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In relevant part, section 12 of Rev. Connect with other professionals in a trusted, secure, .07 Appendix of administrative responsibilities Every 403(b) Pre-approved Plan must provide that an appendix to the plan will identify the parties responsible for the various administrative functions under the plan that are necessary to comply with the 403(b) Requirements and other tax requirements, including the requirements that apply on the basis of the aggregated Investment Arrangements issued to a participant under the plan, and will list all the vendors of Investment Arrangements approved for use under the plan. Proc. 2019-39 to expand the situations in which the plan amendment deadline for discretionary amendments made to a 403(b) Pre-approved Plan may be extended. financial reporting, Global trade & Within 30 days following the date the notification is provided, either the Mass Submitter may revise the plan so that the modifications are minor and resubmit the revised plan, or the Provider may submit the application form (or Appendix A) and an additional user fee in an amount equal to the difference between a non-Mass Submitter plan application user fee and a minor modifier adopter application user fee. More for In the case of a plan maintained by one employer, the remedial amendment period ends on the later of: (1) the due date (including extensions) for filing the income tax return for the employers taxable year that includes the date on which the remedial amendment period begins; or (2) the last day of the plan year that includes the date on which the remedial amendment period begins. 2016-37 provides that, for a governmental plan within the meaning of 414(d), the adoption deadline for an interim amendment is: the later of (1) the deadline that would apply under the rules of section 15.04(1), or (2) 90 days after the close of the third regular legislative session of the legislative body with authority to amend the plan that begins on or after the date the amendment becomes effective. As provided in section 7, the plan of such an employer will become an individually designed plan unless the employer adopts a Newly Approved 403(b) Pre-approved Plan during the Employer Adoption Window for the Cycle for which the application was submitted. Background However, the terms of the single plan document or the basic plan document and adoption agreement, as applicable, must satisfy the requirements of applicable law and sections 5.03 through 5.17 (and sections 5.18 and 5.19, if applicable) independent of any Investment Arrangements under the plan or any other documents incorporated by reference. A Single Document Plan consists of a single plan document offered by a Provider without an adoption agreement. 2013-22, employees of a Qualified Church-Controlled Organization (QCCO) or a non-QCCO may not participate in a 403(b) Pre-approved Plan that is intended to be a Retirement Income Account. The following categories of 403(b) Pre-approved Plans apply with respect to a Cycle. (ii) Administrative provisions A Mass Submitter may offer a variety of administrative provisions in its plan for Providers to include or delete from their version of the plan. For information on how to submit comments, see section 28. The rate for any locality of travel within or outside the U.S. for the incidental expenses only deduction is $5 per day. GSA (3) Standardized and Nonstandardized Plans may not be set forth in a single adoption agreement. Proc. New Zealand per diem rates provide for a maximum of $165 excluding GST for accommodation. Investment provisions are those provisions that describe the plans methods of investing assets, including provisions such as the availability of loans and self-directed investments. Proc. (Also Part I, 4941.). The following is an exclusive list of the permittable optional provisions that a Flexible Plan may include: (i) Investment provisions A Mass Submitter may offer a variety of investment provisions in its plan for Providers to include or delete from their version of the plan. 2014-28 modifies Rev. 2020-21 is modified as follows: .02 Time period. 2021-3 is amplified. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, a person that is otherwise eligible to be a Provider generally may apply for an Opinion Letter for a plan that is intended to be a Retirement Income Account without satisfying the 15-Eligible-Employer requirement with respect to that plan. See section 4.26. A basic plan document and all associated adoption agreements should be submitted simultaneously. In response to these concerns, Rev. 3. .07 Existing 403(b) Pre-approved Plan See section 4.27(3)(c). The US military pays its members per diem in accordance with the Joint Travel Regulations. No options (including blanks to be completed) may be provided in the basic plan document portion of the Adoption Agreement Plan (except as provided in section 11.03(1) regarding Flexible Plans). (d) in the case of a provision that is integral to a 403(b) Requirement that has been changed, the date the plan is first operated in accordance with the provision, as amended. 157 (as updated annually). Proc. The IRS anticipates establishing a program that would permit Adopting Employers to apply for a determination letter on Form 5300, Application for Determination for Employee Benefit Plan, under rules and procedures similar to the rules and procedures applicable to 401(a) pre-approved plans (see section 20.03 of Rev. While self-employed persons cannot use the high-low method, they may use other per diem rates to compute the amount of their business expense deduction for business meals and incidental expenses (but not lodging), or for incidental expenses alone. is selected, check all of the following types of employers that may utilize the Retirement Income Account plan: _____b. .15 Minor Modification See section 11.03(2). For further information regarding this revenue procedure, contact Employee Plans at (513) 975-6319 (not a toll-free number). Proc. The estimated total annual reporting and/or recordkeeping burden is 29,149 hours. Section 16.01 of Rev. Accordingly, the Treasury Department and the IRS continue to invite further comments on how to improve the Opinion Letter program. consulting, Products & The Internal Revenue Bulletin is the authoritative instrument of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue for announcing official rulings and procedures of the Internal Revenue Service and for publishing Treasury Decisions, Executive Orders, Tax Conventions, legislation, court decisions, and other items of general interest. (c) The Mass Submitter must initially submit the first page of the application form (or the entire Appendix A) as a placeholder with respect to each Provider that will offer a plan that is a Minor Modification of the Mass Submitters plan during the On-Cycle Submission Period. All commenters are strongly encouraged to submit comments electronically, as access to mail may be limited. .12 The amendment deadline for an interim amendment to a 403(b) Pre-approved Plan that is not a Governmental Plan is the end of the second calendar year following the calendar year in which the change in 403(b) Requirements is effective. In 2021, the credit was temporarily increased to $3,000 for children ages six through 17 (17 year olds were included) and $3,600 for children under six. (Employees must still substantiate the time, place, and business purpose of their travel expenses.) 