to get a copy of the Hebrew Scriptures. I gave it a look and was far from impressed. One thing the KJV had translation rules that were decided by the politics of the time, and those rules included this: When a Word hath divers Significations, that to be kept which hath been most commonly used by the most of the Ancient Fathers, being agreeable to the Propriety of the Place, and the Analogy of the Faith. Its not good to be so confident in your writing and yet be so wrong in interpreting Scripture. Those are the Westcott & Hort rules, and the Aland/Aland Rules. The grass withers, (Though theres an abundance of Latin manuscripts). Thank you for your labor of love for the body of Christ. We have the promise that the Holy Spirit will guide us into all Truth (John 16:13), and so can indeed affirm that "Our Church . On which manuscript(s) should we base our translations? The Textus Receptus constituted the translation-base for the original German Luther Bible, the translation of the New Testament into English by William Tyndale, the King James Version, the Spanish Reina-Valera translation, the Czech Bible of Kralice, and most Reformation-era New Testament translations throughout Western and Central Europe. Also, if you want to look up Greek or Hebrew words words, I highly recommend the interlinear bible on biblehub.com. (or which version of the TR if you mean the TR?). Im still waiting for you to answer my first question. The AV translators relied heavily upon the work of William Tyndale and other editions of the English Bible. In the 10th or 11th century, at least two scribes made corrections to the Codex Vaticanus. Born in Baldwin, Wisconsin. I have only been reading the Bible for a couple months so I probably won't have much use out of the cross-references until I read through a lot. With slight variances depending on version, the TR has about 140,100 Greek words, and the CT has about 138,100. Its by no means perfect and certainly has flaws, but overall its quite good. 16 So the last will be first, and the first will be last.. Remember The Word is one of Jesus main titles, especially in the writings of John. (Estienne was also known as Stephanus.) 15 But Thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, long suffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth. God didnt write multiple Bibles did He? The article was excellent and I appreciate the effort you put into compiling the information. Further (unless they are working in concert) the odds of them coming up with identical changes is minuscule. The Word of God is truth (Hebrews 4:12; Psalms 18:30; Psalms 19:8; Psalms 119:140; II Samuel 22:31; Proverbs 30:5). After reading this one article, youll know more about these topics than the overwhelming vast majority of Christians. This translation will be available by the end of year 2021. I believe she got more. (Note: the He in the quote below is Dean Burgon). Therefore, roughly 4 out of every 5 verses (81.3%) in one manuscript disagrees in at least one place in the other. She reproves the angels of Satan declaring that she will submit to the authority of God, even though they did not. So instead of creating a new popular reading, theyre more likely to create several unique readings and even these are in a small minority. 3. When do you think the church lost the true preserved Word of God? Several of Pauls letter were encyclical, meaning they were intended to be passed around from church to church. Its get clearer in a few verses, and even clearer when you read 1 Peter 1. I am wondering about your opinion of Wilbur Pickering and his stand on Family 35. Textus Receptus, the manuscript tradition behind the KJV and many other Bibles, reads ho monogens huios. This might be surprising to hear after what youve just read, but you might be right. I use this one online (the old translation by Brenton): The reason I added cross-references is because I have only been reading the Bible for a couple months so I probably won't have much use out of the cross-references until I read through a lot. These divisions arent hard and fast, but rather provide a framework to talk about the different Textual Variants. Now, this argument can be used both for and against the Byzantine Text type. (Note: Ive copy/pasted the only relevant difference, but you can: Click here to expand the full list of the Aland rules of Textual Criticism. I also cover the other major verses used to support the doctrine of preservation. Some say Septuagint, and others say the Masoretic Text. Its simplicity itself, but under-girding that simplicity is profound sophistication. 2. dolos (127 times in the NT) will be consistently rendered as slave. If the basis of your faith is the Westminster Confession of Faith, I would humbly suggest you move to a firmer foundation. Id suggest you look at that article for my thoughts. Im really glad you enjoyed the article. Lets say 2 or 3 scribes start making changes to suit their own theological biases. However, the King James Translators used the 1525-1525 Masoretic Text by Daniel Bomberg as the basis for the Old Testament. Apparently, the note-writer regarded Codex Vaticanus as a museum-piece to be protected and preserved, rather than as a copy of Scripture to be used as such. The WEBs over her own head makes it sound like the woman must listen to no one but herself because she is under her own authority. All of these versions, (do you see the problem? For example, they it omit the Johanine comma and include the Pericope Adulterae. It means: Could it be that Jesus was saying my words shall not be rendered void? The 1% argument almost makes it seem not to matter between the TR and Alexandrian-focused textual lines but maybe that only applies to the NASB 1995 for reasons you indicated in the other article? When I am seeking to learn from someone, their attitude and heart are some of the primary things I pay attention to when I give consideration as to how much weight I will allow their teaching to bear on my mind. Psalm 40 6. But the Romans 16:25-27 and 14:24-26 text are identical. However, you must uncheck four boxes in the AutoCorrect option on the Tools menu in Word 97+. On page 78 ofThe King James Only Controversy, author James White states: Once a variant reading appears in a manuscript, it doesnt simply go away. The Doctrine of Preservation of Scripture is the foundation problem that exists with those who question the authority of the Bible. May the Lord continue to grow this character trait in you and continue to bless your studies and teaching skills. If so, then we are dependent on people like you to do the research and help us find it. (Well look at the verses they use to support this statement lower down.) And More Importantly, Why? As soon as the numbers of a minority exceed what can be explained by accidental coincidence, their agreement can only be explained on genealogical grounds. One could even make the case that the Textus Receptus is overall the best Greek New Testament out there. But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christby grace you have been saved and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness towards us in Christ Jesus. Yeah, thats a lot; so heres a picture to make sense of it. The term Septuagint, meaning "seventy," actually refers to the seventy-two translatorssix from each tribe of Israelinvolved in translating the Pentateuch from Hebrew to Greek in the third-century BCE (seventy-two is rounded down to seventy, hence the Roman numeral LXX). but this clause in red is The longer reading is found in the Majority Text, but not in the Critical text. that errors never disappear but instead are copied down through the generations. Medium = Byzantine Text type, characterized by near-identical form over 1000+ years, and most manuscripts are of this type, Long/paraphrase = Western Text type, characterized by its love of paraphrase is like the uncontrolled popular text of Homer. Lets begin with Erasmus. Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.. These few words would have guided her. (Sort of). The Feminist in Pauls day shaved their heads too. (see 1 Timothy 2:11-12, Ephesians 5, 1 Peter 3, 1 Corinthians 7:36-38, Numbers 30, etc.). They have been made available to every generation (Psalm 33:11; Psalm 100:5; Psalm 119:89-90; Isaiah 59:21). Its close-ish, but the actual path was slightly more convoluted than that. Royse provides a chart which conveys that Papyrus 45 has 222 significant singular readings; Papyrus 46 has 471 significant singular readings; Papyrus 47 has 51 significant singular readings; Papyrus 66 has 107 significant singular readings; Papyrus 72 has 98 significant singular readings; Papyrus 75 has 119 significant singular readings. what is contractionary policy used for everfi, hammond hill subdivision baton rouge, brian wallach als obituary, properties on conestoga lake, ford explorer st 93 octane tune, essex police dog rehoming, la science et la technologie avantages et desavantages, how to clear 1500 gems in bejeweled blitz, ole miss baseball prospect camp, camilla prince charles young, hyacinth bulbs asda, norwood hills country club membership cost, billie burke great grandchildren, ben lee cheshire obituary, sam kinison daughter pictures,

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