2014-28, 2014-16 I.R.B. A Flexible Plan also may include related optional provisions in the adoption agreement. 2016-37 (that is, a disqualifying provision that results in the failure of the plan to satisfy the qualification requirements of the Code by reason of a change in those requirements that is effective after December 31, 2001, or that is integral to such disqualifying provision). The IRS is developing the application form to be used and will announce when the form becomes available. 6 See section 2.20 of this revenue procedure for the extension of the expiration date of March 31, 2020, to June 30, 2020, by Notice 2020-35, 2020-25 I.R.B. .13 Definition of employee Each 403(b) Pre-approved Plan that is not a Governmental Plan must define an employee as any employee of the Adopting Employer maintaining the plan or any other Eligible Employer aggregated with that Adopting Employer under 414(b), (c), (m), or (o) and the regulations thereunder. accounting firms, For A plan may be considered not to be in substantial compliance if, for example, it omits language needed to comply with a 403(b) Requirement or merely incorporates requirements by reference to the applicable Code section. Proc. (4) the absence from a plan of a provision required by a change to the 403(b) Requirements (either by statute, or in regulations or other guidance published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin) or integral to the change. Per diem payments are not part of an employees standard wage, so technically, theyre not taxable. However, under certain conditions, it can be considered taxable income. Youll still need to include a per diem for business travel on an income tax return. For the most part, these arent included in the employees tax amount owed. 2013-22 is considered a Cycle 1 Opinion Letter. If the plan provides for contributions other than elective deferrals and the Adopting Employers controlled group includes any employer that is not an Eligible Employer, the Adopting Employer may rely on the Opinion Letter, except with respect to whether contributions other than elective deferrals under the plan satisfy the requirements of 401(a)(4) and 410(b). Rev. Proc. See section 8.04. Integrated software For purposes of computing the amount allowable as a deduction for travel away from home, this notice is effective for meal and incidental expenses or for incidental expenses only paid or incurred on or after October 1, 2021. The Mass Submitter must certify under penalties of perjury that the plan of the Provider, except for the delineated changes, is word-for-word identical to the plan for which the Mass Submitter will be receiving or has received an Opinion Letter. If the Mass Submitter submits a plan with Minor Modifications, it must comply with the requirements of section 11.03(2). A Flexible Plan adopted by a Provider that differs from the Mass Submitter plan only because the Provider has deleted certain optional provisions from its plan in conformance with the Mass Submitters representation described in this paragraph will be treated as a word-for-word identical plan to the Mass Submitter plan. Proc. Section 10.02 and 10.03 of Rev. Optional special per diem rates. .01 Pursuant to 147(f), tax-exempt qualified private activity bonds are subject to a public approval requirement. Proc. 575, to provide that an interim amendment made to a pre-approved plan qualified under 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) is adopted timely if the amendment is adopted by the end of the second calendar year after the calendar year in which the change in qualification requirements is effective with respect to the plan. This revenue procedure extends the time period until March 31, 2022. See section 13.02. 2016-37, including the merger of the M&P and VS programs as provided in Rev. Taxpayers using the rates and list of high-cost localities provided in this notice must comply with Rev. NONTRANSFERABILITY OF OPINION LETTER, SECTION 16. If the new ruling does more than restate the substance of a prior ruling, a combination of terms is used. .21 Rev. Proc. The IRS announced that per diem will be 100% deductible for income tax purposes. The IRS announced in n-21-63 that per diem will be 100% deductible for income tax purposes. For trucking, it had been only 80% deductable and for others, it was less than that. .03 In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, state and local governmental units sought alternatives to in-person hearings held to meet the public approval requirement. Every 403(b) Pre-approved Plan that provides a vesting schedule for contributions other than elective deferrals must also satisfy the following requirements: (1) the portion of a participants interest in the plan that is not vested must be maintained in a separate account for the participant that is treated as a separate contract to which 403(c) (or, in case of a Custodial Account, 401(a)) applies, (2) as amounts in the participants separate account become nonforfeitable, they must be removed from the separate account and treated as amounts held under a 403(b) plan, to the extent permitted under 1.403(b)-3(d)(2)(ii), and (3) all nonvested amounts remaining in the participants separate account must become nonforfeitable upon termination of the plan. .09 Rev. .02 Submission of Opinion Letter applications Rev. Rates for foreign countries are set by the State Department. In this case, the Adopting Employer will lose reliance on the Opinion Letter as of the date participation in the 403(b) Pre-approved Plan ends but the plan will remain eligible for the Cycle system (provided that the Adopting Employer adopts timely interim amendments) until the end of the Cycle that includes the date on which participation in the 403(b) Pre-approved Plan ends. Proc. 1. To expedite the review of substantially identical plans that are not Mass Submitter plans, the IRS encourages plan drafters and Providers to include with each Opinion Letter application, if appropriate, a cover letter setting forth the following information: (1) the name and file folder number (if available) of the plan that, for review purposes, the plan drafter designates as the lead plan (including the name and EIN of the Provider); (2) a list of all plans written by the plan drafter that are substantially identical to the lead plan (including the information described in paragraph (1) of this section 10.05 for each plan); (3) a description of each location in the plan for which the application is being submitted that is not word-for-word identical to the language of the lead plan, including an explanation of the purpose and effect of each difference; and. The temporary exception allows a 100% deduction for food or beverages from restaurants, as long as the expense is paid or incurred in 2021 or 2022. 9 In order to satisfy the 403(b) Requirements, a plan must comply with all relevant 403(b) Requirements, not solely those on the applicable Cumulative List, which generally reflects only the most recent changes to the 403(b) Requirements. 2019-39 provides that every 403(b) Pre-approved Plan will have a recurring Cycle. Proc. 5 For purposes of this revenue procedure, references to Rev. (1) Every 403(b) Pre-approved Plan that is intended to be a Retirement Income Account must state the intent to be a Retirement Income Account in accordance with 1.403(b)-9(a)(2)(ii). Your online resource to get answers to your product and .03 Plans for which an Opinion Letter will not be issued An Opinion Letter will not be issued for: (1) a plan under which the 415 limitations are incorporated by reference; (2) a plan under which the actual contribution percentage (ACP) test under 401(m)(2) is incorporated by reference; (3) a Nonstandardized Plan that provides for hardship distributions under circumstances not described in the safe harbor standards in the regulations under 401(k), unless the availability of these distributions is subject to nondiscriminatory and objective criteria included in the plan; (4) a plan that includes blanks or fill-in provisions for the Adopting Employer to complete, unless the provisions have parameters that preclude the Adopting Employer from completing the provisions in a manner that could violate the 403(b) Requirements; (5) a TEFRA church defined benefit plan (see 1.403(b)-10(f)(2)); or. .03 Church A Church is a church within the meaning of 3121(w)(3)(A). .03 Rev. Failure to make the interim amendments may result in the form of the plan failing to satisfy the 403(b) Requirements. Indicate whether the plan is a (check one): a. Depending upon the length of the IRS review process, Eligible Employers will have approximately a two-year period to adopt the updated plan (Employer Adoption Window). .07 Separate applications required for Single Document Plans A separate plan and application is required for a Single Document Plan. In addition, the IRS reserves the right to require changes after the notification is sent. The likely respondents are banks, insurance companies, other financial institutions, law, actuarial, and consulting firms, employee benefit practitioners and Eligible Employers. The Mass Submitter must also immediately notify any affected minor modifier adopter, and the minor modifier adopter must notify all Adopting Employers of any of its 403(b) Pre-approved Plans affected by the failure and the notification must explain the effect on the reliance by Adopting Employers on the Opinion Letter. 467, Rev. WASHINGTON The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) today released the fiscal year (FY) 2021 travel per diem rates, which will take effect on October 1, 2020. The following locality has changed the portion of the year in which it is a high-cost locality: Jamestown/Middletown/Newport, Rhode Island. The IRS expects to have limited personnel available to process public comments that are submitted on paper through mail. .01 Issuance of an Opinion Letter The IRS will, upon the application of a Provider, issue an Opinion Letter as to satisfaction of the form of the Providers plan with the 403(b) Requirements. 2019-39 establishes a system of recurring Remedial Amendment Periods for 403(b) individually designed plan Form Defects first occurring after the Initial Remedial Amendment Period expires (that is, after June 30, 2020). 369. .12 Rev. Provided an interim amendment (as described in section 9.02 of this revenue procedure) is made timely, except as otherwise provided by statute, regulations, or other guidance published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin, the Remedial Amendment Period for a Form Defect first occurring after the Initial Remedial Amendment Period, expires at the later of (1) the end of the Cycle that includes the date on which the Remedial Amendment Period would have ended if the plan were an individually designed plan, or (2) the end of the first Cycle in which an application for an Opinion Letter that considers the Form Defect may be submitted. (7) Pursuant to section 11.03(2)(c), if a Mass Submitter fails to identify a significant modification, the failure will be considered a material misrepresentation, and an Adopting Employer may not rely on an Opinion Letter issued with respect to the plan for the modification or any other provision of the plan that may be affected by the modification. Proc. and accounting software suite that offers real-time Pursuant to section 9.05(1), beginning on the first day of that plan year, Employer Xs plan is treated as an individually designed plan. .02 Rev. .01 This revenue procedure significantly modifies the procedures set forth in Rev. For this purpose, an Opinion Letter will be given the same effect as a determination letter. For travel within the continental United States, the optional high-low method designates one per diem rate for all high-cost locations and another for all other locations. 2019-39 also states that a Provider must submit an application for an Opinion Letter during the On-Cycle Submission Period that relates to an applicable Cycle. .01 Provisions required in all 403(b) Pre-approved Plans Each 403(b) Pre-approved Plan must comply with the requirements set forth in sections 5.03 through 5.17. (2) Alternatively, by mail to: Internal Revenue Service, Attn: CC:PA:LPD:PR (Rev. For example, a change that limits the number of participant loans or a change that adds a new choice of plan entry date would be considered a Minor Modification. Beginning October 1, 2021, the high-low per diem rate that can be used for lodging, meals, and incidental expenses increases to $296 (from $292) for travel to high-cost locations Proc. Every 403(b) Pre-approved Plan must therefore incorporate by reference the terms of the Investment Arrangements under the plan. .01 Adopting Employer An Adopting Employer is an Eligible Employer that adopts a 403(b) Pre-approved Plan offered by a Provider, including a plan that is word-for-word identical to, or a Minor Modification of, a plan of a Mass Submitter. In this case, in order to have reliance, the Adopting Employer would need to re-adopt the 403(b) Pre-approved Plan after the issuance of the Opinion Letter for the plan. However, the rates vary depending on location. Proc. 274 (n) (2) (D), a taxpayer that properly applies the rules of Rev. .24 Remedial Amendment Cycle A Remedial Amendment Cycle or Cycle means one of a series of recurring Remedial Amendment Periods applicable to 403(b) Pre-approved Plans, during which a Provider submits a proposed 403(b) Pre-approved Plan for review and approval by the IRS, and during which the plan, once approved, is adopted by Eligible Employers. .02 Section 403(b) plan that is a Governmental Plan For a Governmental Plan, a Provider (or the Adopting Employer, if applicable) is considered to have adopted an interim amendment described in section 9.02 timely if the plan amendment is adopted by the later of (1) the end of the second calendar year following the calendar year in which the change in 403(b) Requirements is effective with respect to the plan, or (2) ninety days after the close of the third regular legislative session of the legislative body with the authority to amend the plan that begins on or after the date the plan amendment becomes effective. Providers and Mass Submitters must submit applications for an Opinion Letter during the one-year submission period (referred to as the On-Cycle Submission Period) that relates to an applicable Cycle. For example, if a change in 403(b) Requirements occurs in the 1st year of Cycle 3, and is placed on the Required Amendments List in the 2nd year of Cycle 3, then the Remedial Amendment Period for a Form Defect related to that change would expire at the end of the 4th year of Cycle 3. 743,5 sets forth the procedures of the IRS for issuing opinion and advisory letters for 403(b) Pre-approved Plans for Cycle 1, which began on the later of January 1, 2010, or the effective date of the plan, and that, ended on June 30, 2020. To assist Eligible Employers in achieving operational compliance, updates to the Operational Compliance List currently maintained on the IRS website include changes in 403(b) Requirements that are effective during a calendar year. (3) Section 13.03 of Rev. corporations, For This Remedial Amendment Period applies regardless of whether the Form Defect relates to a new plan or is due to an amendment (without regard to whether that amendment was required to be adopted) provided that the plan or amendment was adopted timely and in good faith with the intent of complying with the 403(b) Requirements. Proc. For these purposes, a custodial account and a Retirement Income Account are treated as a 403(b) annuity contract. 2020-40, sets forth rules for a regular six-year remedial amendment cycle for 401(a) pre-approved plans and an extension of the remedial amendment period and adoption deadline for plan amendments for 401(a) pre-approved plans. An Eligible Employer that adopts a Standardized Plan as an amendment to a plan other than a Standardized Plan may not rely on the Opinion Letter for the Standardized Plan with respect to whether a benefit, right, or feature that is prospectively eliminated satisfies the current availability requirements of 1.401(a)(4)-4, if applicable. .10 Provisions regarding reliance Each 403(b) Pre-approved Plan must include, in close proximity to the signature line, a statement that describes the limitations on employer reliance on an Opinion Letter. firms, CS Professional The IRS anticipates providing updated LRMs before the On-Cycle Submission Period with respect to a Cycle begins. Each 403(b) Pre-approved Plan that is a Governmental Plan must define an employee as any employee of the Adopting Employer maintaining the plan or any other Eligible Employer aggregated with that Adopting Employer in a manner consistent with Notice 89-23. 2014-28 and Rev. See also Rev. An Adopting Employer of a Nonstandardized Plan that includes 401(m) matching contributions may rely on the plans Opinion Letter with respect to whether the form of the plan satisfies the ACP test of 401(m)(2) if the Adopting Employer elects to use a safe harbor definition of compensation in the test. If a 403(b) Pre-approved Plan is intended to be a Retirement Income Account, the plan also must include the provisions set forth in section 5.19. The Provider also must notify each Adopting Employer of the withdrawal of the application and the consequences of the withdrawal to the Adopting Employer. Comments may be submitted in one of two ways: (1) Electronically via the Federal eRulemaking Portal at (type IRS-2021-0011 in the search field on the homepage to find this revenue procedure and submit comments). The principal author of this revenue procedure is Angelique Carrington of the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Employee Benefits, Exempt Organizations, and Employment Taxes). (1) For each Cycle, the IRS intends to publish a Cumulative List for 403(b) Pre-approved Plans shortly before the start of the Cycles On-Cycle Submission Period. See section 8. (4) The terms of the plan must set forth the nondiscrimination requirements of 403(b)(12). 2019-48 (or successor). If you have comments concerning the format or production of the Internal Revenue Bulletin or suggestions for improving it, we would be pleased to hear from you. The special meal and incidental expenses rates for taxpayers in the transportation industry are $66 for any travel locality within the continental United States and $71 for any travel locale outside the continental U.S. 647, as modified by Rev. Employer X decides to no longer be an individually designed plan and adopts a Newly Approved 403(b) Pre-approved Plan during the Cycle 3 Employer Adoption Window. 2020-21 and modifies and supersedes Rev. This notification is for the convenience of the applicable Mass Submitter or Provider concerning the status of its application and does not constitute an official Opinion Letter on which the Mass Submitter or Provider may rely. Retirement income accounts (Note that Retirement Income Account plans must have a separate plan document). 2016-37 and Rev. (Compare with amplified and clarified, above). The collections of information in this revenue procedure are in sections 5.11, 9.01, 9.02, 10.03, 11, and 19. Unpublished rulings will not be relied on, used, or cited as precedents by Service personnel in the disposition of other cases. 2017-18, 2017-5 I.R.B. The Adopting Employer will have until the end of the Cycle 2 Employer Adoption Window to adopt a Cycle 2 Newly Approved 403(b) Pre-approved Plan that permits the participation of an employee described in 414(e)(3)(B) and that includes the nondiscrimination requirements that apply to any employee other than an employee of a QCCO or Church. See Section 2.01 of Rev. For purposes of this definition, affiliation is determined under 414(b) and (c). The per diem rates in lieu of the rates described in Notice 2020-71 (the meal and incidental expenses only substantiation method) are $74 for travel to any high-cost locality and Proc. See Rev. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the loss of eligibility to offer 403(b) Pre-approved Plans and the revocation of Opinion Letters that have been issued to the Provider. .02 Delivery service An application shipped by Express Mail or a delivery service should be sent to the attention of the Pre-Approved Plans Coordinator, to: Internal Revenue Service 550 Main Street Room 6-403, Group 7521 Cincinnati, OH 45202. .01 Opinion Letters Applications for an Opinion Letter, including applications filed by Mass Submitters, should be sent to: Internal Revenue Service Attn: Pre-Approved Plans Coordinator Room 6-403, Group 7521 P.O. Per Diem Rates Maximum travel per diem rates for current and prior years for the continental United States are available at the General Service Administration (GSA) Website: Per Diem Rates Any area that is not specifically listed is assigned the standard CONUS (Continental United States) per diem rate. However, if, instead, Employer X decides to continue to be an individually designed plan, then, by the end of Cycle 3, Employer Xs plan must be amended to reflect all changes in 403(b) Requirements for which the Remedial Amendment Period applicable to individually designed plans will have expired;8 moreover, after Cycle 3, Employer Xs plan is subject to the Remedial Amendment Period rules for individually designed plans. b. No results could be found for the location you've entered. 2016-37 is redesignated as section 15.06(1). .04 Provision regarding conflicting provisions in Investment Arrangement or other documents Each 403(b) Pre-approved Plan must provide that, in the event of any conflict between the terms of the single plan document or the basic plan document and adoption agreement, as applicable, and the terms of Investment Arrangements under the plan (or of any other documents incorporated by reference into the plan), the terms of the single plan document or the basic plan document and adoption agreement, as applicable, shall govern. Provided that Employer X adopts timely interim amendments, Employer Xs plan will remain eligible for the Cycle through the end of Cycle 3. Proc. A Single Document Plan may accommodate usage by more than one type of Eligible Employer; however, a Retirement Income Account plan must always be filed as a separate Single Document Plan. This revenue procedure modifies the interim amendment deadline set forth in section 15.04(1) of Rev. In addition, an Adopting Employer of any 403(b) Pre-approved Plan (whether a Standardized Plan or a Nonstandardized Plan) that adds language to satisfy the requirements of 415 due to the required aggregation of plans may obtain reliance with regard to 415 by applying for a determination letter using Form 5307 (as updated), under procedures similar to the procedures applicable to 401(a) pre-approved plans. The plan must provide that, for purposes of allocations, the definition of total compensation is all compensation within the meaning of 415(c)(3), excluding all other compensation, or compensation that otherwise satisfies 414(s) and 1.414(s)-1(c). Proc. Proc. The specified period for which Sedona, Arizona is a high cost locality under section 5, paragraph 2 of Notice 2020-71 is modified to be October 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020; March 1, 2021 - April 30, 2021; and September 1, 2021 - September 30, 2021. Proc. If there nevertheless is a conflict, the terms of the single plan document or the basic plan document and adoption agreement, as applicable, must control. As provided in section 11.01 of Rev. The signature requirement may be satisfied by an electronic signature that reliably authenticates and verifies the adoption of the adoption agreement or single plan document, or the restatement, amendment, or modification thereof, by the Adopting Employer. These modifications generally make the 403(b) Pre-approved Plan program more similar to the 401(a) pre-approved plan program. 96-49, 1996-2 C.B. .08 Sample language The IRS anticipates providing updated LRMs before the On-Cycle Submission Period with respect to a Cycle begins. 82-102, 1982-1 C.B. Changes in high-cost localities. 2016-37 defines an interim amendment as an amendment with respect to a disqualifying provision described in section 5.03 of Rev. .03 Timing of issuance of Opinion Letters The IRS intends to issue Opinion Letters for a Cycle to Mass Submitters and Providers at approximately the same time within the Cycle for all applications submitted during the Cycles On-Cycle Submission Period (other than an application for a plan that is a Minor Modification of a Mass Submitter plan). Proc. L. 116-94, 133 Stat. collaboration. Available at .19 On-Cycle Submission Period See section 4.24. .10 Rev. Proc. Foreign Per Diem Rates by Location DSSR 925. Proc. Modified is used where the substance of a previously published position is being changed. Since the terms of Investment Arrangements under a 403(b) Pre-approved Plan must be incorporated by reference into the plan and those arrangements may not have any provisions that are inconsistent with 403(b), plan terms that are required in a single plan document or the basic plan document and adoption agreement, as applicable, under this section 5 should not create a conflict with the terms of the Investment Arrangements under a properly drafted 403(b) Pre-approved Plan. The Remedial Amendment Period permits a plan to be amended retroactively to comply with a change in 403(b) Requirements; however, a plan must be operated in compliance with a change in 403(b) Requirements beginning on the effective date of the change. If an employer pays per diem allowances that exceed what is deemed substantiated, however, the employer must either treat the excess as taxable wages or require actual substantiation. However, the plan as adopted by a Provider must provide a method for investing assets. See section 8.03(4) for the effect on reliance in the event of a conflict. 2013-22 noted that the IRS was not establishing a determination letter program for 403(b) plans at that time, so that an employer adopting a 403(b) Pre-approved Plan would not be able to apply for an individual determination letter for the plan. See Rev. Find current rates in the continental United States ("CONUS Rates") by searching below with city In the case of multiple employers that are not part of the same controlled group (as determined under 414(b), (c), (m), or (o)) participating in the plan, each Adopting Employer must identify whether it is a Church, QCCO, or any other employer (such as a non-QCCO or minister). If the Adopting Employer selects an allocation formula for contributions other than elective deferrals that satisfies one of the design-based safe harbors in 1.401(a)(4)-2(b)(2), and, if the allocation formula is based on compensation, selects a safe harbor compensation definition that satisfies 1.414(s)-1(c), then the Adopting Employer may rely on an Opinion Letter with respect to the nondiscriminatory amounts requirement under 401(a)(4), if applicable. This part is divided into two subparts as follows: Subpart A, Tax Conventions and Other Related Items, and Subpart B, Legislation and Related Committee Reports. Any plan submitted by a Mass Submitter must include language designating the Mass Submitter as agent for the Provider for purposes of making plan amendments. The IRS will also consider in its review of any Opinion Letter application all 403(b) Requirements that are not described in section 13.02(3), and not solely those on the applicable Cumulative List.9 For example, if a Provider submits an application for a Cycle 2 Opinion Letter for a new plan that did not receive a Cycle 1 Opinion Letter, the IRS will review the plan taking into account the Cumulative List for Cycle 2, as well as the 403(b) Requirements that were reviewed during Cycle 1. See section 12.02. .25 Remedial Amendment Period The Remedial Amendment Period is the period during which a 403(b) plan may be amended to comply retroactively with the 403(b) Requirements. 1. In this case, the Adopting Employer will lose reliance on the Opinion Letter as of the effective date of the amendment but the plan will remain eligible for the Cycle system (provided that the Adopting Employer adopts timely interim amendments) until the end of the Cycle that includes the effective date. Proc. In addition, the Mass Submitter may then submit applications for an Opinion Letter under this section 11.01 for its other plans, regardless of the number of identical adopters of the other plans. Proc. This revenue procedure sets forth the procedures of the IRS for issuing opinion letters regarding the satisfaction in form of 403(b) pre-approved plans with respect to the requirements of 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code for the second remedial amendment cycle (Cycle 2). management, More for accounting Suspended is used in rare situations to show that the previous published rulings will not be applied pending some future action such as the issuance of new or amended regulations, the outcome of cases in litigation, or the outcome of a Service study. In the case of a plan maintained by more than one employer, the remedial amendment period ends on the last day of the tenth month following the last day of the plan year in which the remedial amendment period begins. 727; and Rev. 2013-22 to change the address to which applications for an opinion or advisory letter should be submitted and to insert a user fee that was previously omitted. Proc. Proc. .09 Any Nonstandardized Plan may provide for either safe harbor or non-safe harbor hardship distributions. The Introduction at the beginning of this issue describes the purpose and content of this publication. (2) Expiration of Remedial Amendment Period Unless otherwise specified in guidance published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin, the expiration date for a Remedial Amendment Period for a Form Defect first occurring after the Initial Remedial Amendment Period is described in this section 2.13(2). .17 Section 11.04 of Rev. Prior to issuing Opinion Letters for a Cycle, the IRS will send a notification to the applicable Mass Submitter or Provider, if the IRS determines that the plan appears to be in full compliance with the applicable 403(b) Requirements, based on the submissions and the review as of the date of notification. Self-employment tax rate is 15.3% of net SE earnings, broken down asfollows: Social Security portion: Net SE earnings (up to limit) 12.4% Medicare portion: Net SE earnings 2.9% Additional Medicare tax of 0.9% on earned income over $200,000(Single, HOH, QW), $250,000 (MFJ), or $125,000 (MFS). The IRS will regard the information and certification described in paragraphs (3) and (4) of this section 10.05 as a representation of a material fact for purposes of issuing an Opinion Letter. The basic plan document includes all of the nonelective provisions applicable to all Adopting Employers, and the adoption agreement includes the options that may be selected by each Adopting Employer. The Treasury Department and the IRS invite comments on this revenue procedure. accounting, Firm & workflow Proc. Non-qualified Church-Controlled Organization. Notice 2021-63 therefore provides a special rule: Solely for purposes of Sec. Thus, a separate 403(b) Pre-approved Plan is required for a plan that is intended to constitute a Retirement Income Account. For further information regarding this notice contact James Liechty at (202) 317-7005 (not a toll-free number). .04 Amendments of Mass Submitter plans If a Mass Submitter amends one of its 403(b) Pre-approved Plans, the Mass Submitter must provide copies of the amendment to Providers that have adopted the plan. healthcare, More for The per-diem amount you will be issued for meals and lodging depends on the location to which you are traveling. Explore all It further provides that upon issuance of a new opinion or advisory letter for the restated plan, Adopting Employers generally are required to adopt the restated plan. 2021-3, 2021-1 I.R.B. For more information on FY 2021 travel per diem rates, please visit .04 This revenue procedure extends the plan amendment deadline for making interim amendments with respect to a change in 403(b) Requirements, for most plans, until the end of the second calendar year following the calendar year in which the change in 403(b) Requirements is effective with respect to the plan. It is published weekly. .13 The expiration date of the limited extension of the Initial Remedial Amendment Period for certain Form Defects is provided. Use the rate for the area where your employee spends the night. .07 Section 21.03 of Rev. By law, GSA sets these rates annually. 2019-39 provides that a Provider (or Eligible Employer) is considered to have adopted an interim amendment timely if the amendment is adopted by the later of (1) the end of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the change in 403(b) Requirements is effective with respect to the plan, or (2) in the case of a Governmental Plan, the later of (a) the end of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the change in 403(b) Requirements is effective with respect to the plan, or (b) 90 days after the close of the third regular legislative session of the legislative body with the authority to amend the plan that begins on or after the date the plan amendment becomes effective. (6) Pursuant to section 10.10, a Providers failure to disclose a material fact, misrepresentation of a material fact, or failure to accurately provide any of the information called for on any form required by this revenue procedure (or in Appendix A, if used) may result in the inability of Adopting Employers to rely on an Opinion Letter (for example, if there is a failure to disclose a material fact, the IRS may revoke the Opinion Letter due to the failure). This annual notice provides the 2021-2022 special per diem rates for taxpayers to use in substantiating the amount of ordinary and necessary business expenses incurred while traveling away from home, specifically (1) the special transportation industry meal and incidental expenses (M&IE) rates, (2) the rate for the incidental expenses only deduction, and (3) the rates and list of high-cost localities for purposes of the high-low substantiation method. statement, 2019 .23 Rev. Find the answers to all your clients' questions about Social Security and Medicare in this essential Quickfinder handbook by Thomson Reuters Checkpoint. See section 8.04. The per diem rates in lieu of the rates described in Notice 2021 -52 (the meal and incidental expenses only substantiation method) are $74 for travel to Section 13 of Rev. Instead, the Mass Submitter should submit a restated plan, including the amendments, during the next Cycle. For this purpose, a plan is a written defined contribution plan that, in both form and operation, satisfies the requirements of the final regulations under 403(b).4. Proc. Annuity contracts issued by an insurance company, _____c. This revenue procedure modifies Rev. ): If 4.c. Under the high-low method, the per diem rate for all The amendment must be made in good faith with the intent of complying with the 403(b) Requirements. Distinguished describes a situation where a ruling mentions a previously published ruling and points out an essential difference between them. The special M&IE rates for taxpayers in the transportation industry are $69 for any locality of travel in the continental United States (CONUS) and $74 for any locality of travel outside the continental United States (OCONUS). 2016-37, which is applicable to a governmental plan within the meaning of 414(d), and which is determined by reference to the interim amendment deadline for a plan that is not a governmental plan, is modified. 786, to change the portion of the year Sedona, Arizona is a high-cost locality under section 5 of Notice 2020-71. 2019-39 is modified. 945, as modified by Notice 2020-35, 2020-25 I.R.B. The following locality has been added to the list of high-cost localities: Hilton Head, South Carolina. 1 A cumulative list of all revenue rulings, revenue procedures, Treasury decisions, etc., published in Internal Revenue Bulletins 202027 through 202052 is in Internal Revenue Bulletin 202052, dated December 27, 2020. See Rev. The meal portion is based on the average costs of three daily meals at dining establishments typically used by federal employees in that location. An Adopting Employer that fails to adopt a newly approved version of a 403(b) Pre-approved Plan by the end of any Employer Adoption Window will no longer be treated as maintaining a 403(b) Pre-approved Plan. Thus, if an earlier ruling held that a principle applied to A, and the new ruling holds that the same principle also applies to B, the earlier ruling is amplified. Proc. Cycle 2 began on July 1, 2020. .01 Section 403(b) plan that is not a Governmental Plan For a 403(b) Pre-approved Plan that is not a Governmental Plan, a Provider (or the Adopting Employer, if applicable) is considered to have adopted an interim amendment described in section 9.02 timely if the amendment is adopted by the end of the second calendar year following the calendar year in which the change in 403(b) Requirements is effective with respect to the plan. 2016-37, 2016-29 I.R.B. ELIGIBILITY FOR THE CYCLE SYSTEM, SECTION 8. Proc. Section 21.02 of Rev. 2017-41 provides for a single Opinion Letter program that combines and replaces the Master & Prototype (M&P) and Volume Submitter (VS) programs, under which M&P sponsors and VS practitioners, respectively, submitted their plans to the IRS for review. 2014 - 2023 (2) The Cumulative List for a Cycle will identify changes in the 403(b) Requirements that will be taken into account with respect to the plan document submitted to the IRS for the Cycle and that were not taken into account by the IRS in its review during any prior Cycle. .05 Section 15.06(1)(b) of Rev. Proc. A Mass Submitter must bracket and identify the optional provisions when submitting the plan to the IRS, and also must provide the IRS a written representation describing the choices available to Providers and the coordination of optional provisions. is checked, do you expect at least 15 Eligible Employers to adopt one of your 403(b) plans? or 4.d. The IRS may, in appropriate circumstances, request documentation of the assumption of sponsorship prior to issuing an Opinion Letter to the new entity. 2017-41, 2017-29 I.R.B. 698; Rev. .25 Rev. Official websites use .gov See section 23.01. .14 Sections 10 and 11 of Rev. .23 Related Employers For a plan that is not a Governmental Plan, Related Employers means all employers that are aggregated with the Adopting Employer under 414(b) and (c) (each as modified by 415(h)), (m), and (o) and the regulations thereunder. Part IV.Items of General Interest. 2017-41, 2017-29 I.R.B. Standardized and Nonstandardized Plans may not be combined in one Single Document Plan. Please note the meal and incidental rates are inclusive of GST. This information will be used to determine whether a plan is entitled to favorable tax treatment. A lock ( Part II.Treaties and Tax Legislation. EXPIRATION OF REMEDIAL AMENDMENT PERIOD, SECTION 23. .05 Section 15.06(2) of Rev. .04 Obtaining a determination letter An Adopting Employer of a Nonstandardized Plan that makes amendments to the plan that are not extensive may obtain reliance that the form of the plan, as amended, satisfies the 403(b) Requirements by requesting a determination letter using Form 5307 (as updated) under procedures similar to the procedures applicable to 401(a) pre-approved plans, and may do so regardless of whether a prior determination letter has been issued with respect to the plan. Employers can use the high-low method for substantiating lodging, meals, and incidental expenses, or for substantiating meal and incidental expenses only (M&IE). .20 Opinion Letter An Opinion Letter is a written statement issued by the IRS to a Provider or Mass Submitter that the form of a 403(b) Pre-approved Plan satisfies the 403(b) Requirements. services,, Social Security and Medicare Quickfinder Handbook, Agencies Increase 2023 Surprise Billing IDR Administrative Fee, IRS Proposes Permanent Relief From Physical Presence Requirement for Certain Electronic Signatures. .01 This revenue procedure sets forth the procedures of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for issuing Opinion Letters1 regarding the satisfaction in form of 403(b) Pre-approved Plans with respect to the requirements of 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) for the second Remedial Amendment Cycle (Cycle 2). In addition, if an employer adds language to a 403(b) Pre-approved Plan to satisfy the requirements of 415 due to the required aggregation of plans, the employer may obtain reliance with regard to 415 by applying for a determination letter on Form 5307 (as updated). A Cycle ends at the end of the last day of the Employer Adoption Window for that Cycle. The application will be subject to a reduced user fee as provided in Appendix A of Rev. Proc. Proc. 2016-37 is revised to read as follows: In the case of an interim amendment, an employer (or an M&P sponsor or VS practitioner, if applicable) is considered to have timely adopted the amendment if the plan amendment is adopted by the end of the second calendar year following the calendar year in which the change in qualification requirements is effective with respect to the plan. .02 Notification to employers A Provider that intends to discontinue sponsorship of a 403(b) Pre-approved Plan that has one or more Adopting Employers must inform each Adopting Employer of the date on which the Provider will discontinue sponsorship, and that the Adopting Employers plan will cease to be a 403(b) Pre-approved Plan and convert to an individually designed plan on that date. The weekly Internal Revenue Bulletins are available at (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section 8.02, an Adopting Employer of a Nonstandardized Plan may not rely on the plans Opinion Letter with respect to the requirements, if applicable, of: (b) 415, if the Adopting Employer or any of its Related Employers maintain another 403(b) plan covering any of the same participants as the Nonstandardized Plan. Please try again later. 2019-48 (or successor). .08 All 403(b) Pre-approved Plans are required to provide a definition of Employee. For a full schedule of per diem rates by destination, click on any of the states below. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR MASS SUBMITTERS, SECTION 13. REVIEW OF OPINION LETTER APPLICATIONS; ISSUANCE OF OPINION LETTERS; EMPLOYER ADOPTION WINDOW, SECTION 15. 2020-40 modifies Rev. (c) Change in 403(b) Requirements In the case of a provision that is related to, or integral to, a change in 403(b) Requirements, on the later of (i) the last day of the second calendar year that begins after the issuance of the Required Amendments List (described in section 8 of Rev. There are, however, areas in which the Service will not issue letter rulings or determination letters. Proc. Further, if more than one governmental unit is required to hold a public hearing, the hearings may be combined as long as the combined hearing affords the residents of all of the participating governmental units a reasonable opportunity to be heard. 2020-21, effective May 4, 2020, provides temporary guidance regarding the public approval requirement under 147(f). Each 403(b) Pre-approved Plan that is a Governmental Plan must credit all service with any employer aggregated with the Adopting Employer in a manner consistent with Notice 89-23, as service with the Adopting Employer maintaining the plan. .11 The expiration date of the Remedial Amendment Period for Form Defects first occurring after June 30, 2020, in a 403(b) Pre-approved Plan is provided. A ruling may also be obsoleted because the substance has been included in regulations subsequently adopted. 136, as modified by Rev. (2) An Adopting Employer may not rely on an Opinion Letter if the Adopting Employers adoption of a 403(b) Pre-approved Plan precedes the issuance of an Opinion Letter for the plan. Section 1.415(f)-1(f)(2) includes a special rule providing that, if a participant on whose behalf a 403(b) annuity contract is purchased is in control of any employer for a limitation year, the 403(b) annuity contract is aggregated with all other defined contribution plans maintained by that employer. To be considered timely, section 13.03 of Rev. If an application is withdrawn, the case may be referred to IRS Employee Plans Examinations. .04 Section 15.06(1)(a) of Rev. For example, the adoption agreement, if applicable, should be amended to require that an Adopting Employer identify whether it is a non-QCCO (in which case, its employees participating in the plan would be subject to the nondiscrimination requirements of 403(b)(12)). 2020-40, 2020-38 I.R.B. 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